
How are the descendants of the Five Tiger Admirals doing? Zhao Yun's son sacrificed his life on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's son betrayed the country and sought glory

Introduction: The Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period contributed greatly to the Shu Han regime, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei followed Liu Bei very early on to kill the Yellow Turban Thieves, break the Tiger Prison Pass, conquer Xuzhou, Yuzhou, and Jingzhou, and for decades conquered the battlefield like a day, making great military achievements. Zhao Yun joined Liu Bei's clique in Yuzhou, repeatedly protected Liu Bei's life and death, attacked cities in Yizhou and Hanzhong, and followed Zhuge Liang in his later years to kill the enemy in the Northern Expedition. Huang Zhong joined the Shu Han clique after the Battle of Chibi and pacified Jingnan and Hanzhong, which was also a decisive factor in the Battle of Hanzhong. Ma Chao was born as a warlord in the West, and before joining the Shu Han, he was already famous in the world, and after joining the Shu Han, he strengthened the momentum of the Shu Han. Although the five of them performed very well, their descendants performed very unsatisfactory.

How are the descendants of the Five Tiger Admirals doing? Zhao Yun's son sacrificed his life on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's son betrayed the country and sought glory

Guan Yu's eldest son, Guan Ping, accompanied Guan Yu on his campaign on the battlefield and was also Guan Yu's right and left hand, but was killed with the defeat of Guan Yu's soldiers during the Battle of Xiangfan. Guan Yu's younger son, Guan Xing, began to study martial arts and martial arts diligently from an early age, and was pinned high hopes on by Liu Bei. After hearing the news of his father's death, he vowed to avenge his father, and Liu Bei had no choice but to order him to follow him into battle. Guan Xing performed well in the Battle of Yiling, personally killing Ma Zhong and Pan Zhang to avenge his father and also regain the Green Dragon Sword. During the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang appointed him the general of Long Jun, but Guan Xing was killed by Cao Wei's plan during the Battle of Longxi.

How are the descendants of the Five Tiger Admirals doing? Zhao Yun's son sacrificed his life on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's son betrayed the country and sought glory

Zhang Fei had two sons, the eldest son was named Zhang Bao, and the second son was named Zhang Shao. Zhang Bao and Zhang Fei were simply carved out of a mold, the leopard's head was ringed, and his temper was also very grumpy. He and Guan Xing are the same age, the two followed the same father's generation as brothers, but also has been urging each other to progress. Zhang Bao did not participate in the Battle of Yiling, and was appointed by Zhuge Liang as a tiger wing general during the Northern Expedition, during which he made a great meritorious achievement, and Zhuge Liang once wanted to train him to be the first person of the Shu Han Shaozhuang faction. Zhang Bao was very angry when he heard of Guan Xing's death, and after meeting the people who killed Guan Xing in the Second Northern Expedition, he rode in pursuit, but because he was not familiar with the road, he fell off the cliff halfway through the chase. When the Shu army rescued him, he was unable to return to heaven, and Zhuge Liang vomited blood on the spot after learning the news.

How are the descendants of the Five Tiger Admirals doing? Zhao Yun's son sacrificed his life on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's son betrayed the country and sought glory

Zhang Fei's second son was named Zhang Shao, he was weak and sickly since he was a child, originally Zhang Fei wanted him to learn martial arts to strengthen his body, but in the end he could only give up because of physical problems, and then sent to Shuzhong To study under the Confucians, hoping that he could become a military master. Zhang Shao xiwen was also not ideal, and often used the prestige of the Zhang family to bully people. Because of the Zhang family's connections, Zhang Shao was sent to the court as an official after he became an adult, and because he was similar to Liu Chan's age, the two of them had always been close. Later, when Deng Aibing came to Chengdu, Zhang Shao was worried that he would be killed after the Wei army broke the city, so he kept encouraging Liu Chan to surrender. At first, Liu Chan did not agree, and Zhang Shao led a group of civilian officials to force Liu Chan to surrender, and Liu Chan had no choice but to surrender. Zhang Shao and others were not liquidated after the war because of their meritorious "persuasion" to surrender.

How are the descendants of the Five Tiger Admirals doing? Zhao Yun's son sacrificed his life on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's son betrayed the country and sought glory

Zhao Yun also had two sons, named Zhao Guang Zhao Tong. Neither of them inherited Zhao Yun's martial arts and abilities. Because of Zhao Yun's influence in the Shu Han Dynasty, both joined the Logistics Corps of the Shu Army as adults. During Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, the two were responsible for transporting grain to the front line, and there was nothing remarkable but no mistake. After the Shu Han stopped the Northern Expedition, Zhao Guang was transferred to Chengdu to guard the arsenal, and Zhao Tong followed Jiang Wei in Hanzhong to defend the enemy. When Sima Zhao destroyed Shu, Zhao Tong was responsible for garrisoning Mianzhu and also died in battle. After the fall of the Shu Han Dynasty, Zhao Guang was moved to Luoyang to settle down and died a good death.

How are the descendants of the Five Tiger Admirals doing? Zhao Yun's son sacrificed his life on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's son betrayed the country and sought glory

Huang Zhong's son was named Huang Xu, he was born when Huang Zhong was fifty years old, and Huang Zhong was naturally very happy to have a son. However, Huang Xu was born weak and sickly, and At that time, Huang Zhong was only a guard in Changsha, so he did not buy any valuable medicinal materials to supplement Huang Xu, and Huang Xu grew up sick to adulthood. The Battle of Hanzhong was a highlight for Huang Zhong, where he beheaded Xiahou Yuan to obtain the post of General of the Rear, but Huang Xu also died of illness that year. The elderly Huang Zhong could not bear this blow and died.

How are the descendants of the Five Tiger Admirals doing? Zhao Yun's son sacrificed his life on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's son betrayed the country and sought glory

Ma was a general in the door, and when he was young, he had countless wives and concubines. There are three historical records of Ma Chao's children, the eldest son Ma Ping was killed at the Battle of Xiliang, and the second son Ma Qiu was also killed by Cao Cao when Liangzhou was breached. After Ma Chao arrived in Shudi, he married a local rich woman, and a few years later gave birth to Ma Cheng, and Ma Chao's title was also inherited by Ma Chenglai.

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