
The past and present life of the classic sci-fi Drama "Stargate" - alien technology in Stargate SG1

author:Pig Old Road

When it comes to extraterrestrial technology, small partners will always think of cool spaceships, various laser weapons, etc., and then Xiaobian will take stock of the alien technology in the classic science fiction Drama "Stargate - SG1" for everyone.

There are countless alien technologies that appear in the play, and the various technologies listed below are the technologies that Xiaobian believes are more important and have a very important impact on the advancement of the plot, for the reference of small partners, and the technologies listed have no ranking.

The past and present life of the classic sci-fi Drama "Stargate" - alien technology in Stargate SG1

Stargate of the Stargate Command Center

1. Stargate

The stargate is the basis of the whole play, the stargate structure is a ring, and there is a DHD that controls dialing, which can dial a phone number hoping to dial another stargate, and if another stargate is online, a stable wormhole will be established between the two stargates, which can be shuttled through.

The basis of the Stargate series is the Stargate, through which various expeditions and battles are the theme of the show, and it is said that many Stargate fans firmly believe that there is indeed a Stargate on Earth, which is being secretly studied by the government and the military.

2. Sarcophagus

Sarcophagus is an important technology of the villain Gou'uld in the play, as the name suggests, this is a coffin made of stone, lying in it can treat the damage suffered by the body, and even come back to life, Gou'uld relies on the sarcophagus to continuously extend his life to achieve the purpose of dominating the universe.

Many other science fiction works have similar technologies, but most of them are called "medical pods" and the like, and Stargate somehow has such a name. This medical cabin believes that in the near future humans may achieve, at least some of the functions.

The past and present life of the classic sci-fi Drama "Stargate" - alien technology in Stargate SG1

The teleportation ring in the Stargate

3. Transmission ring

The teleportation ring, also known as Gou'uld's technology, is a tool for teleporting objects remotely, theoretically teleporting any object, including mobs.

Teleporting objects has always been a dream of human beings, but there seems to be little progress in realizing this technology, and it may only appear in science fiction works for a long time.

The past and present life of the classic sci-fi Drama "Stargate" - alien technology in Stargate SG1

Light teleportation in the Interstellar Gate

Fourth, light transmission

Optical teleportation is an upgraded version of the teleportation ring, the teleportation distance is farther and faster, and it is the technology of The Little Grey Asgard in the play.

It is even more difficult to achieve light transmission, whether from science fiction or reality, it seems that it is difficult to find a valid scientific principle, but this technology is really cool.

Five, Naquadah elemental generator

This is Gou'uld's main source of energy, a Maquadah generator can drive a spaceship, and there is almost no pollution residue, which is the ideal future energy source.

Energy has always been the basis of human technological development, only efficient energy can support more high-tech discoveries and inventions, although this is a science fiction element, but perhaps there are really such elements in the universe waiting for human beings to discover.

Sixth, ZPM energy battery

Also known as the zero point energy module, is the ancient technology in the play, the principle is to extract vacuum energy from subspace, the energy of a ZPM is very large, can support the stargate for cross-galaxy connection.

ZPM is the illusion of a higher level of energy, and the subspace is still in the stage of theoretical verification, not to mention the energy source in this subspace, but such energy is also a very superb fantasy.

The past and present life of the classic sci-fi Drama "Stargate" - alien technology in Stargate SG1

Hyperspace flying human battleships

7. Hyperspace navigation

Hyperspace navigation is a voyage that exceeds the speed of light, and many races in the play have such technology, Asgard's technology is the best and fastest, and humans in the play later have this technology.

Speed has always been the biggest obstacle to human exploration of space, and at present, human beings are far from the speed of light, but with the continuous development of science and technology, the speed of light, and even the breakthrough of the speed of light, for space travel seems to be completely achievable.

Of course, there are many other alien technologies in the play, here is not to list them one by one, science fiction is based on the fantasy of science, Xiaobian hopes that these science fiction out of the technology can be realized in the future, can contribute to our human development.