
Behind the 23 central document number one | Review the promulgation of the No. 1 document in 2020 and 2021: Decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and a new journey towards the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas

author:Rural revitalization in China

In February 2020, the No. 1 document of the 17th Central Committee guiding the work of the "three rural areas" since the new century, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Doing a Good Job in the Key Work of the "Three Rural Areas" to Ensure the Realization of a Well-off Society in an All-round Way as Scheduled, was officially released to the public. The document clearly proposes to concentrate on completing the two key tasks of highlighting shortcomings in the field of winning the battle against poverty and making up for the comprehensive well-off "three rural areas", facing the test of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the exceptionally large flood disaster, the whole party and the whole country with stronger determination and decisive posture, cautiously maintain the strength of the attack, anchor the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, do a good job of "adding test questions" and fighting the "closing battle".

"At the important moment of ushering in the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, China has won a comprehensive victory in the battle against poverty." On February 25, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared at the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference: "Whether it is the snowy plateau, the Gobi Desert, or the cliffs and cliffs, the sunshine of poverty alleviation has shone to every corner, and the fate of countless people has changed, the dreams of countless people have been realized, and the happiness of countless people has been achieved!" ”

The picture of the reform of the great changes in the mountains and countryside is still unfolding. In the first year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", the No. 1 document of the Central Committee pointed out that "comprehensively promoting rural revitalization as a major task to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" and the focus of the "three rural areas" work have undergone a historic shift, from poverty alleviation and comprehensive well-off to comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, from victory to new victory, taking advantage of the momentum.

In the crucial period of conclusion, we profoundly understand the special importance of the "three rural areas" work

From the Sixteenth national congress to the nineteenth national congress, from comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society to building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the connotation is becoming richer and richer, and the goals are becoming more and more specific. Since the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the major arrangements made by the Party Central Committee around winning the battle against poverty and implementing the strategy of rural revitalization have continuously proved their correctness with achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.

The data show that from 2012 to 2019, China's poor population decreased from 98.99 million to 5.51 million, the incidence of poverty dropped from 10.2% to 0.6%, and the annual poverty reduction was more than 10 million for seven consecutive years; the per capita disposable income of farmers in poor areas increased from 6079 yuan in 2013 to 11567 yuan in 2019, an average annual growth rate of 9.7%, 2.2 percentage points higher than the increase in the per capita disposable income of farmers in the same period.

"Especially since the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has made a series of major arrangements around winning the battle against poverty and implementing the strategy of rural revitalization, eliminating absolute poverty in rural areas under the existing standards in a short period of time, and there has been no large-scale return to poverty, which has achieved a miracle in the history of human poverty reduction." He Xiurong, distinguished professor of the College of Economics and Management of China Agricultural University and counselor of the State Council, said in an interview that at the same time, the countryside has stopped decadence and the whole country has entered a new journey of rural revitalization. Specifically, in 2019, China's per capita grain share exceeded 470 kg, far higher than the international food security standard line of 400 kg per capita, and food security was steadily guaranteed; the growth rate of disposable income of rural residents exceeded the growth rate of disposable income of urban residents for ten consecutive years, and the income gap between urban and rural residents continued to shrink as a whole. From 3.33 in 2008 to 2.71 in 2017 and 2.56 in 2020, the basic production and living conditions in poor areas have improved significantly, and the construction of public infrastructure has been greatly effective.

The No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2020 highlights that "the whole party must deeply understand the special importance of doing a good job in the work of the 'three rural areas' in 2020, make unremitting efforts, continue to exert efforts, and resolutely win a comprehensive victory in the first centenary goal." Previously, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the Central Rural Work Conference in December 2019 that the well-off are not well-off, and the key is to look at the hometown. To a large extent, the quality of poverty alleviation and the quality of well-off people depend on the results of the "three rural areas" work next year. In the crucial year, doing a good job in the key work in the field of "three rural areas" is of great significance to achieving a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled.

