
No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

author:Tomatoes love the sun

Good dishes, good soup, good taste, good feelings. This year, no two good dishes are embarrassed to go out. The smell of fireworks in the world, you and I know each other, click on the "attention" above to thank god for the encounter, and "tomato love sunshine" accompanied, happy and happy.

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As the saying goes, no chicken is not a seat, the year of the tiger eats chicken, auspicious, before and after the Spring Festival, relatives and friends come to visit, always have to get one or two delicious chicken dishes, these ten delicious chickens, the ingredients are easy to get, the operation is simple, you can do it at home, Chinese New Year's Eve on the dinner table to get one is also a very face-saving thing, these ten dishes taste good, come and watch it.

Home-cooked white cut chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

White cut chicken is a favorite of southerners and is also a delicacy on the table of many families. Well-made white cut chicken, smooth skin and tender meat, original taste, with dipping sauce, fragrant in the mouth, chewy head, very delicious and delicious.

Choose about 3 pounds of native chicken, live chicken slaughtered and washed, chicken head, butt, neck, chicken feet, internal organs for other uses.

Marinate to remove the fishy taste, with ginger juice, cooking wine, the whole chicken spread well, put in the refrigerator for half an hour, add water that can cover the whole chicken in an iron pot, add green onion and ginger, water until boiling, soak the chicken for a few seconds and then lift, repeat three times.

After blanching, put the chicken in the pot and cook on low heat for 10 minutes, after cooking, turn off the heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.

After the chicken is removed, it is immediately placed in ice water, fished out in one minute, and the chicken opened after the cold water is boiled, and the chicken is tightly wrapped in a towel to remove the water.

Take a spoonful of peanut oil and apply it all over the chicken to make the chicken look radiant, golden and translucent.

A complete white cut chicken production process is complete.

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

White cut chicken dipped in water: 3 parts ginger, 7 parts green onion, garlic mashed into minced garlic. Put the peanut oil in the pot, cook until it is 30% hot, add the green onion, ginger and garlic, pour in the soy sauce, oil consumption, salt, and stir well.

Warm tips: save without wasting, by the way make a braised chicken offal prepared chicken offal, dried peppers, spicy soy sauce, onion, garlic, ginger, salt, water, chicken chowder water, remove the floating matter, hot pot pour oil, oil heat after adding onion ginger garlic and chili pepper stir-fry, pour in blanched water chicken offal stir-fry, put salt, soy sauce, add a small bowl of water, cook for about 5 minutes, turn the heat to collect the juice.

Country pepper chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Slaughter and clean the domestic chickens, use the offal for other purposes, put it in boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes until sitting, then remove and chop into small cubes.

The chicken nuggets are then placed in a bowl one by one, the skins are laid down neatly, and finally the chicken heads and crushed chicken nuggets are placed.

Pour sesame oil into the pan, fry the peppercorns until the peppercorns are browned, and pour the oil into a chicken nugget bowl.

Mix the MSG, soy sauce, vinegar and salt together and pour into a chicken nugget bowl.

Wash the ginger and green onion, cut into small pieces and place on top of the chicken nuggets.

Place the chicken bowl in the steamer basket and steam over high heat for about 30 minutes until the chicken is cooked thoroughly, seasoned into the bone, and then returned to the basket on a large plate.

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Warm tips: green pepper fried chicken offal is also a good dish yo, first of all, the chicken offal clean, prepare soy sauce, ginger, cooking wine, green pepper wash and shredded, iron pot pour oil, hot oil, put in chicken offal stir-fry, put a spoonful of salt, half a spoon of sugar, half a spoon of soy sauce to continue stir-frying, and finally pour in green pepper, stir-fry two or three times from the pot can be.

Salt baked chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Choose a chicken with tender and smooth, crispy skin, full fat and delicious taste, not too tender, otherwise there is no taste, and it is more greasy.

The chicken is washed, the head, neck, and feet are removed, then air-dried, the rice wine and ginger are smeared on the chicken body, marinated for 15 minutes, and the remaining rice wine is poured into the chicken belly, or some spices can be put into the chicken belly.

Wrap the chicken in special salt-baked chicken paper or kitchen paper, and be sure to wrap it tightly.

Put a layer of coarse salt into the pot, put in the star anise, fragrant leaves, a little white root, stir-fry to make the salt boiling, then put the chicken in, then cover the whole chicken body with coarse salt, cover the lid, bake over low heat for an hour, after an hour, open the coarse salt, take out the chicken, chop the pieces and plate it to serve.

The skin is smooth and the flesh is smooth, the bone flavor is strong, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

Warm tips: the bottom of the pot should be a sufficient amount of coarse salt, take the chicken carefully not to break the paper wrapped in chicken, use professional salt baking paper, kitchen paper, or first use the yarn paper that has been brushed with oil beforehand, and then wrap it with tin foil.

