
Acupuncture point therapy with common symptoms of discomfort

author:TCM Han Life

1, the head is cold and painful, the weather is hot and you have to wear a hat, the patient's head is particularly afraid of cold, and you have to wear a hat all year round. The cause of the illness is weakness, and the star cave is on the hot hundred will be acupoint.

  2, cold head pain, forehead pain, pain aggravated when cold, head fear of wind and cold, often wear hats, cold nasal congestion breathing is not good, can distinguish the smell, the symptoms disappear when the weather is hot, the cause of qi deficiency and blood stasis, hot hundred will acupoint, on the star acupoint, rub the wind house wind pool acupoint.

  3, the leader is drowsy, lack of energy, the whole body is weak, the disease is too much psychological pressure, the rest is not in place, the point is rubbed after the creek for 3 minutes, the back creek is the acupoint of the pulse, and the upper head can make people mentally perked up.

  4. Migraine, for less yang bile circulation is poor, take the outside of the calf, Yangling Spring Cave to Guangming Point, Gua Sha method or dialing method, (diarrhea method)

  5. Headache after drinking, point rate valley point, Lu Xi point, Baihui point, rub the back of the head trapezius muscle starting and stopping dim sum, shallow shoulder well point.

  6. The vision is not clear, as if it is caught by clouds and mist, and the symptoms caused by liver deficiency are rubbed 300 times.

  7. Hoarseness, sore throat due to cold and cough, arrest method, strong stimulation of large vertebral acupoints, wheezing points, and tiantu acupuncture points with kneading method. Hand three miles with the rubbing method.

  8. Falling pillow, hand tribe pillow point, people in the cave wind house acupoint strong stimulation.

  9. Back pain, take the large vertebral acupoint next to the open 5 points, the back creek acupoint, the outer guan acupoint strong stimulation. The cause of the illness is cold condensation of the back.

  10. Acute waist sprain, straight to the double upper arm sprain point of the mountain cave, too strong stimulation of the point. Movable waist.

  11. Waist pain ring waist for a week, with pulse pain, directly take the bile meridian foot pro weeping point, strong stimulation of the outer guan point, active waist.

  12, waist distension, eye distension, bitter mouth, do not want to eat, poor sleep, the disease is a pulse disease, combined with liver and gallbladder symptoms, straight to the foot pro-weeping point strong stimulation.

  13 Kidney deficiency low back pain, waist Yu acupuncture with Taixi acupuncture, one hand and one hand, common kneading.

  14. Forked qi, directly take the liver meridian of the tai chong acupuncture point, the patient opens his mouth, strong stimulation exhalation.

  15. Hip pain, straight to the spleen meridian of the five Yu acupuncture, the cause of the spleen meridian is the disease of the master of the spleen meridian.

  16 Calf swelling and pain, straight to the valley point, the cause of the disease of the six intestines, cold stasis of the large intestine.

  17. Weak legs, numb legs and feet, weakness, inability to walk normally, take 1 inch after the three yin intersection points (odd points)

  18. The quadriceps muscles of the thighs are numb, and the disease is caused by the lungs. With bloodletting.

  19 Calf tendons, take the bladder through the middle point, the mountain point, gua sha method, the cause of cold stasis gastrocnemius muscle therapy

  20, foot root pain, walking foot root can not land on the ground, the cause of the reproductive system cold, the inner and outer ankle joint under the kneading method.

  21. In the early stage of a cold, runny nose, gua sha on the whole head, kneading valley points, wind house wind pool points.

  22, diarrhea, the disease caused by cold diarrhea, stool like water, several times a day, normal body temperature, salt burning, god que cave, divine effect.

  23. Diarrhea, food poisoning, foot reflexology. Kidneys, adrenal glands, abdominal plexus, spleen and stomach, colon, hepatobiliary reflex area, add sugar water saline.

  24. Nocturia, kidney deficiency, scraping the little finger of the hand, burning or rubbing the nocturnal urine spot. (Middle of the little finger stub)

  25. Painful menstruation, point rubbing Kunlun point, Taixi point, rubbing the large tendon after the ankle, the cause of cold stasis liver and spleen, Ren Chong pulse.

  26. The fingers are numb, the disease is wind and cold stasis obstructing the finger meridians, and the hot business cave is outside the guan acupoint.

  27. Below the wrist to the fingers slightly numb, the cause of the disease is cold as the surface, the hot Taiyuan cave, the full elbow below the fingers slightly scraped.

