
Comments | "My son is a genius": Jin Xiaoyu, I respect you as I respect myself

author:Red Star News
No matter what kind of fate script we receive, may we all find a light.

"Our Genius Son" swept the screen across the network, creating a miracle in the "History of News Telling".

"Can you write my son's story?" My son is a genius, he's in a mental hospital now, and his mom just left today. The "Listening" column of Hangzhou Daily received a call from the funeral home from the citizen Jin Zhiyong, which led to a tear-jerking narrative: Jin Shengyong and his wife had two sons, and the younger son, Jin Xiaoyu, was disabled by his eyes for some reason at an early age, and was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Due to an unexpected opportunity brought by his mother, he embarked on the road of translation. In the past ten years, he has taught himself English, Japanese, German and other languages, and read almost all foreign language novels in Zhejiang Library. He was brilliant and translated 22 books that were acclaimed to editors and readers, many of which were extremely difficult to translate. He was generous in character and cared for in the last three years of his mother's life with Alzheimer's disease.

Too many people find that we obviously have such a genius translator that no one knows.

Comments | "My son is a genius": Jin Xiaoyu, I respect you as I respect myself

↑ Picture according to Hangzhou Daily

After this story appeared in the newspaper, the reading volume of the Hangzhou Daily news client reached a peak, not to mention the traffic after the massive reprint. At least seven film and television companies said they wanted to shoot the story, which is called the "Hangzhou version of "A Beautiful Mind." Many people in the circle of friends issued a "warning" before reading: prepare paper towels. This prediction of collective tears and "cashing in" is only once in my memory, that is, watching the movie "Mom, Love Me Again" more than 30 years ago.

The sorrow and pride of a father are filled with this story. We understand the voice of a father: as Hangzhou Daily said in the "sequel", the story of the newspaper, for the old man, is more like the completion of a long-standing wish. I said what I said in my heart, and Xiaoyu read the report and accepted it. Because there were some words in front of Xiao Yu's face, I didn't dare to say them before. "He is eighty years old, and in the days to come, there are only a few times he can still be separated from his son.

But is it only the affection of father and son that touches people's hearts? Is it just the lingering concern of a father who loves his son deeply?

Undoubtedly, we see more "light" in the story of this father who carries the burden of the family and endures deeply. He refused the material assistance given by netizens, and according to his response, he had made some preparations for part of Jin Xiaoyu's livelihood. What he wants more is a "sharing" with the world. His son deserves the knowledge of the world, the test of time, and the concern of good fortune.

Undoubtedly, a father was also moved by the fate story rewritten by his son. His son is an unfortunate man who has fallen ill, and he is also a fortunate man who "the world kisses me with pain, and I sing in return", a great strong man. The latest news said that Jin Xiaoyu had been discharged home, and the long-awaited sample book of Benjamin's Epistles had also been received and was expected to be available next month. He is currently working on the translation of his second benjamin book, The Arcade Project.

Jin Xiaoyu's story belongs to a father and also belongs to a human being. The main tone of this story is sad and joyful, anxious and soothing. His history of wrestling with doom and illness illustrates the fact that doom is an abyss that people who strive to survive cross. Therefore, this very individual story is scarred by the same kind of people, echoing the life experience of all of us to resist the dark parts of fate. We are no strangers to this. In the face of a difficult world, the capital that a person should take out must not only be talented, but also have a stubbornness promoted by human nature.

Jin Xiaoyu is a genius, he strives to get rid of the disease, and strives to move towards the light. His hard reading and repeated translations day and night are themselves resistance to illness. The way he doesn't bow to suffering is more like the temperament of one of our neighbor brothers.

I happened to be born in the same year as him, and in the year he was admitted to college but was ruthlessly withdrawn, I was digging impregnable rocks in the suffocating smoke of the cave, digging indestructible rocks with heavy wind drills, and often spitting blood. Every time I walked into the cave, my only thought was to see the sun and starlight at the mouth of the cave again two days later. And the year when I walked out of the vast mountains with my writing at the age of 20, Jin Xiaoyu should be in the self-examination.

"Life should always meet the light", no matter what kind of fate script we receive, may we all find a light, and use this light to become "companions" under the stars. Jin Xiaoyu, I respect you as I respect myself.

Red Star News special commentator Wu Lichuan

Edited by Guan Li

Red Star Review Submission Email: [email protected]

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Comments | "My son is a genius": Jin Xiaoyu, I respect you as I respect myself

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