Pepper chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Prepare the tender rooster, peppercorns, shallots, ginger, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken broth, sesame oil.

Slaughter the chickens, remove the hair, use the internal organs separately, put them in a pot, add the green onion and ginger pieces and cook them, remove them from the cold, and drain the water.

Chop the cooked chicken into chunks and place on a plate.

Finely chop the peppercorns and green onion leaves, add soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, and chicken broth to form a pepper sauce and drizzle on the chicken nuggets.

Fresh and tender, pepper and hemp flavor, spicy and fresh, can't stop wanting.

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Warm tips: pickled pepper chicken offal is a good side dish, prepare chicken offal, water fungus, pickled pepper, pickled ginger, garlic, watercress sauce, peppercorns, green onions, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, water starch, a little salt mixed well, mix the starch and chicken offal, soak ginger and garlic slices, pickled pepper cut horse ear shape, green onion cut into segments, watercress chopped, canola oil in the pot, 50% heat after adding watercress kimchi and other ingredients to fry incense, add chicken offal slippery, cook into cooking wine, add a little sugar seasoning, chicken offal after the raw added fungus stir-fry well, sprinkle with green onion flowers.

Zhongyuan home-cooked grilled chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

A classic Lu dish, one of the Three Treasures of Texas.

Ingredients: Chicken, mushroom, ginger, soy sauce, salt, peanut oil, cloves, sand kernels, grass fruits, white root, fennel in a small amount each.

Live chickens are slaughtered and feathered, washed with clean water, and used for other purposes.

Add 50 grams of maltose and water to the chicken. Heat the pan until it is 80% hot, add the chicken to the fry until golden brown, drain the oil.

Add enough water to the pot, drown the chicken as well, put the fried chicken into the pot, cloves, sand kernels, grass fruits, white root, fennel wrapped in cloth into the pot, add ginger, salt, mushrooms, soy sauce.

Bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam, move over low heat and simmer for half an hour, until the chicken is crispy.

When fishing chickens, pay attention to keeping the chicken skin from breaking and the whole chicken from breaking.

Hometown hand-torn chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Prepare a small chai chicken, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce, sugar, pepper.

Wash the chicken, suck up the water with absorbent paper or a dry towel, coat it with soy sauce, let it sit for an hour, fry it in hot oil and fish it out.

Sauté chives and ginger in oil, fish out when browned, mix enough water, add seasoning soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce, sugar, pepper and bring to a boil, add wood chicken, reduce heat to 20 minutes, remove and let cool;

Peel off the meat by hand, peel and bone it, tear it into strips, drain it into a dish, and pour a little of the remaining broth into it.

Home-style salivating chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Spit chicken is a Han specialty dish, which belongs to the cold dish of Sichuan cuisine, one of the eight major cuisines of the Han chinese in China, with rich condiments and spicy fresh flavor and tenderness.

Wash the tender chicken and remove the tip of the chicken; slice the ginger and knot the green onion. Put the chicken in cold water, after the water is boiled, skim off the foam, add cooking wine, green onion and ginger, half a large ingredient, several peppercorns and a few peppercorns, cover and boil for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes. Immerse all the cooked chicken in ice water, remove it after it has cooled completely, let it dry, and brush the surface with a layer of sesame oil.

Prepare the red oil: Place the paprika, sesame seeds, and salt in a bowl. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot and heat a little shallot, ginger slices, garlic slices, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, peppercorns, and large ingredients over low heat until fragrant. Then use a colander to scoop out the ingredients, pour the oil into the chili bowl, and then cover the bowl with a saucer and simmer.

Combine minced garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt, red oil and a small amount of chicken broth into a sauce.

Divide the whole chicken in half, chop it into strips and neatly stack it on a plate.

Pour over the mixture and sprinkle a small amount of shallots and red peppers on the surface.


The cooked chicken is immediately immersed in ice water, which makes the chicken skin tight and crisp, and it is not easy to rot

Central Plains hometown roast chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Ingredients to prepare: chicken, sand kernels, grass fruits, cinnamon, honey, galangal, tangerine peel, cloves, white root, nutmeg, salt.

Slaughter the chicken well, put the blood clean, take advantage of the chicken body is still warm, put in 60 ~ 70 ° C hot water for about 5 minutes, and then burn the hair, which can make the light chicken clean and white, beautiful color.

Then cut off the chicken feet, and use a knife to make a small opening above the neck of the chicken, so that the esophagus trachea is exposed, and then cut a long mouth of 7 to 8 cm between the buttocks and legs, cut the esophagus, trachea, take out the internal organs, cut off the anus, and then wash the remaining blood and dirt with water.