  28, frozen shoulder, the arm can not be lifted, take a mouth point, mountain cave, strong stimulation, the cause of the cold into the yang seesaw vein.

  29. Frozen shoulder, old age, loss of tendons and veins, resulting in shoulder joint movement disorders, gua sha to activate the blood periarthritis, point rubbing strong stimulation Tianzong acupoint for 3 minutes.

  30. Hiccup, cramps of the septum muscle due to overeating, take the foot reflex area pituitary gland, gastroesophagus, chest diaphragm reflex area 

  31. Hiccup, the cause of sympathetic nervous excitement, causing a esophageal contractile reaction, point rubbing the pituitary response area in the middle of the abdomen of the big toe, strong stimulation.

  32. Liver stasis stagnation, symptoms of chest and rib distension, can not eat, take the spleen meridian point large bag point, stomach meridian of the non-allowable acupuncture period door point, Zhang men acupoint to take the kneading technique, digestion and gas.

  33. Stomach pain, directly take the gastric meridian of the Yang acupuncture point, the calendar point, strong stimulation, foot gastric reflex area, abdominal plexus with complementary method.

  34. Abdominal distension with bowel sounds, sea caves under the inner ankle, abdominal plexus in the reflex area of the foot, spleen, kidney, liver, gallbladder, colon reflex area.

  35, chest pain, exhalation and inhalation are painful, the disease is caused by anger, the breath will be in the middle, the patient is lying in the abdomen, the strong mouth rubbing method stimulates the Chengshan cave to Kunlun to The Taixi point, and the patient shouts out the sound when in pain.

  36. Children have sudden bloating and abdominal pain, the cause of the spleen and stomach is incompatible, and a drop of blood is released in 1 place next to the thumb nail. (Less shang acupuncture opposite, outer side of the nail)

  37. Pediatric fever, foot reflex area therapy, adrenal glands, abdominal plexus, colon area kneading, full foot kneading, to the degree of sweating of both feet and hands. Drink plenty of warm boiled water.

  38. Difficulty in stool, the cause of long-term use of laxatives, resulting in paralysis of the rectal nerve plexus, pecking method makes the lumbosacral region fever, point rubbing of the mountain acupoint, branch groove acupoint, foot rectum, colon reflex area and abdominal plexus pituitary reflex area.

  39. Constipation, after rubbing the wrist, the heart passes through the Shenmen acupoint to have the intention of defecation, and then defecates, which can reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, and the cause of the heart and kidney is not intercourse, resulting in the weakening of the di-yin function of the kidney.

  40. Constipation, due to the loss of yin fluid in the elderly, excessive loss of body fluids from the surface skin, imbalance of the main function of the lungs, incompatibility between the large intestine and the surface of the lungs, gua sha therapy, focusing on scraping both sides of the index finger of the hand, with the lungs through the large intestine through the five infusion points.

  41, the journey is convenient, point pressure palm center, gastrointestinal and renal reflex area.

  42, motion sickness, strong stimulation point rubbing wind pool acupuncture effect.

  43. Nosebleed, hook the middle fingers of both hands, pressurize for 5 seconds, more common in children.

  44, dry eyes, symptoms of dry eyes without tears, strong stimulation of bamboo acupuncture, eye acupuncture, Yingxiang acupuncture wind house acupuncture, tears until.

  45, air closure deafness, caused by cold, take the flutter ginseng point, strong stimulation, special effects.

  46. Long closure, the symptoms are poor urinary drip or inability to take the foot reflex area of the lower abdomen, abdominal plexus, kidney and adrenal glands, strengthen the prostate, reproductive gland reflex area.

  47, elderly prostate disease, subumbilical middle pole acupoint, perineal acupoint, often massage has a special effect.

  48. Sudden hernia, strong stimulation of the inguinal groove of the reflex area of the foot for 3 minutes, too punching point for 1 minute.

  49, the heart and brain circulation is not good, meridian flow injection conditioning method, 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. to knead tongli acupoint, Shenmen acupoint, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. rub Quze acupoint, Xi men acupuncture, Neiguan aching, Daling acupoint, take and rub the axillary lymph.

  50, anti-stroke, full head gua sha health care, focus on scraping Baihui, sun, wind house, wind pool hole, add scraping wrist to finger slightly, ankle to toe slightly, daily health care for 15 minutes.

  51. Headache

  Symptoms: Pain at some point in the head, similar to a pulse beat. There is no spirit in doing things, and slow thinking.

