
Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

The Winter Olympics are near! Just at the doorstep ~ the recently released torch relay story short film "Ice and Snow Covenant" is public, the male protagonist is our national brother Yi Yanqianxi, but the heroine has a European and American silhouette, she is a Chinese skier, her name is Gu Ailing.

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

What's going on with this girl? On January 9, at the Ski World Cup in Stimport, USA, Gu Ailing became the world's first female athlete to successfully complete the "front flip two weeks plus four turns" in the free ski event. He won 6 gold and 9 medals in 37 days, praised by People's Daily + CCTV, and evaluated Gu Ailing as the first person in history by the International Skating Federation!

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

I have been paying attention to the Winter Olympics, and I must press my head to tell everyone that this particularly powerful little girl is one of my favorite "little goddesses" this year!

I like her, not because of how amazing she seems to be on skiing, but because her family is one of the textbooks that "inspires parents the most."

How strong is Gu Ailing?

Ski champion, Stanford Xueba, at just 18 years old, will compete for gold medals in the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing on February 4, 2022, in three ski events: freestyle, steeplechase and big jump. Skiing genius girl, will soon represent China in the Winter Olympics in 2022, fighting for the country~

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

According to Gu Ailing's mother, Gu Yan, the high school where Gu Ailing attended was known as the "San Francisco People's University High School", and although her studies were so intense, she could become the first person in the history of the school to graduate a year early in high school. In the final SAT ("American College Entrance Examination") test, she scored 1580 points (out of 1600) and successfully received an admission letter from Stanford. This score can be ranked in the top 0.4%, equivalent to 700 points in the domestic college entrance examination!

She is a skiing genius and has won world-class trophies. But even more surprising is not just skiing and learning. She is also proficient in equestrianism, rock climbing, basketball, athletics... Is this body's toned muscle particularly dazzling compared to the white, thin and young aesthetic of the moment?

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

In life, she can sit elegantly at the piano and play music, proficient in piano, ballet, musicals... She is good-looking, full of vitality, and the biggest darling of the fashion circle in recent years. "Bring goods" for Louis Vuitton and Tiffany & Co, appear on the red carpet of Vogue and Met Gala, and win a big table of medals when you are a minor! On June 14, Tiffany & Co. On June 18, Victoria's Secret invited her to become a member of The VS Collective group On August 11, IWC was pleased to announce that Gu Ailing joined the brand family on September 3, which is her 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, becoming the spokesperson of the Cadillac brand of Cadillac, and becoming a close friend of the Estée Lauder brand Asia Pacific brand on September 20

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

At the age of 14, Gu Ailing had already won nine national championships, and her home still had 50 gold medals.

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

As a naturalized athlete, there have been many gossips about Gu Ailing's conversion to Chinese nationality in the past few years. In an interview, Gu Ailing said: "It is of great significance to change nationality to participate in the Winter Olympics, not only hoping to win medals, but also hoping that I can introduce the sport to a country that does not understand it, or that I can positively affect someone's future because of my journey." Especially in the city where my mother was born, this is more meaningful for me personally, and I feel very honored to represent China in the competition! ”

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

This girl, beautiful and cool, a fluent "Beijing piece", if you don't look at her thick eyebrows and big eyes European silhouette, you will definitely think that she is a Beijing big girl. The girl who has walked through the hutong since she was a child has an international face, speaks Chinese, and walks with a Chinese heart.

The champion harvester is no accident

In contrast to people's habit of "waking up gu Ailing won the championship again", the genius girl Gu Ailing, in fact, every champion is not easy to come, she has also encountered many difficulties and challenges, and her own documentary also describes a lot of lows and darkness.

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

When Gu Ailing was younger, she did not feel that all this stemmed from the so-called "genius", but "1% genius and 99% effort". Behind these auras, there are actually countless training, hard work, falls, mistakes, learning, and love... "Other people's children" Gu Ailing, in addition to his own love and efforts, the education of parents is even more surprising: no wonder! It deserves to be so awesome!

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

What kind of family education has made today's "ski genius" Gu Ailing?

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

In 2003, Gu Ailing was born, her father is an American, is a Harvard graduate, and her mother Gu Yan is an authentic Beijing girl, a student of Peking University, a high-quality student at Stanford University. Because of this transnational marriage, her mother Gu Yan followed Gu Ailing's father to settle in the United States and became an American daughter-in-law. Although Gu Yan lives in the United States, she has never been able to give up the place where she grew up, so Gu Yan often takes Gu Ailing back to Beijing for a vacation. Moreover, Gu Yan attaches great importance to Gu Ailing's Chinese and traditional Chinese culture education, and even Gu Ailing believes that she is a Beijing girl who grew up in a hutong. Gu Ailing's mother vividly shows the role of a Chinese mother, raising her daughter very carefully. Through Gu Ailing's growth trajectory, we can also "spy" into the "one or two" of her family education.