"The special importance of the 'three rural areas' work in 2020 can be understood from the two dimensions of internal audit and external inspection." Su Baozhong, a professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics of the College of Economics and Management of China Agricultural University, said in an interview that the internal audit is to examine the work status of China's "three rural areas", and its special importance is mainly reflected in the nature of the work and the mission requirements.

As far as the nature of work is concerned, satisfactorily resolving the "three rural areas" problem not only has a bearing on the overall development of the national economy, but also on the stability of the whole society and the long-term peace and stability of the country. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, especially since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's "three rural areas" have made remarkable achievements in development. However, it should also be noted that the trend of China's economic growth slowdown has not changed, and the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic at the end of 2019 has brought unprecedented challenges, effectively preventing the social risks brought about by the "double meeting" of economic downturn and price rise, especially the difficulty of ensuring the safety of food supply. Based on this, strategically emphasizing the special importance of doing a good job in the "three rural areas" work in 2020 is of vital significance to ensuring the sustained and stable operation of China's economy and society.

As far as the mission requirements are concerned, satisfactorily resolving the "three rural areas" problem is not only an inevitable requirement for practicing the party's fundamental purpose, but also a concentrated embodiment of adhering to the people-centered development thinking in the new era. The core of the "three rural areas" issue is the peasant issue, and the peasant issue is the central issue that runs through the entire process of the party leading the masses of the people from revolution to the founding of New China to reform and development, and is also the key issue for realizing the party's first centenary goal. It can be said that without the well-off of the peasants, there can be no comprehensive well-off. At that time, poverty alleviation was faced with difficult "hard bones", and the shortcomings of the "three rural areas" were still prominent, especially the difficulty of increasing farmers' incomes, the supply of rural public products and services was still insufficient, and the task of winning the battle against poverty with high quality was still very arduous. Therefore, in order to conscientiously implement the party's key policy decisions and arrangements, it is urgent to strengthen the sense of mission, responsibility, and urgency of the "three rural areas" work by beating drums and hammers in special years.

Su Baozhong further analyzed that "external inspection" is to look at the development trend of the world economy, and this special importance is reflected in the intensification of uncertainty in the global economy and its possible impact on China's development. On the one hand, the overall global economic growth rate has slowed down significantly in 2019, and international trade frictions have intensified, but the traditional international economic governance system is difficult to respond to the new changes in the world economy, resulting in rising uncertainty in the global economy; on the other hand, due to the impact of the global pandemic of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the global industrial chain, supply chain and value chain are facing unprecedented challenges, especially the obstruction of food circulation and supply caused by some human factors, which increases the risk of China's rational use of the international grain market.

2020 is the year to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and the year to win the battle against poverty in an all-round way. He Xiurong stressed that comprehensively completing the task of poverty alleviation, consolidating the results of poverty alleviation, doing a good job in assessment and acceptance and publicity, preventing large-scale return to poverty and continuing to promote policy stability in poverty reduction are the priorities that need to be clear in 2020. On this basis, the national rural revitalization work is vigorously carried out, and the poverty alleviation areas should do a good job in consolidating and expanding the effective connection between the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and making up for shortcomings has become one of the main contents of rural revitalization work. In addition, the domestic and foreign environment is complex and changeable, and although the domestic economy is generally stable, it is stable and changeable, stable and worried. In this context, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2020 has become the key period for the successful realization of the goals and tasks of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", winning the battle against poverty, and building a well-off society in an all-round way, focusing on hard tasks and laying out the basic guidelines for new work, and it also has a far-reaching impact on the strategic backyard of the "three rural areas" and adding confidence and room for maneuver to the healthy development of the economy and the stability of the overall social situation.

Lock in poverty alleviation and make up for shortcomings, and ensure that all-round well-off is achieved on schedule

"This year's No. 1 document of the Central Committee implements the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and makes a comprehensive deployment for the work of 'three rural areas'. The first is to clarify the key points of work, and to put forward the two key tasks of concentrating efforts on winning the battle against poverty and making up for the outstanding shortcomings in the field of comprehensive well-off 'three rural areas'; second, it has strengthened policy measures, put forward some policy measures with high gold content and strong operability, and further strengthened the policy support guarantee for making up for shortcomings; the third is to emphasize the implementation and ensure that the two major tasks are completed on schedule. On February 5, 2020, the day of the public release of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee, Han Changfu, then director of the Central Agricultural Office and minister of agriculture and rural affairs, pointed out in an interview with the media.

