
I made a suggestion at the two sessions| As the largest flower consumer market in the country, Shanghai may wish to build a flower culture experience hall to dig deep into the potential of "beautiful industry"
I made a suggestion at the two sessions| As the largest flower consumer market in the country, Shanghai may wish to build a flower culture experience hall to dig deep into the potential of "beautiful industry"

Shanghai is the largest flower consumption market in China, as early as the beginning of the 21st century, the per capita consumption of flowers has been the first in the country, and last year's Shanghai Flower Expo became a popular exhibition. At the two sessions of the Shanghai Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, Zhou Wuzhong, a member of the CppcC Municipal Committee and from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, suggested that Shanghai should establish the first Chinese flower culture experience hall to release the "flower Expo effect", display the history of flower culture, flower culture and art, create a fascinating ecological space for the citizens, and use the aesthetics of flower life to lead the flower consumption boom.

Zhou Wuzhong said that according to the survey of Shanghai's flower purchase consumption, the daily life of Shanghai citizens to buy flowers and consume is gradually flourishing, and flower sales are showing a daily and lightweight trend. Flower e-commerce, lifestyle retail brands, various large supermarkets and small convenience stores have entered the flower sales market, and the competition of "beauty industry" is extremely fierce. Although since the beginning of the 21st century, Shanghai's per capita flower consumption capacity has ranked first in the country, but overall, Shanghai's flower consumption market is still in the initial stage with the characteristics of fragmented consumer demand and spontaneous response to consumption supply. Therefore, the proposal of a flower consumption concept that meets the needs of the times is crucial.

In the face of the soaring demand for flower consumption among the public, the supply response of Shanghai's flower consumption market is still not perfect, such as insufficient interaction between people and flowers in flower leisure tours, and lack of diversified innovative and creative implantation of flower culture derivative products. The root cause of the lack of vitality in its market supply is that the excavation and utilization of flower culture is not enough, that is, the innovative and creative transformation of flower consumption resources lacks the connotation of flower culture.

With the upgrading of consumption patterns, people are no longer satisfied with the practical attributes condensed on "things" or material goods, but gradually migrate to the consumption content of experiencing or experiencing such perceptual satisfaction, so the market supply that stays at the material level will be more narrow and limited.

Zhou Wuzhong has long been engaged in flower culture research and urban landscape design research, he believes that the traditional Chinese flower culture is rich in connotation, different forms of human-flower interaction involve many aspects of people's daily life, such as eating flowers, enjoying flowers, using flowers, etc., but at this stage, Shanghai flower consumption is still concentrated in the flower material itself, and the huge flower-derived consumption value has not yet attracted enough attention and attention.

He suggested that, combined with the construction of Shanghai's "Five New Cities" characteristic functional area and flower industry base, taking advantage of the advantages of the flower culture branch of the China Flower Association located in the innovation and design center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the technology, exhibits and display results accumulated at the 10th China Flower Expo to build the first Chinese flower culture experience hall in the country.

The overall design of the exhibition hall can be divided according to the context of the development of Chinese flower culture, based on the historical context, non-genetic inheritance, geographical indication products, national key flower cultural base, characteristic flower town, flower life, fashion design, scientific and technological empowerment, integration and innovation, exhibiting colorful flower cultural products, highlighting the theme of "Fangdu Shanghai Quality Life", and creating material conditions for the people to share the fruits of flower culture.

Author: Jiang Peng

Editor: Wu Jinjiao

Image source: Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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