
What should I do if the baby is startled and sleeps unsteadily? 2 tricks to get it done easily

Mothers, have you found that the baby suddenly convulsed when he slept, and suddenly he woke himself up, and then, we began a new round of coaxing, so strange, obviously the baby is in the hospital, when he was born, he slept well and peacefully, but why did he come home and sleep not at all? I still remember that after Han Bao returned home from the hospital, suddenly one day she had convulsions, that is, the whole body convulsions, which could frighten me at that time, for which I also took a special video and sent it to my pediatrician to see, the doctor said that it was the normal reaction of the baby after leaving the mother's body, before six months the baby will have a jumping reaction, and after six months it will disappear, which I am at ease.

What should I do if the baby is startled and sleeps unsteadily? 2 tricks to get it done easily

Have you found that when the baby is in the hospital, the doctor is wrapped in a swaddling swaddle for him, that is, to wrap the baby with a small quilt, just like when we were young, our mother always wrapped our hands and feet with a quilt blanket, this is because you can give the baby the feeling in the womb, let him reach out and touch the four walls, give him a sense of security. So, when we go home, if we don't swaddle him, we will find that she did not sleep well when she was in the hospital, and the baby will wake up from time to time.

In fact, the jumping reflex is the baby's innate reflex, it is a very normal phenomenon, but we are particularly worried that he is asleep and suddenly wakes up with a jump, we can improve it in two ways.

What should I do if the baby is startled and sleeps unsteadily? 2 tricks to get it done easily

The first one is to imitate the womb and give the baby a sense of security, because when she is in my belly, a little movement can touch our belly, but after birth can not touch things, it will definitely wake up, so we still have to learn the practice of the grandmother's generation, swaddle the baby, let the baby sleep peacefully, but pay attention to us only tied the baby's upper body Ha, two small hands to wrap her up, the baby's calves can be moved, so that it is like the womb, the baby is at ease.

If you think the baby is too troublesome, then it is recommended that you use a veiled sleeping bag, that is, a sleeping bag with a two-way zipper, so that the baby sleeps peacefully, we can open the zipper below, it is very convenient to change the baby's diaper, so our life today is really too convenient.

What should I do if the baby is startled and sleeps unsteadily? 2 tricks to get it done easily

The second is the white noise, the white noise is to let the baby feel the feeling in the womb, think about when in our stomach, the baby can actually hear all the sounds outside, traffic and traffic, birds and insects, wind and rain, people's noise, etc., you will find that when the baby cries, you issue a boo, the baby does not cry, you turn on the faucet, open the hair dryer, he does not cry, because these are all white noise, he will be very familiar with this sound, All we have to do is open the phone, find software like Cool Dog, and search for white noise. The baby will fall asleep obediently.

Very grateful to me when confinement, grandma accompanied me, for me to solve a lot of problems, the older generation of experience with the baby is still very useful, Han Bao in the sleep is really no night wake problem, is because grandma taught me to wrap the swaddling, usually whether it is day or night sleep, the family does not need to deliberately keep quiet, is our normal talking, cooking, ping-pong ping-pong sound, do not affect Han Bao sleep.

Well, the two methods shared today should be used quickly, do you have any good methods? Welcome to the comments section to let me know

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