
What should older women pay attention to when doing xiamen third-generation IVF?

With the improvement of the level of IVF technology, IVF has attracted more and more attention, but the success of IVF is constrained by many factors, of which the age of women is one of them, so for older women, the success of IVF is more than others. In addition to the psychological quality is too strong, it is also necessary to pay attention to the following points. Today Hengjian Overseas will take a look at it with you.

What should older women pay attention to when doing xiamen third-generation IVF?

Older women do IVF and need to pay attention to:

1. Physical examination

It is mainly to systematically evaluate the medical history, occupation, diet, living environment, ovulation status of women, fallopian tube function and ovarian function and male semen status of couples of childbearing age who intend to have children. Data are derived from systematic evaluation to determine their fertility status, their likelihood of natural fertility, and their chances of having a healthy baby.

As women age, ovarian function declines, and the number and quality of eggs decrease significantly. Therefore, for older women, whether it is natural conception or IVF fertility, it is very necessary to do a comprehensive fertility assessment, and it is also a manifestation of a person responsible for themselves, their families and their babies.

What should older women pay attention to when doing xiamen third-generation IVF?

2. Adjust the psychological state

Couples who have a second child, especially older and elderly couples, are often in a state of high tension once they decide to become pregnant. Attaching great importance to menstruation, to ovulation, to the intima, to the fallopian tubes, and excessive anxiety, this mentality often leads to a lack of desire. Severe psychological stress can also affect endocrine and sexual function, resulting in irregular menstruation and dissatisfaction with sexual life.

Maintain a cheerful and peaceful state of mind, regular physical examination, usually pay attention to health care, and take care of both inside and outside, especially the maintenance of the ovaries, which is very important for fertility; Learn to reduce self-stress, maintain a peaceful state of mind, excessive stress, depression, anxiety will affect the endocrine and thus affect conception. Lifestyle should also be maintained regularly, combined with work and leisure, appropriate exercise, maintain adequate sleep every day, and make adequate nutritional preparations.

3. Active treatment

This is especially important for elderly couples. In addition to formulating a treatment plan for infertile couples based on the patient's previous fertility history, surgical history, degree of tubal lesions, husband's semen status, and whether other infertility factors are combined, the patient's age and ovarian reserve function are more important.

The same infertility factors, different ages, different treatment options given by doctors, and different treatment timing. This is also called individualized therapy. Of course, the economy, medical insurance, etc. should also be taken into account when choosing.

What should older women pay attention to when doing xiamen third-generation IVF?

4. Learn to persevere and know how to give up

Elderly couples doing IVF should learn to persevere and know how to give up. Learn to persevere when there is conditional treatment (physical condition, financial condition, psychological condition). Learn to give up when there is no conditional treatment.

Hengjian overseas tips: Although IVF can solve most of the infertility problems, it also has great limitations, and elderly pregnant women face greater risks, so older women need more attention.

As an elderly mother-to-be, we must carry out appropriate conditioning and examination before doing IVF in Thailand, and we must observe the body's reaction more during ivy infant, actively cooperate with the doctor, and strive to maximize the success rate of IVF.

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