The task goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way runs through the full text of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee, and the 27 specific measures of the 5 major parts are closely centered on this central task. Among them, resolutely winning the battle against poverty, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way against the benchmark, accelerating the shortfall in rural infrastructure and public services, and ensuring the effective supply of important agricultural products and promoting the sustained increase of farmers' incomes are in a particularly prominent position.

"The No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2020 not only clarifies the hard task of getting rid of poverty on schedule, but also puts forward high requirements for the quality of winning the battle against poverty." Su Baozhong pointed out that the document has made specific arrangements from the five aspects of comprehensively completing the task of poverty alleviation, consolidating the results of poverty alleviation to prevent returning to poverty, doing a good job in assessment and acceptance and publicity, maintaining the overall stability of poverty alleviation policies, and studying and continuing to promote poverty reduction, and presents a set of systematic final plans for winning the battle against poverty from the three levels of "promoting poverty alleviation, preventing poverty return, and seeking development", that is, by targeting the difficult "hard bones" of deep poverty areas and special groups such as the old, weak, sick and disabled to overcome the last fortress to achieve poverty alleviation. Through the establishment of monitoring and early warning mechanisms to prevent the return to poverty, by maintaining overall policy stability and building a long-term mechanism for relative poverty control to plan development.

2020 is the year of the end of the battle against poverty, and the last fortress must be conquered. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, decisive achievements have been made in poverty alleviation, and the vast majority of the rural poor have achieved poverty alleviation under the current standards, while the population that has not achieved poverty alleviation is mainly concentrated in deep poverty areas, of which a considerable proportion of families are poor due to disability due to illness. To this end, the document clearly states that we should further focus on the "three districts and three states" and other deeply impoverished areas, focus on prominent problems and weak links, and vigorously grasp the implementation of policies. For counties and administrative villages in deeply impoverished areas with a large number of poor people, a high incidence of poverty, and great difficulties in poverty alleviation, it is necessary to organize elite forces to strongly help and supervise the battle. For special poor groups, it is necessary to implement comprehensive social security policies such as the minimum guarantee, medical insurance, endowment insurance, assistance and support for the extremely poor, and temporary assistance, so as to achieve the full guarantee of the insurance.

The document points out that improving the monitoring and early warning mechanism, strengthening the dynamic monitoring of unstable poverty alleviation households and marginal households, and timely including the returning poor population and the newly occurring poor population in the help and support can provide institutional guarantees for consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and ensuring stable poverty alleviation. Subsequently, in order to implement the spirit of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee and establish a monitoring and support mechanism to prevent returning to poverty, the Guiding Opinions of the State Council Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development on the Establishment of a Monitoring and Support Mechanism for Preventing Returning to Poverty was issued in March of the same year. The "Guiding Opinions" require that the principles of combining pre-prevention and post-event assistance, development-oriented assistance and safeguard measures, government leadership and social participation, and external assistance combined with mass subjects be adhered to, clarifying the monitoring objects, monitoring scope and monitoring procedures, and determining measures such as industrial assistance, employment assistance, comprehensive guarantee, wisdom support and other innovative assistance, so as to provide guarantees for consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and ensuring high-quality and comprehensive victory in the battle against poverty.

As early as 2018, the "Strategic Plan for Rural Revitalization (2018-2022)" issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council has placed agricultural and rural infrastructure construction and public service supply in a prominent position. The "Plan" focuses on the goal of promoting urban-rural integration and agricultural and rural modernization, focuses on the direction of infrastructure construction and public service supply, deploys new tasks, and supports a series of major projects and action plans to focus on solving the problem of public services for farmers' livelihood. In 2020, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee further benchmarked the target task of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and innovatively proposed a series of detailed arrangements to accelerate the filling of the shortcomings of rural infrastructure and public services.

