
Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

author:Old movie brick house

When mankind opened the interstellar gate, it was the moment of God's death.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

Stargate, also released in 1994, is an American science fiction film starring James Spade. In the year of 1994, it was not very famous, but the 350-episode film and television drama based on it was countless fans.

The film focuses on the U.S. military investigating a circular, Egyptian-like artifact, and filming the army and archaeologists entering another parallel universe, where they meet the pyramid builders who were enslaved by the sun god and unite the people there to eliminate the sun god.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

The male protagonist, Dr. Daniel, has his own unique views on ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, and many people do not comment on his views. One day, a grandmother in charge of the military approached him and asked him to help translate some ancient Egyptian scripts. When he arrived at the lab, he saw a huge circular object with strange writing printed on it. It's something that Grandma's father dug up decades ago in the Giza Plateau of Egypt.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

Daniel began to study these motifs, which translated by reasoning as "the eternal supreme sun god, forever sealing and burying the stargates." He found seven galactic coordinates, and the seventh coordinate should be a route that can be connected to the points located by the first six coordinates. There was also something similar to a triangle that could connect it, and as soon as the military said this, the military was shocked, and the grandmother opened the circular door with Daniel.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

After the military entered all seven coordinates, a circular entrance similar to a wormhole appeared, and the researchers sent a probe to investigate and found that the other end of the wormhole had an air composition and temperature similar to that of Earth. At this time, the male protagonist took the initiative to ask for help and wanted to find out. The military also sent several people to go with Daniel, and before leaving, the grandmother gave the male owner the necklace of the sun god found at the excavation site, hoping to bring him good luck.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

Daniel and his party passed through the Star Gate and saw a huge pyramid with three moons in the sky. The hike also spotted an unknown large animal, following the animals to see the humans in this world. It turned out to be a desert mining area, and when they wanted to communicate with these people, the people saw Daniel's helios necklace and immediately all fell to their knees. The helios necklace in this world is actually a symbol of the gods.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

Daniel and his party came to their residence, during which the two civilizations interacted with each other, we taught them to smoke, shoot, etc., and encountered sandstorms and air raids by the sun god. Their people gave Daniel a woman, Shu Rui, and through simple physical communication, Shu Rui took Daniel to find a text that recorded the local history.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

It is recorded above: a man named La on a distant planet fled his dying homeland and went to the galaxy to seek immortality, and finally on Earth, human Pull took advantage of a boy's curiosity and attached himself to him, and after taking human form, he called himself the sun god, and he used the interstellar gate to get people on Earth here as slaves. After the Stargate was buried, Ra feared that there would be riots here, so he forbade people to read and write and prevent people from knowing the truth.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

Knowing that a group of people had arrived on Earth, Ra wanted to destroy the Earth with the bombs they had brought ready to blow up the Stargate. The Awakened Clan and Daniel join them in a fight against the Sun God. In the process, when La was defeated and prepared to escape, the bomb exploded, destroying the Pyramid Ship of the Sun God and regaining their freedom.

Stargate – a film that inspires you to have a sci-fi desire

Daniel falls in love with the local Shu rui during his journey here, and when the others are ready to return to Earth, Daniel chooses to stay with Shu Rui, and the film ends.

"Stargate" is a very good science fiction movie, very representative. Xiaobian highly recommends that you go to see the film, it is very interesting and deep. The film deals with extraterrestrial civilizations, the origin of Gods, the fate of mankind, religion, and so on. The film greatly satisfies our curiosity, stimulates our science fiction desire, and makes people deeply intoxicated!