  Method: Migraine, most of them have qi accumulation in the heart. Find the pain point on the same side and rub it gently with your thumb, there are many nodules in the painful area, which can be kneaded open. It can also be treated by rubbing the outer acupuncture points.

  52. Stomach acid

  Symptoms: Eating irregularly, resulting in stomach discomfort, very hungry but do not want to eat, stomach acid more.

  Method: Take a sitting position and rub the muscles directly above the thighs with all your hands, from the base of the thighs to the knees. Rub repeatedly for 3 minutes. Hiccups are preferred, and many acupuncture points in this area regulate the function of the stomach.

  53. Breast hyperplasia

  Symptoms: Most young white-collar women suffer from varying degrees of breast hyperplasia.

  Method: The meridians can be tapped, especially the "bile meridians". Use knuckles from the outside of the thighs below the waist, all the way to the outside of the calves above the ankles. Beat for 3 minutes every day from time to time.

  54. Constipation

  Symptoms: Dry stools, poor bowel movements, causing extra flesh in the lower abdomen and uneven skin tone.

  Method: It can be treated with "abdominal pushing method". Before going to bed, use two fingers to push from the heart socket to the navel, and then from the sides from top to bottom. , five minutes per night. In severe cases, you can push it again before getting up.

  55, the time difference is chaotic

  Symptoms: Sleepy during the day, extremely inefficient, the later the more energetic. Unable to sleep at night, staying up until the early hours of the morning; not getting up in the morning.

  Method: "Golden Rooster Independence" can meditate and harmonize the body and mind. Stand upright with one foot up, stand firm and close your eyes. Practice for a few minutes a day, and after a week, the "jet lag" is reversed.

  56. Hair loss

  Symptoms: A lot of hair loss, dry hair color, no luster.

  Method: Hit the head with the belly of the finger, also known as the "singing drum", which can strengthen the brain and hair. You can also comb your hair with your fingers and stomach, each time only need two minutes, twice a day, stick to two weeks, it will be effective.

  57, fat

  Symptoms: the overall is not fat, local bloated, especially the thighs, hips and waist, due to overtime, fatigue, laziness and other reasons, can not exercise on time.

  Method: Eliminate the waist "swimming ring" can lie flat before going to bed, and beat the waist side of the fat with an empty fist, 300 times each time. Reduce the extra flesh of the legs and buttocks, you can climb on the floor on your knees, insist on January, the effect is obvious.

  58. Decreased vision

  Symptoms: Due to frequent staring at the computer, blurry things, dry and itchy eyes, blood in the eyes.

  Method: The small hole on the earlobe wearing earrings is a "blind point", usually use your fingers to knead this hole, two minutes each time, and close your eyes when rubbing.

  59, irritability

  Symptoms: When there are many things and heavy tasks, it is easy to surge up, and I know that I need to calm down at this moment, but the more I think about it, the more anxious I am.

  Method: Catharsis. Choose the music you love, beat your computer desk with ten fingers to the beat. A slight pain in the hand can be knocked. Ten fingers connect the heart, and the "Ten Xuan" acupuncture points are located here, which can vent the depressed qi in the heart.

Comes with three commonly used needles

Wisdom three stitches

The shrine is the first stitch, and the left and right acupuncture points are the second and third stitches.

Shrine, at the head, the current hairline is straight up 0.5 inches.

The god, at the intersection of the inner two-thirds and the outer third of the head, the current hairline of 0.5 inches above the shrine and the head of the acupoint.

Indications: mental retardation, mental disorders.

Three stitches for the tongue

The first and second phalanges between the thumbs are flat on the anterior edge of the lower jaw, the first needle at the tip of the thumb, and the second and third stitches at the left and right sides of each side.

Indications: language disorders, unclear pronunciation, mute inability to speak. Salivation, dysphagia.

Three needles on the temporal spine

The first stitch is the first stitch by two inches above the hairline, and the second and third stitches are opened horizontally one inch on the front and back of the first needle.

Indications: sequelae of cerebrovascular accident, hemiplegia caused by brain trauma, mouth-eye, fossa oblique, cerebral arteriosclerosis, tinnitus, deafness, migraine, Parkinson's disease, brain atrophy, senile dementia.

Fixing needles

The 0.5 inches on the seal hall is the Dingshen 1 needle, the 0.5 inches on the left Yang White is the Dingshen II needle, and the 0.5 inches on the right Yang White is the Dingshen III needle.

Indications: inattention, strabismus, anterior forehead pain, nystagmus, dizziness, decreased vision.

