
"LDK layout" is popular in home improvement design, what is "LDK layout"? What are the advantages?

author:Little to talk about decoration

Space is an important element that constitutes the home, and the different functional areas of the home space are divided through partitions to form independent areas, which has almost become a consensus of home design. Although this layout is a good way to protect privacy, the interactivity has weakened a lot, and it is not conducive to creating a "family core area", nor is it conducive to the closeness between families and enhance feelings. As a result, a new model known as "LDK layout" began to become popular, especially in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, which are highly sought after.

"LDK layout" is popular in home improvement design, what is "LDK layout"? What are the advantages?

  What is an LDK layout?

  This is a kind of interior design originating from Japan, because most of the houses are small, and the dining room, kitchen, living room and other spaces are opened to form an open layout, which is not only bright and transparent, but also more in line with the needs of residents for functional combination and living comfort.

  The LDK here refers to the living room, the dining room (Dinging Room), and the kitchen ( Kitchen ) respectively, which enhances the adaptability and interactivity of the space through the open design. On this basis, the LDKB integrated design can also be extended, that is, the balcony (Balcony) is added to the original three spaces.

"LDK layout" is popular in home improvement design, what is "LDK layout"? What are the advantages?

  LDK layout advantages

  Optimize the raw activity line. The dining room, kitchen, and living room are all opened and integrated, because there is no partition, no need to turn, effectively shortening the daily life line, and the moving line is more flexible, providing a lot of convenience for life.

  Enhance interaction between family members. Without the barrier of the wall, the functional areas are connected to each other, and the fluidity of the space is enhanced a lot, which is more conducive to the interaction between the family and the feelings between each other.

  Improve space utilization. The abandonment of redundant walls not only makes the space larger visually, but also increases the actual usable area, which can effectively improve the utilization rate of space.

  Increases natural lighting. Without the large partition wall, whether it is a large unit or a small unit, the LDK layout optimizes the natural lighting and ventilation of the interior, providing a more comfortable living environment for the residents.

"LDK layout" is popular in home improvement design, what is "LDK layout"? What are the advantages?

  Sofa centered. In the LDK layout, the sofa is placed in the center as a connection between the living room and the dining room, which not only meets the requirements of the open integrated layout, but also allows you to watch TV when eating, increasing the fun of life.

  Tv centered. Similar to the sofa, the partition of the guest restaurant is realized through the partition cabinet where the TV is located, the low wall, etc., while ensuring the openness of the space.

  Versatile space. Breaking the traditional combination of TV + sofa + coffee table, but to create a more mobile space, according to the living habits of the residents to layout their own, the formation of the family core area.

  The LDK layout does not have any restrictions on the type of apartment, especially friendly to small apartments, open public areas, optimize the activity line, make the living space more spacious and bright, and the living comfort has also been improved a lot.

"LDK layout" is popular in home improvement design, what is "LDK layout"? What are the advantages? The above is the sharing of small understanding, if you like it, just pay attention to it.

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