
Anyang confirmed 94 new cases yesterday, a total of 404 cases, no serious disease! The patient's symptoms improved significantly after drinking Traditional Chinese medicine

author:Bright Net

On January 18, Anyang City held the tenth press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic to report on the epidemic prevention and control in Anyang City.

Anyang confirmed 94 new cases yesterday, a total of 404 cases, no serious disease! The patient's symptoms improved significantly after drinking Traditional Chinese medicine

There were 94 new confirmed cases in Anyang, including 1 case in Chinese Peak District and 93 cases in Tangyin County

The reporter learned from the press conference that from 0 to 24:00 on January 17, 94 new confirmed cases were reported in Anyang City, including 1 case in Wenfeng District and 93 cases in Tangyin County.

Since January 8, the city has reported a total of 404 confirmed cases, including 380 cases in Tangyin County, 19 cases in Wenfeng District, 2 cases each in Huaxian and Neihuang County, and 1 case in Anyang County. The Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Command has conducted a comprehensive verification of these confirmed cases, and has isolated and controlled the close contacts and sub-close contacts that have been traced as required.

At present, the confirmed cases in Anyang City are mainly concentrated in the Fifth People's Hospital of the city for isolation treatment, in the treatment process for the first time to intervene in traditional Chinese medicine for auxiliary treatment, in order to enhance the patient's resistance ability, the patient after drinking traditional Chinese medicine symptoms improvement is more obvious, there are no serious patients.

What is the flow adjustment work? How should we cooperate? Anyang related experts responded

At the press conference, Han Junfeng, a disease prevention expert at the Anyang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced the city's circulation work.

The purpose of circulation is to timely grasp the activity trajectory of people with positive nucleic acid tests and cases of infection, and to clarify the places involved and the people and items in contact with activities such as living, working and going out before the onset of illness or in the period before the onset of nucleic acid tests. On the one hand, it is to find the source upwards, lock the source of infection as soon as possible, and control it; on the other hand, it is to check the close connection downwards, trace all close contacts and contaminated places, assess the scope of the epidemic that may be affected, delineate the risk area, and provide a scientific basis for targeted control measures such as isolation, disinfection, and nucleic acid screening.

In general, whether the circulation can be completed in a timely and smooth manner is the key to whether the epidemic can be effectively controlled, and it requires the active cooperation of each respondent.

If the public friends receive a professional department of the circulation call or door-to-door investigation, please do not hesitate, the circulation personnel will only ask your basic situation, health status, recent activities and contact situation, you need to review in detail in the past 2 weeks when the individual has been, where you have been, who have been seen, what items have been contacted, when in contact with people, when taking public transportation, whether there is a standard to wear a mask when entering and leaving public places, whether the individual and the people around you have had fever, fatigue, cough, Abnormal health symptoms such as diarrhea are mainly to know whether you have a history of exposure and exposure that you are at high risk in the near future. But you'll never be asked questions about bank accounts, passwords, or keystrokes that require you to use your phone.

In addition, the personal information inquired by the circulation survey is absolutely confidential, any information and privacy of the masses will be protected by law, and it is the social responsibility of every citizen friend to cooperate with the circulation control of the epidemic, please reassure the general public, carefully cooperate with the circulation work, provide the most authentic information, and consciously cooperate with the implementation of necessary isolation observation, nucleic acid testing and other prevention and control measures.

Finally, we should also remind the general public that while actively cooperating with the work of circulation, please carefully identify whether there are fraudulent calls or fraudulent acts to prevent criminals from taking advantage of the opportunity to defraud money.

Anyang sent more than 44.48 million epidemic reminder messages and 5.49 million care reminders

During the epidemic prevention and control period, as of 16:00 on January 17, Anyang sent a total of 291 batches of epidemic warning messages, with a total of 44.4801 million pieces of various types of information. Among them, 222,500 people were covered by close contact, sub-close contact and related key groups, and 5.49 million people were cared for and reminded.

Dahe News Yu video reporter Gao Zhiqiang Niu Jingfang

Source: Big River News

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