Place the washed chicken on the board, belly up, cut the middle of the ribs and spine with a knife, and press the fold by hand.

Then use a small wooden stick to put it into the belly to prop up, and then make a small opening at the tip of the chicken's lower abdomen, cross the legs into the mouth, and insert the wings into the mouth, so that it becomes a semicircle with both ends pointed, and then dry the surface water.

The dried chicken body is smeared with honey water into a hot pot of 150 ° C ~ 160 ° C and fried into pink fishing, put into another pot, add the old brine and all the spices, at the same time the brine is dissolved and added, the chicken is pressed on the bamboo grate, so that the chicken is all submerged in the brine, and then the nitrate is dissolved and added, boiled over high heat.

Continue simmering over low heat until the chicken is cooked and remove from the pan.

Before fishing the chicken, prepare the tools, and when fishing, you must cooperate with the hands and eyes to make the shape of the chicken meet the requirements of complete and beautiful.

Warm tips: the technique is fast, to ensure that it is clean and bright; when brine, from the beginning of the pot to cook about 4 hours, the soup used in the brine can continue to be used later, called old brine; the proportion of honey water is 60% of water, honey 40%.

Homemade crispy chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Prepare in advance: 1 chicken, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine, five-spice powder, dried safflower peppercorns, dried ginger, green onion, maltose syrup, monosodium glutamate, sesame sesame oil.

After the young chicken is slaughtered, remove the head, wings and claws and remove them with water.

The inside and outside of the chicken body are smeared with a mixture of salt, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine, allspice powder, peppercorns, ginger and green onion stuffed into the chicken belly, steamed bowl, basketed and steamed, take out with absorbent paper to absorb water, smear syrup on hot, remove green onions, ginger and peppercorns.

Let the chicken cool, put the wok on high heat, heat the vegetable oil, add the chicken until the skin is brownish red, let it cool slightly, remove the large bones, cut into strips about 5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, and place in the shape of a chicken on the plate.

Mix the original steamed chicken juice, MSG, sugar and sesame oil, and then serve on a saucer or drizzle over the chicken body.

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Tips: Stir-frying spicy chicken offal is a rare delicacy.

Ingredients: Chicken offal, green pepper, millet pepper, pickled pepper, green onion, garlic, ginger, oil, salt, sugar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper, beer, chicken essence.

Method: Wash and cut the chicken offal, do not cut the liver too thinly; pickle pepper water, salt, sugar, white pepper, soy sauce, soy sauce, put it in a small bowl and stir it evenly; pour oil in the pot, put ginger and garlic down to fry, and then put millet pepper and pickled pepper to fry; then put the chicken offal down to stir-fry, pour a little beer to continue stir-frying; then pour in the seasoning, green pepper stir-fry, and finally put the green onion and MSG to collect the juice.

Home-cooked spiced roast chicken

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Ingredients: 1 whole chicken, soy sauce, five-spice powder or 13 sesame powder, honey, onion, ginger and garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine.

Wash the whole chicken and set aside with water control.

Stir soy sauce, 13 sesame powder or five-spice powder, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, cooking wine together in a bowl to form a sauce.

Spread the sauce evenly over the whole chicken and ask that all the chicken be covered with sauce.

Spread the shallots in a baking sheet, then place the whole chicken in the baking sheet and bake.

Set the oven to 200 degrees, bake for about 30 minutes, then turn the oven off, take out the roast chicken, brush it with a layer of honey and continue baking for 5 minutes.

Serve after baking.

No chicken, no table, eat chicken in the year of the tiger, big luck, these ten delicious chickens, at home

Tips: Sour and spicy chicken offal is accompanied by wine and rice.

Ingredients: chicken gizzard, pickled radish, capers, pickled peppers, kimchi, minced ginger, minced garlic, thirteen spices, spicy barbecue seasoning, soy sauce, salt, soy sauce, cooking oil, chicken essence.

Method: Wash and cut the chicken gizzard into thin slices, add a little salt, thirteen spices, spicy baking seasoning and marinate for five minutes; cut the sour radish, capers and pickled pepper into small pieces and set aside; heat the oil pot, pour the marinated chicken gizzard and fry it to change color, pour it into the old soy saucepan and set aside; raise the oil pot, pour in the ginger and garlic, kimchi and stir-fry evenly, add the chicken gizzard and stir-fry evenly; finally put some chicken essence.

Wen did not prompt: the nutritional value of chicken is very good, many common dishes in daily life are made of chicken, chicken protein content is high, fat content is almost negligible, is a better source of protein and phospholipids.

Friends, about the experience and experience of the ingredients, today to share here, if you feel that there is still some use, please give me a free like, welcome to pay attention to, forward, share, thank you.

This article is originally produced by "Tomato Love Sunshine", and it is strictly forbidden to carry and plagiarize without permission.

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