He Xiurong combed through the document, the document makes specific requirements for rural infrastructure such as roads, power grids, communications, water supply, human settlements and other public services such as education, medical care, social security, culture, ecology, etc., and provides guarantee arrangements in finance, land use, talents, science and technology, etc.

As of June 2020, according to the current standards, the drinking water safety problem of the poor population has been comprehensively solved, more than 80% of the rural population has access to tap water; all poor households in the country have achieved housing safety and security. As of August 2020, the penetration rate of sanitary toilets in rural areas exceeded 65%,; the domestic garbage collection and disposal system covered more than 90% of administrative villages. As of September 2020, rural fiber and 4G coverage have reached more than 98%.

The report of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the goal of doubling the gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rural residents by 2020 compared with 2010, which is also a hard indicator for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

When answering a reporter's question on the detailed rules of the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee in 2020, Han Changfu pointed out that only by maintaining the momentum of farmers' sustained and rapid increase in income does not weaken and the trend does not reverse, can we continue to narrow the gap between urban and rural incomes and let the peasant masses have more sense of gain, happiness and security in the year of moderate prosperity. Under the background of the current increasing downward pressure on the macro economy, the situation of increasing peasants' income is not optimistic, and we must take the initiative to promote the sustained increase of farmers' income through multiple channels.

"In this regard, the document mainly focuses on two major aspects, one is to focus on increasing the income of the poor population with the goal of winning the battle against poverty, adhere to the precise poverty alleviation, and comprehensively solve the 'three guarantees' and drinking water safety on the basis of universally realizing the 'two worries', to ensure that the remaining poor people get rid of poverty on schedule." The second is to ensure the effective supply of important agricultural products while promoting the sustained increase of farmers' income, the main measures include stabilizing grain and pig production, accelerating the construction of modern agricultural facilities, developing rural industries that enrich the people, and stabilizing the employment of migrant workers. Liu Heguang, a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said in an interview.

Industrial development is an effective way to increase farmers' income. The document highlights that it is necessary to support all localities to build their own unique agricultural industrial chains based on their resource advantages, establish and improve the mechanism for farmers to share the value-added benefits of the industrial chain, form competitive industrial clusters, and promote the integrated development of rural first, second, and third industries. Accelerate the construction of various industrial parks and rural "double creation" bases, focus on cultivating new agricultural business entities such as family farms and farmers' cooperatives, and integrate small farmers into the agricultural industry chain through order agriculture, shareholding dividends, custody services, etc. At the same time, we will continue to optimize the agricultural structure, build well-known local agricultural product brands, and increase the supply of high-quality green agricultural products.

Stabilizing the employment of migrant workers is crucial to stabilizing farmers' income. In this regard, the document proposes to increase the intensity of the work of stabilizing the posts of migrant workers, implement various measures to eradicate wage arrears, and ensure that the wages of migrant workers are paid in full and on time. It is necessary to implement skills training such as domestic service, old-age nursing, hospital care, catering and cooking, and e-commerce, encourage local governments to set up public welfare posts such as rural cleaners, water pipers, road guards, and ecological forest rangers, and deeply implement the cultivation of rural innovation and entrepreneurship leaders.

"At present, the 2020 Central Document No. 1 has achieved remarkable results in promoting farmers' sustained income increase." Liu Heguang introduced that according to the 2020 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Communiqué released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in poor areas in 2020 was 12588 yuan, an increase of 8.8% over the previous year, and the actual increase was 5.6% after deducting price factors. In 2020, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 17,131 yuan, an increase of 6.9% over the previous year, and the actual growth rate was 3.8% after deducting price factors, and the growth rate exceeded the growth rate of per capita disposable income of urban residents for 11 consecutive years. At the same time, the rural industry continues to show a good development trend. The agricultural product processing industry continued to develop, with operating income exceeding 23.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.5 trillion yuan over the previous year; the rural characteristic industry accelerated its development, and a number of "township brand" and "soil character" characteristic products emerged, cultivating 34 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters with an output value of more than 10 billion yuan; the recovery and development of rural leisure tourism directly led to the absorption of 12 million employed people and more than 8 million beneficiary peasant households; rural entrepreneurship and innovation continued to advance, and the number of returned entrepreneurs exceeded 10 million for the first time. It has led to more than 10 million new jobs in rural areas; the level of industrial integration has steadily improved, with 90,000 leading agricultural industrialization enterprises in the country and more than 1,600 agricultural product processing parks in various places.

