
Stargate movie version reboot Emmerich directs again

author:Sina Entertainment
Stargate movie version reboot Emmerich directs again

The Stargate movie will reboot and shoot a trilogy

Stargate movie version reboot Emmerich directs again

The new version of the film is still directed by Emmerich

Sina Entertainment News On May 30, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, MGM and Warner Bros. intend to restart the classic 1994 science fiction movie "Stargate", directed by the famous director Roland Emmerich. After the reboot, Stargate will be filmed in the form of a trilogy.

The original Stargate film was released in 1994 and was written and directed by Roland Emmerich and starred Viveca Lindfors, James Spader, Kurt Russell and others. The film grossed $200 million worldwide and was a good sci-fi film, but MGM's stargate: SG-1, an American drama based on the film, was more successful and was one of the most classic sci-fi dramas in American history. MGM then produced two spin-off American dramas, Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate Universe.

After the reboot, Stargate will still be directed by Roland Emmerich, the director of the 94 version of the film, with Dean Devlin as the producer.

Roland Emmerich's disaster films are more familiar to domestic audiences, but he first became famous through science fiction films such as Universal Solider and Independence Day. The German director is also busy now, and he is currently working on a low-budget film on the same-sex rights theme, "Stonewall", and two sequels to the classic science fiction film "Independence Day" have also entered the pre-production stage.


(Editor-in-Charge: Camus)