
One of Li Bai's most fleshy poems, nakedly pursuing Yang Guifei, the opening two sentences have been spread to this day!

One of Li Bai's most fleshy poems, nakedly pursuing Yang Guifei, the opening two sentences have been spread to this day!

Ancient China has a long history and a long history of culture, in the long years, the ancients used their wisdom to leave us a lot of cultural treasures, and the most prominent contribution is the poetry culture. If we talk about poetry, for us today, it is difficult to avoid one person - Li Bai. According to the New Book of Tang, Li Bai was the ninth grandson of Emperor Xingsheng (Li Huan, the King of Liangwu Zhao), and was the same as the kings of Li Tang. But unfortunately, by the time of Li Bai's generation, the relationship between them and the imperial family of the Tang Dynasty was already far away. It was precisely because of this that Li Bai worked hard to gain the attention of the emperor.

One of Li Bai's most fleshy poems, nakedly pursuing Yang Guifei, the opening two sentences have been spread to this day!

Li Bai, an all-rounder of literature and martial arts, the poems he wrote involve many aspects, some heroic, some gentle, some landscapes, and more nostalgic, in addition to these, the poems of style and elegance are not in the minority, such as the poem introduced by Xiao Hehe for everyone today- "Qingping Tune , One", which is Li Bai praised Yang Guifei.

One of Li Bai's most fleshy poems, nakedly pursuing Yang Guifei, the opening two sentences have been spread to this day!

At that time, Li Bai was still "Hanlin Offering", just when the peonies were blooming in the Chang'an Palace in the spring, Emperor Tang Ming and Yang Guifei were admiring in the imperial garden, and the Merry Heavenly Son thought that there should be a poem to help him at this time, so he sent a decree to summon Li Bai into the palace. However, the eunuch who went out to look for Li Bai did not find it for half a day, but when he was walking back, he met Li Bai, who was already drunk in a tavern. So the eunuchs directly "framed" Li Bai into the palace and directly sent him to the peony garden.

One of Li Bai's most fleshy poems, nakedly pursuing Yang Guifei, the opening two sentences have been spread to this day!

"The clouds want to dress and flowers, and the spring breeze blows Revlon." If it were not for the jade mountain head, it would meet the Yaotai Moon. This is a writing technique that describes flowers and people together, using the clouds and flowers that were once very colorful in people's hearts to describe people, that is, Yang Guifei's beauty, which makes her beauty special, even if the clouds also want to be her clothes, flowers also want to have her face, she seems to be a fairy in the fairyland.

One of Li Bai's most fleshy poems, nakedly pursuing Yang Guifei, the opening two sentences have been spread to this day!

Li Bai was barely bragging about Yang Guifei in this poem, and at the same time secretly patted Tang Xuanzong's ass, in the end, It turned out that Yang Guifei was a figure that could only be presented in the fairyland, which means that under the management of Tang Xuanzong, this Tang Empire had become like a fairyland. Li Bai's poem made Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei very happy, and gave him a lot of property, but did not give him real power and official positions, Li Bai was troubled and sad and finally chose to separate Chang'an, and he was spreading the opening two sentences of the poem to this day!

Yang Guifei is one of the four great beauties of China, folk stories and legends about her, can be said to be everywhere, and we can also feel from Li Bai's poem, Yang Guifei at that time was indeed a rare in the world, otherwise it would not have made Emperor Tang Ming so fond of her. In the poem, let us see the unique beauty of the Tang Dynasty, let us feel the admirable style of the world.

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