Support your child's love

When Gu Ailing was 3 years old, her mother as a ski instructor took her to the ski resort, and she has been inextricably linked to skiing since then. At the age of 3, Gu Ailing told her mother that she also wanted to have a pair of skis, and after that she started her skiing career and showed amazing ski talent, her talent comes from love. In just two hours, she was able to master the skiing moves that adults need 8 hours to do. Practicing skiing skills is an extremely hard and easy to injure thing, but Gu Ailing burns with love, and regards daily high-pressure training and frequent injuries as part of his life. She remembered one time when she fell down on a ski and learned that the new snow was taller than hers; and even once she fell asleep on the slope, it took her mother a long time to find her in the snowdrift. Mom is a skier by training and knows that skiing is a high-risk sport. Gu's mother never asked her daughter to take a professional ski route.

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

Although her mother saw Gu Ailing's talent in skiing, she was not required to focus only on skiing, but let her have as many hobbies as possible, such as piano, equestrianism, basketball, rock climbing, etc. Mother always had the opportunity to always take Gu Ailing to the east and west, broadening her horizons, perhaps it is because she sees more and tries more that it is easier to clarify what she loves.

See enough choices to be true to love. Have enough freedom to fight for yourself.

Don't be afraid of failure, persevere

At the age of 8, she signed up for a professional ski team and became the only girl in the team. Her ski path is not smooth. At the age of 13, Gu Ailing began to attack the adult group. This year, Gu Ailing competed in the National Ski Open for the first time. However, due to her young age and weight, she kept falling and did not complete the full game action. It was too much of a blow for a 13-year-old girl who was once so upset that she wanted to give up. And Gu's mother saw through her daughter's thoughts, she was not really unloving, but frustrated. The following year, my mother carefully accompanied her and did high-intensity trampoline training.

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

Returning a year later, she beautifully completed the actions that she could not complete, and since then she has fought harder and harder.

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

Respect your child's ideas

Gu Yan, who was also an athlete, never put pressure on Gu Ailing, so much so that Gu Ailing complained to her mother, "She is too Buddhist!" ”。

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

16-year-old Gu Ailing, the first time to go out to train alone, every time there is a break, she always calls her mother for the first time to report on the progress of her training.

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

In the mother's advice, the most heard words are "pay attention to safety, everything is mainly safety." Unlike most Chinese parents who are in a "chicken baby" anxiety, Gu Ailing rarely feels the pressure from her mother, but when she tries some difficult new actions, her mother will moderately stop "Don't do this, it's too dangerous, or we will go home." "Because the mother knows how hard her daughter fights and understands the risks of the sport."

Play enough to learn well

Gu's mother once said that the secret of her education was actually to let Gu Ailing sleep enough, not to blindly force her to train. Conform to the child's hobbies and do not set arbitrary limits on her life.

Gu Ailing said in a TED talk that the biggest reason for his success is "enough to sleep 10 hours a day." Stunned? 98% of our primary school students don't sleep enough, and every day they let their children learn, but what? Depression, anxiety, hollowness, weakness ... Deeply human children are caught in a vicious circle.

Look at Gu Ailing's smile so brightly, dancing and expressing his love, just sleeping enough for 10 hours has made 99% of parents wake up enough. "Sleep, play, never delay learning!"

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

Gu Ailing himself also said: "If you keep skiing, your love may be reduced, and the same is true for learning." Only balance can find true love. ”。 Skiing is a big part of her life, but it is not enough to be the whole pursuit of her life, and it seems to others that Ailing has been rushing forward, such as surfing in Hawaii before the final exam, and will not delay the review. "Play for a while and then learn, you will definitely learn better."

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

Write at the end

Gu Ailing has a very classic statement of her mother: "I know that children all over the world feel that their mothers are the best mothers, but I really feel that my mothers are the best... Sorry other moms, but my mom is better than yours. ”

Gu Ailing, the biggest secret of this genius girl is actually... Get enough sleep for 10 hours a day?

In your child's eyes, are you the "best mom"? I remembered the answer to "I Asked 10 Talented Teenagers..." that we wrote before, and it was always on my parents.

Compared with what our parents are forced to do, the parts we understand, accept, and grow up are the future of our children!

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