In the great practice of poverty alleviation, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has based itself on China's national conditions, grasped the law of poverty reduction, introduced a series of extraordinary policy measures, built a set of effective policy systems, work systems and institutional systems, embarked on a path of poverty reduction with Chinese characteristics, and formed an anti-poverty theory with Chinese characteristics.

In a white paper entitled "China's Practice of Human Poverty Reduction" published by the Information Office of the State Council in April 2021, it was pointed out that China, which accounts for nearly one-fifth of the world's population, has completely eliminated absolute poverty and achieved the poverty reduction target of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule.

Winning the battle against poverty with high quality on schedule has created a miracle in the history of poverty reduction in China and even in the history of human poverty reduction. Li Ruiqin, a researcher at the Marxist Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview that China's poverty alleviation results have aroused warm and widespread concern all over the world, and many international celebrities have affirmed the great contribution of China's poverty reduction and governance to world development from the responsibility of the CPC and the Chinese government on the issue of poverty alleviation and the concept and practice of "precision poverty alleviation".

Li Ruiqin introduced that some foreign media have considered China's poverty alleviation cause on a global scale in their reports, and through a set of data, vividly demonstrated China's historic achievements in anti-poverty.

Some foreign media also pointed out that "China regards poverty eradication as the main goal of social and economic development, and has set a clear timetable for achieving this goal, and constantly seeks flexible policies in the field of poverty reduction." According to data released by the World Bank, China's contribution to reducing world poverty has exceeded 70%. China's poverty alleviation efforts are unprecedented in scale and time, and we have never seen so many people out of extreme poverty in human history. China's model and experience in poverty eradication provide the world with a 'Chinese version' of solving global poverty reduction problems. ”

Smooth transition and effective connection, writing a new chapter in the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas

On February 21, 2021, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC Central Committee) and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating Agricultural and Rural Modernization were officially released.

"Compared with previous years, there are three new backgrounds for the introduction of Document No. 1 this year." He Xiurong said: First, as the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan," it is the first five years of embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and marching toward the second centenary goal; second, China has won the battle against poverty on schedule and turned to consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and effectively linking it with rural revitalization; third, China is in a stage of new development, implementing new development concepts, building a new development pattern, and promoting all work with high-quality development as the theme.

He Xiurong further pointed out that the great significance of the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee in 2021 lies in carrying forward the past and the future, pointing out the positioning and central tasks of entering a new strategic stage from the previous strategic stage, and striving to make important progress in agricultural and rural modernization. To this end, the document is based on the current situation, focusing on the long term, focusing on accelerating the modernization of agriculture, vigorously implementing rural construction actions, and consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and effective connection with rural revitalization. At the same time, at the policy level, more emphasis is placed on institutionalization and the hard measures of "long teeth", which provides strong support for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country to make a good start.

It can be said that the No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2021 is a comprehensive implementation of the spirit of several resolutions of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the "three rural areas" issue, and strengthens the operability of the work.

In response to the "accelerated agricultural and rural modernization" proposed by the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee, the document has carried out detailed deployment on "how to achieve". Today, in the context of coping with the new crown pneumonia epidemic and various risks and challenges at home and abroad, it is urgent to coordinate development, consolidate and stabilize the basic agricultural plan, and further accelerate agricultural modernization.

