
Opening of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth Provincial People's Congress Zhang Qingwei presided over Mao Weiming's government work report

author:Red Net

Unswervingly move forward in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping

Strive to win greater victories and glory in the new era and new journey

The Fifth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress was opened

Zhang Qingwei presided over Mao Weiming's government work report

On the morning of January 17, the fifth session of the 13th People's Congress of Hunan Province opened at the Provincial People's Hall. The provincial people's congress deputies attending the congress carried the mission, shouldered heavy trust, were full of pride, fulfilled their duties, unswervingly moved forward in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and strived to win greater victories and glory in the new era and new journey.

Opening of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth Provincial People's Congress Zhang Qingwei presided over Mao Weiming's government work report

On January 17, the Fifth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress opened at the Provincial People's Hall. Zhang Qingwei, executive chairman of the presidium of the conference and executive chairman of the conference, presided over the opening meeting. (Photo by Tang Jun, all-media reporter of Hunan Daily)

At 9 o'clock, Zhang Qingwei, executive chairman of the presidium of the conference and executive chairman of the conference, announced the opening of the conference, and all the personnel stood up and sang the national anthem.

The general assembly shall be composed of 764 delegates, and the actual number of delegates shall be 717, which shall be in accordance with the quorum.

The opening meeting was presided over by Zhang Qingwei, Liu Lianyu, Xie Jianhui, Zhang Jianfei, Yang Weigang, Zhou Nong, Peng Guofu, Chen Wenhao, and Cao Jiongfang, executive chairmen of the presidium of the conference.

Leaders and veteran comrades who attended the meeting and sat on the rostrum were: Mao Weiming, Du Jiahao, Xu Dazhe, Li Weiwei, Zhu Guoxian, Yang Zhengwu, Wang Keying, Hu Biao, Wang Shuangquan, Li Dianxun, Wang Cheng, Wu Guiying, Sui Zhongzhong, Xie Weijiang, Wei Jianfeng, Yang Haodong, Zhang Yingchun, Nan Xiaogang, Feng Yi, Ye Hongzhuan, Xie Yong, He Baoxiang, Chen Fei, Wang Yiou, Wu Lan, Huang Lanxiang, Zhang Dafang, Lai Mingyong, Hu Xusheng, He Anjie, Zhang Jian, Yi Pengfei, Zhang Zhuohua, Hu Weilin, Li Min, Tian Liwen, Huang Yuejin, Li Minghui, Jiang Jianyu, Tian Hongqi, Wu Xiangdong, Xie Kangsheng, Li Jiang, Han Yongwen, Shen Ruiting, Liu Yu'e, Zhao Peiyi, Gao Jinping, Xie Youqing, Tang Zhixiang, Cai Lifeng, Yang Taibo, Chen Shuhong, Jiang Zuobin, Chen Junwen, Wang Kemin.

Other members of the Bureau of the General Assembly took their seats at the rostrum.

Opening of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth Provincial People's Congress Zhang Qingwei presided over Mao Weiming's government work report

Governor Mao Weiming made a report on the work of the government. (Photo by Liu Shangwen, all-media reporter of Hunan Daily)

Amid warm applause, Governor Mao Weiming made a work report on behalf of the provincial people's government. The report is divided into three parts: first, the review of work in 2021; 2. Regarding the work in 2022; Third, comprehensively strengthen the government's own construction.

Mao Weiming said that 2021 is a landmark year in the history of the party and the country. The whole province adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implements the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping to Hunan's important speech, implements the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, under the strong leadership of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, based on the new development stage, implements the new development concept, integrates into the new development pattern, adheres to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, calmly responds to the complex situation and the epidemic situation of the century, fully implements the strategic positioning and mission tasks of the "three highs and four new", and coordinates the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development. We have done a solid job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, completed the main goals and tasks set at the beginning of the year, and taken the first step and seen a new atmosphere in the opening year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan". It is estimated that the province's GDP will reach 4.58 trillion yuan, an increase of about 7.8%, and the average growth rate in two years is higher than the national average; High-tech manufacturing above designated size increased by 21%, local revenue and local taxes increased by 8% and 9.1% respectively, and non-tax accounted for 30.9%, down 0.7 percentage points, the best level in the past 5 years; The income of urban and rural residents increased by 7.6% and 10.3% respectively, and the per capita GDP exceeded 10,000 US dollars, reaching 10,675 US dollars.

Mao Weiming said that it seems that the most strange things in the ordinary are easy but difficult. Looking back on the past year, we have deeply realized that the leadership of the Party is the prerequisite, and it must always be highly consistent with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core; Maintaining the core is fundamental, and we must firmly defend the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards"; Seeking truth from facts is the foundation, we must respect the laws of the market, adhere to practical standards, and achieve a better combination of an effective market and a promising government; Reform and opening up is the key, promote quality change, efficiency change, power change, and unswervingly move forward in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Mao Weiming said that the 20th National Congress of the Party will be held in 2022, and it is of great significance to do a good job in the work of the whole year. We must strengthen our confidence in victory, with a sense of urgency that the time is not waiting for us, a sense of mission to sacrifice ourselves and others, cross dangerous shoals, overcome difficulties, adhere to the word "stability", seek progress in stability, and promote the stable and healthy operation of the economy; Maintain the trend of "advancement", continue to promote transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency, and achieve high-quality development; Grasp the requirements of "high", and implement the strategic positioning and mission tasks of "three highs and four new" at a higher level and with greater efforts; Realize the "new" deeds, strive to promote the construction of a modern new Hunan, strive to walk in the forefront of the rise of the central region, and strive to win greater victories and glory in the new era and new journey.

