
OnePlus's latest camera patent design drawing exposed, 180° rotation outsole main camera

Recently, a patent design drawing of a one-plus mobile phone camera was exposed, and foreign media also drew a rendering of a one-plus mobile phone using this design based on the design drawing.

OnePlus's latest camera patent design drawing exposed, 180° rotation outsole main camera

The front of the design is still the mainstream hollow curved screen design of OnePlus in recent years. However, there is only a huge outsole on the back. The highlight of this design is that the lens is not telescopic, but can be rotated 180° by the magnet to capture photos and videos with unique perspectives. At the same time, the design's stabilization technology will be further upgraded.

OnePlus's latest camera patent design drawing exposed, 180° rotation outsole main camera

At present, the patent of OnePlus is still in the stage of design drawings, and it is likely that it will not have the opportunity to mass produce in the short term. According to the recent trend of the OnePlus brand, the OnePlus series of mobile phones is expected to launch a new product line with a mid-end price for the domestic market in the middle of this year, priced at more than 2,000 yuan.

OnePlus's latest camera patent design drawing exposed, 180° rotation outsole main camera

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