"Without agricultural modernization, the modernization of the country is neither complete nor fully realized." Su Baozhong said that the clear theme of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2021 is to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate agricultural and rural modernization. First of all, accelerating agricultural modernization can enhance the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture, promote industrial upgrading, maximize the efficiency of agricultural production, and ensure national food security. Second, through agricultural modernization, we can effectively increase the income of grain farmers, thereby narrowing the income gap between urban and rural residents, and ultimately achieving common prosperity. Third, speeding up agricultural modernization is conducive to accomplishing the task of building a strong socialist modern country. The simultaneous development of agricultural modernization and industrialization, urbanization and informatization is the proper meaning and inherent requirement of the country's economic and social development in the new era.

Focusing on the key word of modernization, the document specifically puts forward the following reform priorities: First, to enhance the ability to guarantee the supply of grain and important agricultural products; second, to fight the battle to turn the seed industry around; third, to resolutely guard the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land; fourth, to strengthen the support of modern agricultural science and technology and material equipment; fifth, to build a modern rural industrial system; sixth, to promote the green development of agriculture; and seventh, to promote the construction of a modern agricultural management system.

Liu Heguang believes that these policies have their profound meanings and intentions behind them. The first emphasizes the security of supply, that is, to effectively ensure the security of agricultural product supply by enhancing the supply security capacity of grain and important agricultural products, consolidate the foundation of economic and social development, and give full play to the role of agricultural "ballast stone". The second and third items emphasize food security, that is, grasping the two key points of seeds and cultivated land, protecting the "chips" of agriculture and the "lifeblood" of grain production, ensuring national food security from the basis, and controlling the lifeblood of agricultural modernization and development. The fourth item emphasizes the central role of scientific and technological innovation in promoting agricultural modernization, and its intention is to insert the wings of science and technology for agricultural modernization and provide modern material equipment support for agriculture to take a good journey of modernization. Science and technology is an important driving force for agricultural modernization, and material equipment is the necessary material condition for agricultural modernization to upgrade, and only with strong scientific and technological power and material equipment conditions can agricultural modernization make steady and rapid progress. Items 5 and 7 point out the three major systems for building modern agriculture, namely, the modern industrial system, production system and operation system. The sixth requires the implementation of the concept of green development, emphasizing the promotion of green development of agriculture, and further implementing the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" in agricultural production, so as to ensure the quality and safety of national agricultural products and promote the high-quality development of agriculture.

"Especially in terms of building a system, the document puts forward a series of overall arrangements, requiring the implementation of the seed industry development strategy, strengthening the protection and development and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources; strengthening modern agricultural technology and equipment, implementing the supporting and modernization of large and medium-sized irrigation areas; building a modern rural industrial system, building a whole agricultural industrial chain, building a modern agricultural industrial park, a strong agricultural industry town, and an advantageous industrial cluster; promoting the construction of a modern agricultural management system, highlighting the two types of business entities of family farms and farmers' cooperatives. Encourage the development of various forms of moderate-scale operations. Su Baozhong said.

In response to the "implementation of rural construction actions" proposed by the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee, the document also puts forward specific requirements on "how to implement". Su Baozhong combed through the document focusing on four aspects. First, in terms of action concept, it is required to adhere to scientific planning and classification guidance. In carrying out the action of rural construction, it is necessary to meticulously draw up a blueprint and build beautiful villages; it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions, embody rural characteristics, and retain rural features; and it is necessary to rationally lay out and give classified guidance according to different rural functions. The second is to clearly emphasize the narrowing of the gap between urban and rural infrastructure and public services in the focus of action. As the focus of public infrastructure construction, rural infrastructure construction should cover the villages and extend to households; efforts should be made to implement a series of projects with smooth roads, water supply guarantees, clean energy construction, digital rural construction, and village-level comprehensive services to improve the convenience of village infrastructure and allow farmers to enjoy infrastructure and public services that are roughly equivalent to those in cities. Third, in the direction of action, the road of urban-rural integration development within the county is highlighted. It is necessary to enhance the radiation capacity and service level of counties and towns by strengthening the comprehensive service capacity and economic driving capacity of counties; it is necessary to accelerate the capacity building of public services in small towns and give full play to their advantages in connecting urban and rural areas; it is necessary to vigorously develop the county economy and enhance the employment absorption capacity by cultivating pillar industries and encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship, so as to promote the integration of urban and rural areas in the county. Fourth, the synergistic role of the government, the market and society is emphasized in the action mechanism. By increasing public input, we will strengthen the leading role of the government; use the market mechanism to allocate resources and give play to its innate advantages in activating the endogenous power of farmers; and mobilize the forces of all sectors of society to unite and promote the strong joint force of rural construction.