Stitching: along the subcutaneous, downward straight 0.5 ~ 0.8 inches out of the needle with a cotton ball to press the needle mouth, to prevent bleeding.

Sickness needles

For the four gods needle + indo, the sun.

Indications: dizziness and headache, head pain, migraine, forehead pain.

Stitching method: straight stabbing 0.5 to 0.8 inches, pay attention to the feeling of hard objects under the needle, it is the skull in the needle should not be deeply punctured, the needle can be slightly increased by 0.2 inches, after entering the needle, do not mention the twisting, you can use the scraping needle.

Facial muscle needles

1. Eyelid spasm: four whites, the lower eyelid is a hole.

2. Mouth muscle spasm: ground warehouse, grass, yingxiang.

Stitching method: four white straight thorn or oblique thorn 0.5-0.8 inch; the lower eyelid is a hole to the nose along the subcutaneous stab 0.5 inch; the ground barn, to the cheek car flat thorn 0.5-0.8 inch; the grass hip downward close flat thorn 0.8 inches, after the needle with the electric needle continuous wave, the frequency is slightly denser. The intensity is as large as the degree of spasm of the eye muscle or mouth muscle, but the patient only has muscle tightening without pain, leaving the needle for 30-40 minutes. Where the electric needle is necessary to adjust the size 5-10 minutes after the electricity is required, because it is no longer adjusted after the power is turned on, the patient has adapted at this time and is ineffective.

Fork three stitches

For the sun, shimonoseki, a is the cave.

Stitching: Each hole is directly pierced 0.5-0.8 inches deep. Continuous wave of electric needle can be added, and the needle can be left for 30-40 minutes.

Facial paralysis needles

1. Frontal eyelid paralysis: yang white, sun, four white.

2. Oral paralysis: fengfeng, yingxiang, ground warehouse piercing cheek car, people in the middle.

Indications: facial nerve paralysis, stroke mouth and crooked eyes.

Stitching: The center of the concave post-ear of the wind is 0.8-1 inch straight forward. The upward oblique thorn in the person is 0.5 inches deep. The remaining acupuncture points are acupunctured according to each stitch method, every 5-10 minutes after acupuncture, twist the needle once, and leave the needle for 30-40 minutes.

Three needles

Water protrusion, protrusion, sky protrusion.

Indications: goiter, thyroid cyst. Stitching: The water process is obliquely punctured along the skin towards the trachea 0.5-0.7 inches. Futan: obliquely stabbing 0.5-0.7 inches along the skin towards the trachea; celestial process: advanced prick 0.3 inches, and then raising the needle handle to stab 0.3 inches obliquely behind the sternum. After the protrusions are carried out, there is no insertion, only the twisting needle or scraping needle is left for 30 minutes.

Three stitches for the eye

Eye I. One point on the Qingming Cave. Eye II. under the pupil, when the inferior orbital border is between the eyeball. Eye III., the eye is facing, the pupil is straight up, when the upper orbital border is between the eyeball.

Indications: Optic nerve atrophy, retinitis, macular degeneration, amblyopia and other internal eye diseases.

Acupuncture: All three piercing needles instruct the patient to close their eyes, and the doctor gently fixes the eyeball with his left hand, holds the needle in his right hand, and slowly twists into the needle. After entering the needle, do not twist, lift the insertion, you can use the thumb nail to gently scrape the needle handle. When the needle is out, gently press the needle hole with a dry cotton ball for a few moments to prevent bleeding.

Needle eye I. Gently push the eyeball to fix outward, slowly vertically into the needle 1-1.2 inches. Needle eye II. Gently push the eyeball upwards to fix, close to the lower edge of the orbit slowly straight needle 1-1.2 inches. The tip of the needle can be diagonally upwards. Needle eye III., gently push the eyeball downward fixation, close to the upper edge of the orbit slowly pierce 1-1.2 inches. The tip of the needle can be slightly obliquely advanced upwards and then obliquely backwards.

Three needles for the nose

Yingxiang, nose through (upper Yingxiang), Yintang or bamboo.

Indications: Allergic rhinitis, acute rhinitis, sinusitis, epistaxis, olfactory disorders.

Stitching method: Yingxiang, the tip of the needle to the nose wing flat thorn 5-8 minutes, the nose through the needle tip downward flat thorn 5 minutes deep, saving line, printing hall, downward flat thorn 3-5 minutes.

Three stitches in the ear

Listen to the palace Listen to the meeting to finish the bone.

Indications: Deafness tinnitus.

