
If life were only 100 days, would we only be able to say ice, Stargate S1E8

author:Big super watching drama

Big super watch drama/text

I took it. The planet writers of this episode have a new name, called Argos. The SG1 squad crossed the stargate this time to a vertical Pelops (Pelops, ancient Greek god, grandson of Zeus. It is highly suspected that it is the main hall of the Goa'uld tribe pretending to be a god and a ghost).

If life were only 100 days, would we only be able to say ice, Stargate S1E8

A woman about to give birth and her husband are praying in the temple for the birth of a child. After Jackson helped the child get born, he joined the rest of the SG1 squad in the carnival of the planet's inhabitants. The squad found that the inhabitants of the planet were beautiful and cheerful, and began to party from the time the sun rose, sleeping when the sun went down, and the only regret was that they could only move around the temple, and the oracle could not leave the temple too far.

The squad party reveled with them, and O'Neill was attracted to one of the girls, and the spring breeze was once blown. The next day, the squad members were surprised to find that the child who had just been delivered yesterday had grown into a child today.

If life were only 100 days, would we only be able to say ice, Stargate S1E8

The girl O'Neill looked up to was really good-looking

It turns out that the inhabitants here only have a lifespan of 100 days, and they have rapidly developed, grown, and aged in these 100 days. O'Neill, who was once a spring breeze, was also affected and quickly aged.

The SG1 squad rushed back to Earth for help, and doctors found that the reason for everything was that the inhabitants here contained a man-made nanoparticle in their blood, which would cause humans to age faster. All this is the ghost of the pelops worshipped by the residents, who think it is to experiment with people to observe the evolutionary process of human beings.

Angry O'Neill led the residents to tear down the statue of Pelops and went out for a walk with the girl he loved. They found that nanoparticles would not be activated as long as they left a certain range of the temple, and the idol was the excitation device. As long as the idol is dumped, the nanoparticles are no longer activated, and eventually the particles will be cleared by the body's immune system, and the inhabitants here will return to their normal lifespan.

The inhabitants of the planet Argos were apparently kidnapped from Earth by the Goa'ulds, and the Earthlings were unlucky enough.

This episode is a standard screenwriter's brain, and if you nest the storyline well, it is more than enough to make a Hollywood-style blockbuster.