Especially at the special node of the reform process, it is undoubtedly a key stage task to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connect with rural revitalization. He Xiurong believes that "effective articulation" has two meanings. The first is consolidation, the core of which is that there can be no large-scale return to poverty. This is under great pressure on the original deep poverty areas such as the "three districts and three states", and some of the short-term measures and practices that were previously applied to the campaign are no longer applicable in the new development stage, and changes in the external industrial environment will also bring new challenges to these poverty alleviation areas. The second is expansion, that is, the rural work in the poverty alleviation areas should be expanded and upgraded, and the poverty alleviation work with income as the core should be expanded to the whole field of rural revitalization such as industry, rural basic public facilities, social governance, and ecological environment.

Therefore, the policy force is also mainly related to the above two aspects. He Xiurong said that in terms of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation, the document has set up a five-year transition period to gradually realize the smooth transition from concentrating resources to support poverty alleviation to comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and promoting the historic shift in the focus of the "three rural areas" work; improving the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism for preventing the return to poverty, carrying out dynamic monitoring of the rural low-income population, and multi-pronged social security means such as development-oriented assistance and civil affairs assistance; continuing to increase employment and industrial support, and focusing on the construction of a number of regional and cross-regional major infrastructure projects in poverty alleviation areas. Continue to do a good job in docking the market, labor export, work for relief and other work. In terms of continuing to promote rural revitalization in poverty-alleviated areas, the focus of efforts is to effectively develop industries and vigorously implement rural construction actions under the leadership of the party; in the poverty alleviation counties in the western region, a number of key counties for rural revitalization have been identified to provide centralized support, especially to continue to improve the supporting infrastructure, industrial park supporting facilities, and public service facilities in the resettlement areas in poverty-alleviated areas.

At the meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared on behalf of the party and the people, "Through the continuous struggle of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, we have achieved the first centenary goal, comprehensively built a moderately prosperous society on the land of China, historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, and are moving towards the second centenary goal of comprehensively building a socialist modern power." ”

"After winning the battle against poverty and achieving a well-off society in an all-round way, the work of 'three rural areas' has entered a new stage of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization." Su Baozhong held that, on the one hand, it is necessary to do a good job in linking the work between eliminating absolute poverty and alleviating relative poverty before and after the all-round well-off; on the other hand, it is necessary to further make up for the outstanding shortcomings of the "three rural areas" in the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Although the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society means that the reform has achieved key results, it is still necessary to clearly understand the "historical arrears" and its impact on the realization of the strategic goal of rural revitalization. Therefore, the work of "three rural areas" must also be worked on a wider range of fields and at a deeper level.

He Xiurong said that at present, a series of reform practices under the guidance of the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee in 2021, focusing on making up for the shortcomings of agriculture and rural areas, promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and increasing farmers' incomes, will strive to build a new pattern of "two highs, two suitable, two rich" with high quality and high efficiency, livable and workable in rural areas, and rich and prosperous farmers, which has played a key guiding role in the entire "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" and even longer period of agricultural and rural work, and has a far-reaching impact on making a good start and making a good start.

Step by step, the steps are solid, and the great cause of the times of comprehensive revitalization of the countryside continues to move forward. With the official release of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035", the picture of China's "three rural areas" in the next five years and by 2035 has become clearer: take the road of socialist rural revitalization with Chinese characteristics, fully implement the strategy of rural revitalization, strengthen the use of work to supplement agriculture, and bring urban and rural areas with cities, promote the formation of a new type of urban-rural relationship between workers and farmers that promote each other, urban and rural complementary, coordinated development, and common prosperity, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. (Zhang Yunhang, Geng Ruidi)

Source: China Development Watch, No. 24, 2021

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