
The famous general was shot in the face, but after recovering from his injury, he laughed: The enemy shot it well, helped me look beautiful

Founding Lieutenant General Wan Yi is a legendary general in the history of our army: he was the youngest commander of the Northeast Army under Marshal Zhang, and he was also secretly executed by chiang kai-shek but did not die, after joining the camp of the Eighth Route Army, he became a famous general of a generation of outstanding merits, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was Nie Shuai's assistant in pioneering the "two bombs" cause...

What is less known is that he also experienced a strange event during the War of Resistance: during the battle, he was seriously injured by a shot from the enemy, but when he recovered from his wounds, he looked at himself in the mirror and laughed, saying that the shot was good, and thanked the enemy for helping him beautify his face.

On October 20, 1944, Wan Yi was appointed deputy commander of the Coastal Military Region of the Eighth Route Army and head of the coastal detachment. Subsequently, this unit was ordered to carry out the anti-Japanese struggle in the area of Rizhao and Zhucheng in Shandong.

The famous general was shot in the face, but after recovering from his injury, he laughed: The enemy shot it well, helped me look beautiful

On the morning of November 23, Wan Yi led his troops to a place called Fengjia Xiaozhuang. They only had one breakfast, and scouts came to report the enemy's situation: the puppet army Li Yongping was launching a sneak attack on this side.

Wan Yi put down his dishes and chopsticks and immediately came to the east of the village, where he saw from the telescope that a group of enemies were carrying the plaster flag of the Japanese army, coming down from the opposite mountain beam and preparing to cross the river.

For this puppet army unit, Wan Yi had already heard about it, and knew that they had been trained by the Japanese army and their combat effectiveness was not weak.

The situation was very critical, and Wan Yi immediately made a decision, ordering the soldiers to occupy a commanding height, set up heavy machine guns, and give a head-on attack to the enemy who was preparing to cross the river.

The famous general was shot in the face, but after recovering from his injury, he laughed: The enemy shot it well, helped me look beautiful

However, the terrain here is not ideal, and after the warriors set up a Type 92 heavy machine gun, they were affected by a clump of artemisia grass in front of them. If you want to set up another shooting position, the time is already too late, what to do?

At this critical moment, Wan Yi decisively gave the order: "Fight here!" I'm in charge of observing the bounce point, and you listen carefully to my password and get ready to shoot! ”

Then he stared at the direction of the enemy's movement and issued the password of "three shots". Heavy machine guns rang out, and three enemy soldiers fell in response.

Wan Yi said happily, "Very good, just fight like this!" ”

However, he patronized to observe the enemy's movements and bullet points, neglected the concealment because of his excessive concentration, and became the target of the enemy's shooting.

The famous general was shot in the face, but after recovering from his injury, he laughed: The enemy shot it well, helped me look beautiful

At the moment when Wan Yi turned his head to speak, a bullet flew rapidly, right in the middle of Wan Yi's right cheek, through his face, and out of his left cheek, and knocked out several teeth in his mouth. Wan Yi's face was suddenly blurred with blood and flesh, and he fell to the ground.

The soldiers saw that the deputy commander was so badly injured and quickly carried him down.

The troops stayed behind to continue the battle, except for Wan Yi's serious injuries, the battle was fought very well, and finally successfully repelled the enemy.

Wan Yi came down from his position and was transferred to the rear of the Coastal Detachment, but his body temperature rose sharply, reaching 40 degrees. However, the accompanying doctors saw that the troops lacked medicines and were a little helpless, worried that Wan Yi would be infected with tetanus.

The famous general was shot in the face, but after recovering from his injury, he laughed: The enemy shot it well, helped me look beautiful

Fortunately, after Commander Luo of the Shandong Military Region learned that Wan Yi was seriously injured, he immediately sent cavalry to send an extremely precious tetanus serum overnight. The doctor was overjoyed and immediately injected Wan Yi, and his body temperature finally dropped.

Commander Luo was still not at ease, and sent the Austrian doctor Roshengt, who had come to China to support the War of Resistance Against Japan, to cross the blockade line and come to Wan Yi's residence to examine and treat him.

Rashant examined Wan Yi's injuries very carefully, and he told Wan Yi through an interpreter: "You are really lucky in misfortune when you are injured this time!" This bullet that hits your jaw, as long as it is slightly up or down, will have very serious consequences. ”

Subsequently, Dr. Rashant personally operated on Wan Yi, and in addition to treating the wound, he also pulled out the roots of the seven half-teeth that had been knocked out of Wan Yi's mouth one by one, and later installed dentures.

The famous general was shot in the face, but after recovering from his injury, he laughed: The enemy shot it well, helped me look beautiful

After the operation was completed, Wan Yi's injury recovered relatively quickly, but because the injury was in the key parts of his teeth, tongue and face, he could not speak for a long time, and eating became a major problem, and he could only eat liquid or semi-liquid foods such as batter and steamed eggs.

Two months later, Wan Yi finally recovered from his wounds and was discharged from the hospital and returned to the unit where he was wounded to continue fighting.

It is worth mentioning that when the medical staff removed the bandages on Wan Yi's face, an interesting conversation occurred.

After the bandage was removed, the medical staff saw the healing of Wan Yi's wounds and smiled: "Comrade Wan Yi, the enemy regarded you as a serious injury, although you have suffered a lot in the past two months, but it has also helped you?" ”

"Help?" Wan Yi replied in amazement, "What help did the enemy do me?" ”

The famous general was shot in the face, but after recovering from his injury, he laughed: The enemy shot it well, helped me look beautiful

The medical staff covered their mouths and smiled, and then brought Wan Yi a mirror and handed it to him: "If you look in the mirror, you will know whether what I said is true or false." ”

Wan Yi took the mirror suspiciously and looked at it, and it turned out that the place where the face was injured had some depressions after the wound was healed, and there was a symmetry on each side.

"You see, do you have an extra pair of dimples on your face?" The paramedics laughed.

"Hey, it's really like that!" Wan Yi also quipped to himself, laughing loudly, "The enemy shot this shot is wonderful!" Although it made me lie down for two months, it helped me beautify my face..."

The crowd also laughed that this shot did have a level, not only did not destroy Wan Yi's military temperament, but also made him laugh more charming.

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