
A mysterious interstellar gate 150,000 light-years wide appears in space, guarded by a cluster of neutron stars in a black hole

author:Xu Dewen Science Channel
A mysterious interstellar gate 150,000 light-years wide appears in space, guarded by a cluster of neutron stars in a black hole

Even Hollywood blockbusters don't dare to make like this! In the direction of the southern celestial fish constellation, 300 million light years away in the dark space, there appeared a mysterious and huge interstellar gate, surrounded by dense black holes and neutron stars, with a diameter of 150,000 light years, so bright and energetic to look at us, hoping that we can send a spaceship through it to find a new world.

Of course, this is just a beautiful imagination, in fact this is a huge galaxy larger than our Milky Way, numbered AM 0644-071. Tens of millions of years ago, a small compact galaxy passed through it like a bullet skimming slightly off its center, and the story happened.

When galaxies collide, two galaxies merge with each other to form a larger galaxy. But this bullet galaxy may be too small and too compact, and the speed is fast, plus it is shot from the front, it may go directly through AM 0644-071, and finally disappear.

The gas cloud of AM 0644-071 is distributed along the spiral arm in the galaxy and may be quite scattered. When the bullet galaxy passes through it, a pressure wave is created that throws all the material out. Clouds of gas collide with each other and begin to collapse on rings formed by pressure waves to form large numbers of stars. These stars are huge and hot, so they glow blue, which is why AM 0644-071 looks blue.

A mysterious interstellar gate 150,000 light-years wide appears in space, guarded by a cluster of neutron stars in a black hole

Because of their massive mass and short life cycle, these stars could burn out in millions to tens of millions of years, exploding into neutron stars or black holes. Since, for the most part, these stars are binary systems, the resulting neutron stars or black holes will extract material from their companions and form an accretion disk around the neutron star or black hole. Matter moves at high speeds in the disk, friction generates tremendous heat, and when it reaches millions of degrees, these accretion disks emit high-energy X-rays through space to reach our earth.

Of course, these rays are invisible to the naked eye, but the Chandra X-ray Observatory detected them and unveiled this rare cosmic mystery for us. In this composite image of visible light and X-ray sources, we can clearly see that these bright purple dots arranged in a ring are the companion stars of neutron stars and black holes eating them.

A mysterious interstellar gate 150,000 light-years wide appears in space, guarded by a cluster of neutron stars in a black hole

Why did this ring-shaped "interstellar gate" form? Scientists used a figurative metaphor. You can imagine another star passing through the solar system at close range in the vertical direction of the ecliptic plane of our solar system. If the star were to move very fast, it would create a stronger gravitational pull at the center of the solar system for a short period of time. The Earth is subjected to the greater gravitational pull of the two stars in the center, and the orbit will shrink and the speed of operation will increase. But after the star passes by, gravity returns to normal, and gravitational pull from the Sun is not enough to balance the Earth's additional centripetal acceleration, causing the Earth to move outward, forming a larger elliptical orbit than before.

Venus, on the inside of the Earth, is subject to greater gravitational pull and, once restored, will move outward at a faster speed; Mercury is more inward, and it will move fastest. The end result is that the ripples caused by this star throw Venus and Mercury near the orbit of the Earth, forming a huge ring, and the interstellar gate is thus trained!

The interstellar gate 300 million light years away is too far away for us, even if it passes through it is a new world, a new universe, with a lilac-like girl, with a breath-like vision, we can only be sad and wandering, miserable and confused.

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