
A junior high school teacher wrote a message for winter vacation

author:Physical education teacher who teaches math

Under the double reduction policy, how should junior high school students spend their own winter vacation? I also have a little idea of my own, to share, for reference only.

First of all, as a teacher, I am a strong advocate of the double reduction policy. In the past 9 years of teaching, slowly developing, there are many factors that determine children's grades, and holiday tutoring is only one of them, and it is a very ordinary one. Not allowing students to attend tutoring classes is definitely not the same as doing nothing this holiday. It is not equivalent to cutting off the opportunity for students to overtake in curves.

Secondly, I firmly believe that choosing comfort at the age of this effort will lead to regret for the rest of your life. And the study career is undoubtedly the age that should be worked hard. Laziness and relaxation in the learning process are the most undesirable.

In this way, it is believed that the tutoring class is not the most important, and it is said that it is not enough to play. Is it a contradiction in terms? In fact, there is no contradiction at all, we can not confuse the concept, counseling is only a form of effort, and can not be equated with effort.

To understand this, you need to figure out two problems. First, what are the ways to make efforts?

Second, which way to choose to work hard?

First of all, let's talk about the way of effort: the tactics of the sea of questions count as effort; the tutoring class that fills the whole vacation counts as effort; recognizing the importance of learning and improving the internal drive is also considered hard work; starting from life, improving one's self-care ability is also considered hard work.

Then there's how to choose how to work

By summarizing the characteristics of excellent students, it is not difficult to find. The most notable characteristics are: self-discipline, diligence, and strong self-care ability. The salient characteristics of eugenics are: laziness, negativity, and loss.

And I've always thought that vacation tutoring is tantamount to getting students to start early, and it's true that they can win at the starting line, but there's no guarantee that they'll win at the finish line. On the contrary, it improves his internal drive, the quality of tenacity, which is equivalent to improving his running ability. It is true that we did not win immediately at the starting line, but at the finish line, we definitely had a fight!

So my points and suggestions are clear. Since we don't have a chance to make a fuss at the starting point, we should try our best to think of a way in the process.

Start with the little bits of life and let your child be sunny and positive. Let him have light in his eyes and hope in his heart. Have a plan for your life and have requirements for your behavior.

Teaching a child to run is far more meaningful than putting him at the starting point!

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