
Lu Xun's monthly salary at that time was 350 yuan of ocean! How much money is in the current yuan

Speaking of Lu Xun, everyone is very familiar with it. From the beginning of reading at a young age,

Lu Xun

Articles have always accompanied us. The characters he portrayed also


, left to everyone


, such as Yan Tu, Xiang Lin Sister-in-law, Kong Yiji, A Q and others, all added to our late reading night

A heavy stroke

of colors.

Lu Xun's monthly salary at that time was 350 yuan of ocean! How much money is in the current yuan

Lu Xun is

Very famous

The modern literary writer, his literary creation and literary criticism, have influenced many people to this day. At the same time Lu Xun's to our country

Cultural development

There are also very

Significant impact

He used the power of words to make Chinese stand up, and used the power of words to encourage the people of China.

See the reality

, looking to the future.

In addition to respecting and liking Lu Xun's literature, everyone is also interested in Lu Xun's life

Very curious

。 Lu Xun's family when he was a child

Excellent conditions

Everyone refers to Lu Xun as "Zhou Xiao Young Master", later

Falling in the middle of the road

After that, Lu Xun moved into his grandmother's house and later arrived

Study in Japan

to improve your abilities and skills.

Lu Xun's monthly salary at that time was 350 yuan of ocean! How much money is in the current yuan

Lu Xun embarked on the path of literature after a year of studying medicine, when he saw a Russo-Japanese war movie


Status quo, and deeply stimulated. Since then, Lu Xun has had"

To save the country and save the people, we need to save the mind first

"Thoughts, then

Abandoning medical practice

, embarked on the use of literature, use

Words wake up

Chinese road.

After Lu Xun returned from studying in Japan, he worked at various schools

Serve as a teacher

From time to time, lectures are held. During his teaching, he also kept creating and writing


of fiction. In this, everyone will also be curious, Lu Xun as one

Literature everyone

How much income could these jobs have at that time?

Lu Xun's monthly salary at that time was 350 yuan of ocean! How much money is in the current yuan

From the "Diary of Lu Xun", we can know that when Lu Xun was a civil servant, his monthly salary was

360 oceans

, at the time because

Government of the Republic of China

Unstable, so the salary paid every month is almost 200 oceans. A piece of ocean in the Republic of China period was equivalent to about 110 yuan now, so Mr. Lu Xun had a month's salary during his civil service period

Twenty-two thousand

Meta around.

After knowing Mr. Lu Xun's salary, let's take a look at that time

Republic of China period

prices. The ocean can be said to be during the Republic of China period

The most valuable

Currency, generally go to eat a meal

Very luxurious

The big meal needs 20 oceans to go for a one night stay

Very extravagant

The hotel takes 5 oceans in one night. From this, we can also see that Mr. Lu Xun can get 200 oceans a month is a very good treatment.

Lu Xun's monthly salary at that time was 350 yuan of ocean! How much money is in the current yuan

In addition to the salaries of civil servants, Mr. Lu Xun also has quite a few

Other income

。 While working, he worked as a "special writer" in the Ministry of Education, every year


Not low either. A year can have an income of three thousand six hundred and seventy-five oceans, which in total, he has a year

Part-time fees

There are also more than 400,000 yuan in use.

Mr. Lu Xun often appears in the press on a daily basis

Publish articles

These articles can also earn some fees, on average, at least 500 oceans a month. This shows that Mr. Lu Xun can also have an article in a month

More than fifty thousand

Income from contribution fees. And if Mr. Lu Xun publishes a book, there will still be

Royalties on books


Lu Xun's monthly salary at that time was 350 yuan of ocean! How much money is in the current yuan

It is said that in 1929, a publishing house gave Mr. Lu Xun 20,000 oceans as a "royalty loss"

Compensation Fees

。 These twenty thousand oceans are equivalent to today.1 million


So much, so Mr. Lu Xun is really not bad money, it may still be one

Little rich

, the family is very solid.

In addition to the above income, Mr. Lu Xun also has an income, that is

Teacher salaries

income. Mr. Lu Xun loves literature and also devotes himself to education. Lu Xun's fame and achievements are very high, and the university also welcomes Lu Xunqian very much

Come to the class

。 Therefore, Lu Xun would teach in the university from time to time, or go to the university

Lectures are held

Lu Xun's monthly salary at that time was 350 yuan of ocean! How much money is in the current yuan

Once when Lu Xun was lecturing at Xi'an University, he got it in just one week

Four hundred oceans

When I was a professor at Xiamen University, I also had a monthly salary

Four hundred oceans is equivalent to more than 40,000 yuan. So

Of all shapes and sizes

Combined with the salary and remuneration, Mr. Lu Xun's income is quite large.

From this, we can also see that

Teachers' salaries are very high. This is mainly because of the government of the Republic of China

Very valued

College student education, on college campuses invests a lot, in order to improve

Quality of teaching

The corresponding teacher salaries will also be high.

Lu Xun's monthly salary at that time was 350 yuan of ocean! How much money is in the current yuan

According to the data, a university teacher during the Republic of China period was a monthly

minimum wage

There are also 100 yuan of national currency, which is equivalent to more than 10,000 yuan per month

Maximum salary

It can have 600 yuan of national currency, which is equivalent to more than 60,000 yuan. Attracted by such a high salary, many people have also devoted themselves to the education industry, which has boosted the Republic of China era


But not all education industries will have such preferential treatment. During the Republic of China period, while paying attention to higher education, yes

Elementary school education

The investment is very small. A lot

Elementary school teacher

They all have a very hard time, the lowest monthly wage is only 5 yuan, and more will reach 17 yuan. This also made the "lame" primary education of the Republic of China era become a development in China

Important shackles

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