Acupuncture: listening to the palace, hearing the mouth to take the hole, straight stabbing 1-1.5 inches deep. The bone hole is pierced forward and upward 1-1.5 inches deep, and the ear three needles are not raised after the needle, and the thumb scraping needle handle method or the light twisting method can be used.

Three stitches in the hand

Hegu, Quchi, Waiguan.

Indications: upper extremity paralysis, paralysis, pain, sensory impairment.

Stitching method: Hegu and Waiguan are straight needles 0.8-1.2 inches deep. The curved pool is 1-1.2 inches deep.

Foot three stitches

Foot three mile three yin intercourse too chong.

Indications: Sensory or motor disturbances of the lower extremities, paralysis and pain in the lower extremities.

Stitching method: foot three mile three yin cross straight needle 1-1.5 inches, too straight needle 5-8 minutes deep.

Hand wisdom needle

Inner Gate Shenmen Lao Palace.

Indications: Children with hyperactivity, hyperactivity, epilepsy, insomnia.

Stitching method: the three points are straight needles 0.5-0.8 minutes deep.

Wisdom needles

The Yongquan acupuncture point is the first needle, the midpoint of the toe joint to the heel posterior edge is the second needle (Izumi), and the second needle is the third needle (Izumi naka) when the second needle is opened inward.

Indications: Autism in children, more static and less moving, dumb and unable to speak.

Stitching: Average straight needle: 0.5-0.8 inch deep.

Three stitches in the shoulder

The shoulder toyplate point is the first stitch, the second stitch is the two inches in front of the same level, and the third stitch is the second stitch in the rear two inches of the same level.

Indications: frozen shoulder, arthritis of the shoulder, paralysis of the upper limbs, inability to lift the shoulders.

Stitching: the tip of the needle is at a 90° angle with the acupuncture point, and the straight stab is 0.8-1 inch. Be careful not to go too deep to avoid stabbing the chest cavity.

Three stitches in the knee

Knee eyes, beam mounds, blood seas.

Indications: knee swelling or weakness, knee osteoporosis.

Stitching: straight piercing 0.8-1.2 inches. Can be added electric needle continuous wave, infrared, multi-tank method.

Three stitches at the waist

Kidney Yu, Large Intestine Yu, Wei Zhong.

Indications: low back pain, lumbar hyperplasia, lumbar muscle strain, sexual dysfunction, sperm retention, impotence, menstrual irregularities.

Stitching: all straight piercing 1.2-1.5 inches deep. (Yu Tong knee three stitches)

Three stitches in the neck

Pillar of Heaven, Bailao, Da Zhu.

Indications: cervical spondylosis, strong neck pain.

Stitching method: the three holes are straight needles 0.8-1 inch deep. It should not be too deep to avoid injuring the internal organs. Three stitches on the knee.

Do not back three stitches

Da Zhu, FengMen, Lung Yu.

Indications: bronchitis, asthma, back pain.

Stitching: obliquely stabbing 0.5-0.7 inches in the direction of the spine. Do not stab deeply to prevent injuries to internal organs.

Three stitches in the ankle

Xiexi, Taixi, Kunlun.

Indications: ankle swelling and pain, mobility impairment, heel pain.

Stitching: all straight pierced 0.8-1 inch deep

Sciatic needles

Sciatic bone point, Wei Zhong, Kunlun.

The sciatic bone point is prone to the position, at the end of the patient's gluteal groove, with 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers together and flat, next to the little finger and the end of the gluteal groove is a hole.

Indications: Sciatica.

Stitching: sciatic bone point, with the holding needle method, with an alcohol cotton ball wrapped in the lower part of the needle body of the 3-4 inch long needle, exposing the needle tip, vertically inserted into the skin, after passing the skin, with the left finger to hold the cotton ball, support the needle body, the left hand twist the needle handle, while twisting the edge into about 2 inches deep self-paralyzing feeling to the toes can stop the needle. Weizhong and Kunlun straight needle 0.8-1.2 inches. With an electric needle connected to the sciatic bone point and the commission, continuous wave, subject to the patient's tolerance strength, leave the needle for 30 minutes, adjust the intensity of the electric needle every 5 to 10 minutes, adjustable 2-3 times.

Three stitches for impotence

Upper limb impotence: Kokuchi, Akaya, Shakuzawa.

Lower limb impotence: foot three miles, three yin intercourse, Taixi.

Indications: Impotence: (limb muscle weakness, weakness, mobility impairment).

