
The "poor man" tomb of only 4 square meters, the archaeological team was very disgusted, and after excavation, 225 national treasures were found

In Shaanxi Province, there are many historical sites, especially in Baoji City, because of historical reasons, a large number of ancient tombs from the pre-Qin period are buried.

Archaeologists have found many valuable national treasures during conservation excavations in the area. Among these national treasures, the most amazing is the bronze.

These things have gone through vicissitudes, preserved for thousands of years, and still maintain their original posture, they are all witnesses to history, and they are also valuable materials for future generations to study history and culture.

The "poor man" tomb of only 4 square meters, the archaeological team was very disgusted, and after excavation, 225 national treasures were found

Therefore, when the various departments in Shaanxi Province are carrying out construction in the local area, once they find abnormal phenomena underground, they immediately contact archaeologists and let them explore the underground in advance, so as not to destroy the ancient tombs underground because of improper operation.

In the 1990s, Yimen Village, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, decided to build an electrical equipment factory in the area because of the need to develop economic construction. If it can be built smoothly, the local people can use this electrical equipment factory to live a better life.

However, the local government did not directly carry out construction, because from the geographical point of view, this place is close to the Western Zhou ruins, and it is likely that there will be ancient tombs under the ground. Therefore, before the construction, the government leaders contacted the archaeological department of Baoji City in advance and asked them to help check whether there were ancient tombs under the ground.

When the archaeological department learned of this, it paid special attention to it and immediately sent an investigation team to the local area to conduct on-site exploration.

Everyone thought that this place hid an ancient large tomb, and as a result, after on-site exploration, everyone helplessly found that although there are two ancient tombs in this place, they are all ancient "poor" tombs, and their tomb specifications are very small, especially the second tomb, which is only 4 square meters.

The "poor man" tomb of only 4 square meters, the archaeological team was very disgusted, and after excavation, 225 national treasures were found

In the face of this narrow ancient "poor" tomb, the archaeological team was very disgusted and did not even bother to excavate. Because of their job responsibilities, they had no way to leave directly, but to follow the corresponding process to excavate and clean up the tombs of two ancient "poor people" with a small footprint.

After opening Tomb No. 1, the archaeological team found the bones of the tomb owner in the tomb, and also found some pottery, which basically had no historical research value. Although the archaeologists had expected it earlier, they were still a little disappointed after seeing these things, and they sighed helplessly, holding the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and excavated the second tomb, and the result was unexpected.

During the excavation, they found a large amount of cinnabar, which was as thick as 5 centimeters, and this result startled all the members of the archaeological team.

According to the custom of the pre-Qin period, only the noble princes and nobles would use cinnabar to cover the ancient tombs. Could it be that the owner of this ancient tomb is an ancient prince with a very long history? If so, why is his tomb only 4 square meters? Such a cemetery scale is not worthy of the identity of the ancient prince.

The "poor man" tomb of only 4 square meters, the archaeological team was very disgusted, and after excavation, 225 national treasures were found

The archaeologists thought about it and did not come up with a specific answer, but with confusion, they could continue to excavate the tomb. Soon, they dug out a shocking treasure from the ancient tomb.

This thing is a sword, its hilt is a gold object studded with jade, and its body is not bronze but iron.

The ancients commented a long time ago that it is difficult to buy gold and jade with money, and the hilt of this sword is a strange shape of gold and jade, which is a very valuable thing at a glance. Its iron sword body may be very ordinary today, but in the era of relatively backward smelting technology, only people with high status can have it.

In addition to this gold-encrusted jade sword, archaeologists have also excavated a large amount of gold and iron tools in the tomb.

These things add up to 225 pieces, all of which are valuable ancient national treasures. The gold content of various treasures is about 6 catties, which is also a shocking data, which has exceeded some of the tombs of princes in the pre-Qin period.

The "poor man" tomb of only 4 square meters, the archaeological team was very disgusted, and after excavation, 225 national treasures were found

The excavation of these things has deepened the confusion of the archaeologists, how did these things come from? What is the identity of the tomb owner?

Judging from the soil layer of the ancient tomb and the style of the excavated cultural relics, this should be an ancient tomb in the late Spring and Autumn Period, but according to the tradition of that time, those who own these treasures cannot be buried in this ancient tomb of only 4 square meters.

After many studies and investigations, archaeologists finally came to a lamentable conclusion. They believe that this ancient tomb of only 4 square meters is not a real ancient tomb, but a pseudo-tomb used by tomb robbers to hide treasures.

In order to convince the crowd of this conclusion, the expert explained it in detail. Although the no. 2 tomb found by the archaeological team in Yimen Village buried a large number of precious funerary items, the archaeological team did not find the bones of the tomb owner in the ancient tomb.

The Baoji area has rare rainfall all year round, and the bones in the ancient tombs are easy to preserve, and there is no trace of impossible decay.

The "poor man" tomb of only 4 square meters, the archaeological team was very disgusted, and after excavation, 225 national treasures were found

In addition, the 225 precious national treasures unearthed by the archaeological team in the ancient tomb are all gold and jade objects that seem to be of considerable value, and there are no bronze ceremonial vessels. According to the tradition of the time, if the tomb owner was really an ancient prince or a nobleman with status, there must be some bronze ceremonial vessels symbolizing status in his tomb.

Therefore, archaeologists have overturned the previous speculation and did not identify this tomb No. 2, which is only 4 square meters, as the tomb of ancient nobles. Since this tomb no. 2 is not the ancient nobleman's, how did the treasure inside come from? Archaeologists believe that these ancient tombs should have been stolen by tomb robbers from the first tomb of Qin Gong.

The Tomb of Qin Gong No. 1 is also in the Baoji area of Shaanxi Province, which is only more than 30 kilometers away from the No. 2 Tomb of Yimen Village discovered by archaeologists, which is not particularly far away, even in ancient times when the traffic was relatively backward, it could be reached smoothly.

More importantly, archaeologists have conducted a detailed study of various relics of Tomb No. 2 in Yimen Village and found that the style and texture of these things are highly similar to the things excavated in Tomb No. 1 of Qin Gong, and some things even have the same type.

The "poor man" tomb of only 4 square meters, the archaeological team was very disgusted, and after excavation, 225 national treasures were found

Therefore, archaeologists finally determined that the treasures in tomb No. 2 in Yimen Village were all stolen by tomb robbers from the tomb of Qin Gong No. 1.

After carrying out criminal activities, because they were afraid of being caught by the government, they ran to Yimen Village, which is more than 30 kilometers away from the Tomb of Qin Gong No. 1, dug a 4-square-meter grave, and hid more than 200 stolen treasures.

These tomb robbers did not take the treasure later, either because they were arrested by the government or because they were too greedy to cause infighting.

The "poor man" tomb of only 4 square meters, the archaeological team was very disgusted, and after excavation, 225 national treasures were found

For various reasons, the tomb robbers did not return to Yimen Village to take the treasures from Tomb No. 2 and let them be buried underground.

It was not until the 1990s that these ancient relics, which had been sealed for many years, were accidentally discovered by everyone because of the local government's electrical equipment factory construction plan.

Later, these treasures were sent to museums for preservation because of their great research value. The local government also built an electrical equipment factory according to the original plan, which further improved the lives of ordinary people.

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