
The company does not develop without you today, and the company has you without tomorrow

author:Grasshopper perspective

In Chinese history, there are two historical events that are very famous. The first is to "release the military power with a cup of wine", and the other is that Zhu Yuanzhang killed the heroes in his later years.

On the surface, they were afraid that the founding heroes would threaten their descendants, after all, they were a bunch of military generals, and they were very familiar with how to lead troops to fight. If Zhao Kuangyin or Zhu Yuanzhang were gone, it would be difficult to ensure that their descendants could suppress them.

The company does not develop without you today, and the company has you without tomorrow

In essence, it is the military generals who are no longer adapted to the needs of the times. Whether after the founding of the Song Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, the most important thing to do is to develop the economy and recuperate, and what is needed at this time is a large number of literary generals. Most of the military generals, on the other hand, consciously made meritorious contributions to the country and mountains, began to fly and do whatever they wanted, harming one side and making it impossible for one side to be at peace. The beginning of conforming to the general trend of the times has become a counter-current of historical development!

In fact, ancient stories are also being interpreted in the contemporary era!

The company does not develop without you today, and the company has you without tomorrow

At present, the main body of the market is the enterprise, and the fundamental purpose of the enterprise is to make profits. To put it bluntly, it's about making money. If you want to make money, you have to have someone. What kind of people are needed? The right person. In the initial stage of enterprises, it is natural for the grassroots team to set up a stage, dare to break through, willing to follow, as for the lack of ability, lack of experience, lack of character, first put it! Start-ups are the stage of extensive development!

It is impossible for a company to be in the start-up stage forever, which means that the company has died. With the large-scale formation of enterprises, or the construction and operation, it has begun to be formalized and refined management. At this time, the contradiction comes out: the existing talents of the enterprise are not suitable for the development of the company. Simply put, I want to be bigger and stronger, and the original group of people has become a roadblock, because they can't keep up with the rhythm!

The company does not develop without you today, and the company has you without tomorrow

This corresponds to that sentence: the company can not develop today without you, and the company has you without tomorrow!

At this time, the best way for employees is to make up lessons. According to the needs of enterprise development, timely supplement knowledge, improve capabilities, and keep up with the rhythm of company development. Don't leave silently, and then try to develop.

The company does not develop without you today, and the company has you without tomorrow
The company does not develop without you today, and the company has you without tomorrow

At this time, the worst thing is that some old employees do not know themselves. Thinking that they have worked hard and done a lot of work, thinking that they are heroes, if there is a slight unhappiness, they will complain everywhere, and they will not leave the little things they did before. He thinks that his boss will not abandon himself no matter what. As everyone knows, the boss has already moved his determination to sweep the floor and go out, just waiting for him to make a mistake. When some of his grievances were distorted and passed on to his boss, he had already been sentenced to "death."

If enterprises want to develop, can they only replace new people with old people? Is there any other way to follow? Everyone is welcome to comment in the comment area.

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