
Before Liu Bowen died, why did he send a basket of fish to Zhu Yuanzhang? The other party didn't understand the meaning until 17 years later!

Liu Bowen was known as the "Little Zhuge Ge" of the Ming Dynasty, and he contributed a lot of merit to the Ming Dynasty in his lifetime, at the earliest time he followed Zhu Yuanzhang's uprising, the Eastern Expedition to the West to fight the Jiangshan, and then founded the Ming Dynasty. In the development of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen made many political achievements, and was also sent by the emperor to cut off all the dragon veins in the world to protect the foundation of the Zhu family. Later, before Liu Bowen died, he still wanted to assist Zhu Yuanzhang, and he instructed his son to send a basket of fish to the other party, but why did Zhu Yuanzhang spend 17 years to figure it out?

Before Liu Bowen died, why did he send a basket of fish to Zhu Yuanzhang? The other party didn't understand the meaning until 17 years later!

Some people say that Liu Bowen sent fish before his death to distract Zhu Yuanzhang's attention, so that the other party did not have too much energy to think about Yu Ion's things. But most people think that Liu Bowen sent the fish to remind Zhu Yuanzhang that he should separate his princes from different places, so as not to fight with each other.

Therefore, Liu Bowen has always been different from other ministers, once Zhu Yuanzhang invited Manchu officials to dinner, and there were many delicious dishes in the banquet, including shark fin bird's nest porridge, boiled dog meat, braised rabbit meat, etc., the officials ate very happily, except for Liu Bowen, who looked unhappy, only half of it and left the table, but Empress Ma chased out, handed Liu Bowen a vegetable basket, and said to him: "Don't look at it first, go back to the palace and naturally understand."

Liu Bowen was confused, and when he went back to see that there was a pear and two red dates, Liu Bowen carefully analyzed a wave, remembering that the dishes on the banquet were bird meat, dog meat, and rabbit meat, which was equivalent to rabbit dead dog cooking birds flying out, and good bows were hidden. The two red dates that Empress Ma gave him and one left may mean leaving early (harmonic).

Before Liu Bowen died, why did he send a basket of fish to Zhu Yuanzhang? The other party didn't understand the meaning until 17 years later!

Afterwards, Liu Bowen knew that Empress Ma was protecting his life, so he told the old man to return to his hometown and go into hiding, and soon after his departure, Zhu Yuanzhang executed the heroes on charges one after another to avoid the consequences. Liu Bowen hid in the countryside and heard a little about this, and he could only hide in a place that no one knew for his own life and his family. After a long time, Liu Bowen still returned to his hometown of Qingtian, and the county ordered him to hear of his return and made a special trip to visit the door.

Here is a passage: "The county order can not be seen, the micro-service is the savage Gurudwara, the base is maundy, the order is introduced into the house, the fire is made to make a meal order, and the order says: "A certain Qingtian ZhiXian also, The base is shocked to call the people, thank you, and will never see again", at this time, Liu Bowen was even more suspicious, afraid that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang would not let himself go, so he was depressed and unhappy, and he fell ill for a long time.

Before Liu Bowen died, why did he send a basket of fish to Zhu Yuanzhang? The other party didn't understand the meaning until 17 years later!

In the end, Liu Bowen was seriously ill in the countryside, and knowing that time was short, he summoned his son and instructed him to prepare a basket of fish to give to the saint in the capital when he died, and then he also took out a book of metaphysics and ordered him to give it to Zhu Yuanzhang together, but he was absolutely not allowed to read half a sentence. In 1375, Liu Bowen fell ill and died, and his son sent a basket of fish to Zhu Yuanzhang according to his will, and the other party, in his grief, thought for a long time and did not understand what it meant, so he put it aside and ignored it.

Before Liu Bowen died, why did he send a basket of fish to Zhu Yuanzhang? The other party didn't understand the meaning until 17 years later!

Seventeen years passed by, in 1392 AD, the crown prince Zhu Biao even felt cold and died of severe illness, at this time the position of prince was vacant, and the princes were ready to fight each other at any time, in order to seize the position of prince and inherit the Daming Jiangshan in the future. Zhu Yuanzhang found that the palms of his hands and the backs of his hands were all meat, and there was no way but to worry about it every day, only one day when he was suffering from the incompetence of the minister to help him solve his worries, he thought of Liu Bowen, and then thought of a basket of fish sent by someone after his death, when the live fish in the basket jumped around, because the space was too small, they squeezed each other, and finally the whole basket of fish died.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang gradually understood that Liu Bowen's implication was to treat the fish as a prince, and if they were to live in the capital, then sooner or later there would be a day of squeezing and killing each other. In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang was inspired, so he gave the princes the title of king of the domain and ordered them to rush to the fiefdom, and never returned to Beijing without passing on the order. Therefore, except for the prince who could stay in the capital, the other princes were isolated in this way. However, the infighting between the descendants of the Zhu family only officially began from that moment on, even if Liu Bowen calculated that this scene had occurred, it was beyond his reach.

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