
494 Emperors in History: Who is qualified to be called the Emperor of The Ages? That's all there is to it

For more than 5,000 years, China has bred a very long and profound cultural heritage. Once upon a time, our country experienced more than two thousand years of feudal imperial rule, with 494 emperors, but not every monarch is qualified to be called an emperor for thousands of years, there are only these in history, and today we will talk about them.

494 Emperors in History: Who is qualified to be called the Emperor of The Ages? That's all there is to it

1. Qin Shi Huang: Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of our ancient times, and at that time it was in the picture of the division of princes, and there were often wars between countries. Under the leadership of Qin Shi Huang, the Six Kingdoms were unified for the first time. In addition to unifying the Six Kingdoms to end the war, he also created a unified writing and weights and measures to enhance our civilization. Moreover, the Great Wall was also ordered by him to build, and this great project can be called the world's attention. Although history has praised and degraded him, it is undeniable that his achievements in history are very remarkable.

494 Emperors in History: Who is qualified to be called the Emperor of The Ages? That's all there is to it

2. Emperor Wu of Han: Emperor Wu of Han can be said to be the most effective emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, he founded the era name and was also the first emperor in China to use the era name. During his reign, he consolidated the centralization of power, implemented the grace decree, and solved the problem of princes and courtiers forming parties for personal gain. In addition, he made three expeditions against the Huns, all of which were victorious. At that time, he also opened the Silk Road, strengthened cultural exchanges between China and the West, and greatly encouraged and promoted the country's agriculture and silkworm industry.

494 Emperors in History: Who is qualified to be called the Emperor of The Ages? That's all there is to it

3. Tang Taizong: The Tang Dynasty was one of the most prosperous periods in our ancient times, and the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty was heard and seen by many people. The folk customs of the Tang Dynasty were very open, and people's lives were more comfortable. During the entire Tang Dynasty, the most prosperous was during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang. He is very good at fighting with soldiers, so the Tang Dynasty's military strength is very strong. In addition, he also took the initiative to advise, reward and punish clearly, and make good use of talents... Regardless of the late period, Tang Taizong can be said to be a generation of Ming Jun.

494 Emperors in History: Who is qualified to be called the Emperor of The Ages? That's all there is to it

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