
Apple requires employees to receive the new crown vaccine booster injection, otherwise entering the company requires nucleic acid testing

Whiplash January 17 news, according to foreign media Appleinsider reported that apple in the United States recently required employees to be vaccinated with the new crown vaccine booster injection, entering the company needs to show vaccination certificate, otherwise it will have to face frequent nucleic acid testing. In 2021, Apple will require employees to be compulsorily vaccinated against the new crown before they can go to the office. Apple continues to push for vaccinations to protect against the covid-19 pandemic that continues to circulate in the United States.

Apple's internal memo said employees had four weeks to get the COVID-19 vaccine booster and provide evidence. If there is no valid certificate, from February 15, employees who go to work in Apple's direct stores or company offices will have to undergo a nucleic acid test for the new crown virus.

Starting Jan. 24, Apple is requiring employees who have not provided any vaccination certificates to get rapid antigen testing before going to work.

It is reported that Apple also said in the memorandum, "Due to the weakening of the original new crown vaccine and the emergence of new strains such as Omicron, in order to prevent the emergence of severe infections, it is now necessary to vaccinate the booster needle." "Apple currently has a mixed work system, from 2 days a week to 2 days a week, with the remaining three days working from home.

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