
Cosmic Weather Forecast 0117~0123: More pronounced changes

The third week of 2022 is about to begin

Another wave of heavy stars struck

Use the term "super-change" to describe the recent period

It's no exaggeration

And the happiest one recently

It's those who are in a stable little environment

You are an existence that responds to change with the unchanging

And others

More or less are experiencing changes in the workplace or life

Key astrological activities for the coming week are:

Cosmic Weather Forecast 0117~0123: More pronounced changes

Jan 18

Cancer full moon

Astrological importance: ★★★★★

(Until January 20)

The full moon at 27°50' Cancer will amplify our thinking about security and belonging, calling on us to focus on our inner emotions.

These days, many people will strongly feel the surge of emotions, hysterical because desires can not be satisfied, or because of being pampered and fearless, it is easy to appear extreme emotions, anxiety, depression, grievances, loneliness, nostalgia feelings are magnified, resulting in imbalance between individuals and families, inner emotions and external expectations.

If you can make good use of and balance the huge negative energy brought by this full moon, soft inside but determined, then this will be a starting point for you to become stronger and repair the cracks.

Taboo: impulsive decision-making, profligacy

Focus on influencing the zodiac signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra

Uranus resumed its anterograde

Astrological importance: ★★★★

Following the Earth-Sky Quadrus at the end of 2021 and Jupiter's shift in Pisces, another accelerating change of the astrological sign has occurred, and the resumption of the anterograde Uranus will make many subversions, changes and transformations come faster and more obviously and dramatically, especially in the two weeks when Uranus turns from retrograde to anterograde.

Many people finally make up their minds, turn the inner thinking of the previous few months into action, seize important opportunities to achieve the transformation of their careers or lives, choose to jump jobs, move, etc.; there will also be people who are busy dealing with the changing situation, many mistakes made in the past need to be corrected, so that everything is back on track, after all, at this time, Venus and Mercury are also retrograde...

In short, this will be the beginning of a year when everyone feels not very good, and what we need to do is to continuously enhance our core competitiveness, steadily and actively break through, rather than being led by changes.

Focus on influencing constellations: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius

Jan 20

The sun enters the constellation of Aquarius

Astrological importance: ★★★

(Until February 19)

The sun leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, and freshness replaces the sense of reality as the theme of this time, whether it is to accept new things and new ideas, create a more diversified creative and social atmosphere, or a lot of discussions around the relationship between individuals and groups, will be put on the agenda in this Aquarius month.

If you have a new device and a new subject you want to learn, a new style you want to try, or a niche direction you want to try, you may want to get off to a good start this month. But to remind everyone, because Mercury is currently retrograde in Aquarius, the pragmatic and rigorous spirit can still not be less.

Lucky Little Stars: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini

The above is the cosmic weather forecast for the coming week

The beginning of the year is constantly changing, but it is not all bad

Think positively

This also proves that we have the opportunity to become better looking, rich and strong!

Cosmic Weather Forecast 0117~0123: More pronounced changes

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