Mao Weiming said that the overall requirements for this year's work are: Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party, the 19th Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China, and the Central Economic Work Conference, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on Hunan's important speech, carry forward the spirit of the great party building, fully implement the deployment requirements of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in a stable manner, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, and comprehensively deepen reform and opening up. Adhere to innovation-driven development, promote high-quality development, fully implement the strategic positioning and mission tasks of "three highs and four new", adhere to the supply-side structural reform as the main line, coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinate development and security, continue to do a good job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, continue to improve people's livelihood, keep economic operation within a reasonable range, maintain the stability of the overall social situation, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

Mao Weiming said that the main expected targets for this year are: regional GDP growth of more than 6.5 percent, large-scale industrial added value growth of 7.2 percent, fixed asset investment growth of 7.5 percent, local general public budget revenue growth of 6 percent, and consumer prices of about 3 percent. 700,000 new jobs were created in cities and towns, the unemployment rate in urban surveys was controlled within 5.5%, and the growth of residents' income was basically synchronized with economic growth. Grain output is more than 60 billion catties. The quality of the ecological environment continues to improve.

Mao Weiming said: This year, we should focus on doing a good job in the following tasks:

The first is to continue to promote stable economic growth. Actively expand effective investment, grasp the ten major infrastructure projects and ten major industrial projects, promote the sustained recovery of consumption, smooth the circulation of the industrial chain supply chain, stimulate the development vitality of market players, do a good job in ensuring stable supply and price and market expectation management, and make economic development more resilient, more powerful, and more potential.

The second is to make every effort to cultivate new advantages in high-quality development. To create the "three highlands" to gather innovation elements, enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, enhance the innovation leadership, enhance the digital driving force, enhance the support of the "five good" park, grasp the ten major technical research projects, continuously enhance innovation and competitiveness, and strive to seize the commanding heights of development.

The third is to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up. With supply-side structural reform as the main line, deepen the reform of key areas, enhance the energy level of the open platform, introduce and go out at a high level, and promote the reform and opening up to make major breakthroughs in key areas and key links.

The fourth is to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. Strictly abide by the red line of cultivated land and the bottom line of food security, promote the high-quality and efficient development of agriculture, consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, implement rural construction actions, comprehensively deepen the comprehensive reform of rural areas, and unremittingly promote strong agriculture, rural beauty, and farmers' prosperity.

Fifth, solidly promote coordinated regional development. Docking and integrating into major national regional strategies, stimulating the vitality of regional development, promoting a new type of urbanization with people as the core, vigorously developing the county economy, promoting the complementary and integrated development of the advantages of "one nuclear, two pairs, three belts and four regions", and enhancing the overall strength of regional development.

The sixth is to further promote the construction of ecological civilization. Promote the development of green and low-carbon cycles, deeply fight the battle against pollution, do a good job in ecosystem protection and restoration, improve the modernization level of ecological environment governance, promote green as a universal form, and highlight the beauty of green ecology, the beauty of green industry, the beauty of green culture, and the beauty of green system.

The seventh is to prosper cultural undertakings and cultural industries. Carry forward the core values of socialism, enhance the efficiency of public cultural services, promote the integration of high-quality development of culture and tourism, carry forward the excellent traditions of Huxiang culture, continue the red blood, promote cultural soul casting, cultural empowerment, and cultural benefits, and accelerate the construction of a culturally strong province.

The eighth is to focus on ensuring and improving people's livelihood. Concern for thousands of households, affection for the people's happiness, strengthen the employment priority orientation, do a good job in people's satisfaction education, deepen the construction of healthy Hunan, improve the social security system, grasp the ten key people's livelihood facts, so that the development is more warm, the people's livelihood is more textured.

The ninth is to continuously improve the level of security development. Coordinate the two major issues of development and security, accurately do a good job in normalizing epidemic prevention and control, actively prevent and resolve major risks, maintain social stability and security, strengthen and innovate social governance, fully support the modernization of national defense and the army, and provide strong support for high-quality development and high-quality life.

Mao Weiming pointed out that striking iron must be hard by itself. Standing at the historical starting point of the modernization of the new Hunan construction, the provincial government system must always adhere to the party's overall leadership, firmly defend the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", strengthen the party building of the government system, promote the construction of a government rule of law, improve the efficiency of the government, improve the work style, enhance the work skills, bear in mind the entrustment, live up to the mission, work in a down-to-earth manner, walk in the forefront, and greet the victory of the party's twenty national congresses with practical actions!

Opening of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth Provincial People's Congress Zhang Qingwei presided over Mao Weiming's government work report

The Fifth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress opened at the Provincial People's Hall. (Red network reporter Zhu Liping photo)

The meeting also listened to the explanation of the "Hunan Provincial Implementation Measures (Draft)" by Zhou Nongzuo, deputy director of the Standing Committee of <中华人民共和国土地管理法>the Provincial People's Congress, voted and passed the "Measures for the By-election of the Fifth Session of the 13th Hunan Provincial People's Congress", and listened in writing to the report on the implementation of the 2021 national economic and social development plan of Hunan Province and the draft national economic and social development plan for 2022, and the report on the implementation of the 2021 budget of Hunan Province and the draft budget for 2022.

Present as observers at the meeting were members of the 12th Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, members of the Provincial People's Government, responsible persons of the Provincial Supervision Commission, the Provincial High People's Court, and the Provincial People's Procuratorate; some deputies to the National People's Congress in Hunan Province; relevant organs and organizations directly under the provincial government; central units in Hunan Province; counselors of the Provincial People's Government; responsible persons of the Intermediate People's Courts and People's Procuratorates of Cities and Prefectures; and responsible persons of the Standing Committees of the People's Congresses of some counties and urban areas.

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