Acupuncture: all acupuncture points are straight needle 0.8-1.2 inches, with the complement method, slow in and out, to the needle heat prevails, each time the needle is left for 40 minutes, the complement method is more than 5 times, you can also use the electric needle continuous wave, the frequency is sparse, to medium intensity patients to use comfortable feeling as the degree. 30 sessions for one course.

Three stitches of lipids

Inner Pass, Foot Three Mile, Three Yin Sex.

Indications: Cholesterol increase, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, post-stroke evidence.

Stitching method: the inner gate straight piercing 0.5- 0.8 inches deep, foot three miles, three yin cross are straight needle 1-1.5 inches.

Three injections for the stomach

Naka- and Uchi-kan, Andromasa-ri.

Indications: stomach pain, gastritis, stomach ulcer, dyspepsia

Stitching method: 5-8 minutes of straight needle of middle and inner guan, 1-1.5 inches of straight needle of three miles.

Three stitches from the intestine

Tianshu, Guan Yuan, Shangju Ruins

Indications: abdominal pain, enteritis, dysentery, constipation.

Stitching: Kaishu, Guanyuan straight needle 0.8-1 inch, shangju ruin straight needle 1-1.5 deep.

Three stitches for gallbladder

Sun And Moon, Period Gate, Yangling Spring.

Indications: Biliary diseases

Stitch method: Sun moon, period door flat thorn 0.8-1 inch (pay attention not to pierce into the chest cavity), Yangling Spring straight stabbing 1-1.5 inches deep.

Three stitches of urine

Guan Yuan, Intermediate, Sanyin

Indications: Urinary diseases, abdominal pain.

Stitching: Guan Yuan, middle pole straight stab 0.7-1.2 inches, three-yin cross straight needle 1-1.5 inches.

Yang three stitches

Guan Yuan, Qi Hai, Kidney Yu

Indications: impotence, spermatozoa, infertility.

Stitching method: Guan Yuan, Qi Hai straight needle 0.8-1 inch. Kidney Yu straight needle 1.2-1.5 inches.

Three stitches of yin

Guan Yuan, Return, Three Yin Sex

Indications: menstrual irregularities, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease.

Stitching: Guan Yuan, return straight needle 0.8-1.2 inches, three yin cross straight needle 1-1.5 inches.

Close three stitches

Ten Xuan, Fountain, And Among the People

Main metallurgy: stroke, unconsciousness, shock.

Stitching method: 2 points of ten Xuanjin needles, 3 drops of twisted needles and bloodletting, 0.8-1 inch of spring direct stabbing, strong twisting needles. Straight in the middle of the person 0.5 inches.

Off three stitches

Hundreds of meetings, gods, and people.

Indications: Stroke shea syndrome (pale face, cold limbs, sweating, fine and delayed pulses).

Acupuncture: mainly moxibustion, huiyang compound pulse, Baihui, Shenque with salt moxibustion, or septum ginger moxibustion, Moxibustion should be slightly larger. Moxibustion 10 strong at a time. In people, the upward oblique prick is 0.5 to 0.8 inches, the needle is left, the needle is twisted, the three needles are removed to stop the sweat of the pulse and abdomen, the limbs are warm and awake, and if they are not awake for half an hour, they can be acupunctured again.

Brain needles

The Four Divine Needles, the Middle of Man, and the Fountain of Springs

Indications: Senile dementia.

Acupuncture: Four god needles (see sickness needle), renzhong, Yongquan (see closed three needles) left needles for 40 to 50 minutes, every 8 to 10 minutes twisting needles, treatment of a twisting technique 5 to 6 times, once a day, 10 times for a course of treatment.

Fat three stitches

Mid-neck, veined, foot three miles.

Indications: Obesity, especially abdominal hypertrophy is preferred.

Acupuncture method: foot three mile straight stabbing 1-1.5 inches, with a pulse needle tip to the umbilicus, subcutaneous horizontal prick 3-3.5 inches, mid-neck needle tip to Guan Yuan, along the subcutaneous flat prick 2-3 inches, after the needle, every 5 to 8 minutes twist the needle, treatment of a twist needle 5 to 6 times, leave the needle for 30 to 40 minutes, once a day, 10 times for a course of treatment, you can also use an electric needle.

Three stitches for epilepsy

Neiguan, Shenmai, Zhaohai.

Indications: Epilepsy, foot varus, foot valgus.

Stitching: Shen pulse, ZhaoHai, straight piercing 0.5-0.8 inches.

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