
What happens when babies wake up often at night when they go to bed? Teach you a few tricks to easily solve your baby's sleep problems!

What many new parents are most afraid of is that the baby is upside down day and night, and that feeling is really devastating.

This situation occurs mainly because when the fetus is in the womb, the surrounding environment is dark, and there is no day and night.

Therefore, after the baby is born, some babies need to spend a little time to adapt to the environment, and parents do not need to be too anxious.

The cause of frequent night awakenings in babies

What happens when babies wake up often at night when they go to bed? Teach you a few tricks to easily solve your baby's sleep problems!

1. Hunger

Babies under six months of age generally need frequent night milk feedings.

After nine months, we will begin to slowly wean the night milk, which should be adjusted according to the baby's age, food intake and activity.

In addition, the baby is not necessarily hungry, parents should first observe, do not wake up and directly feed.

2. Teething

Teething usually begins after 6 months, and the baby will have symptoms of drooling, irritability and nibbling.

When the baby teeth, it is inevitable that there will be frequent night awakenings, and parents may wish to buy a harder teether for the baby.

You can also use a soft gauze cloth dipped in a small amount of water to wipe the place where your baby's teeth are out, which can relieve itching and pain.

What happens when babies wake up often at night when they go to bed? Teach you a few tricks to easily solve your baby's sleep problems!

3. Intestinal colic

Babies within 4 months are prone to colic. Especially in the first half of the night or in the evening, the baby will cry for unknown reasons, no matter what method is used. If it lasts for a long time, it will affect the quality of sleep.

4. Food reflux

40% of young babies experience food reflux, mainly because their cardia is not very mature.

Generally to about seven months of time the baby will stop spitting up, if the baby has been vomiting milk seriously and affect sleep and feeding, this is actually suffering from gastroesophageal reflux, should take the baby to the hospital in time to seek medical treatment.

5. Big movements begin to develop

Usually, babies 3-4 months old begin to learn to turn over and crawl, which will affect their sleep.

Because it is still directly related to the active period of the brain when it is still developing in large movements, this is a normal phenomenon, and there is no need to worry too much.

After becoming familiar with the big movements, it will recover, and parents should observe more during this period and must not intervene.

How to help your baby sleep until dawn?

What happens when babies wake up often at night when they go to bed? Teach you a few tricks to easily solve your baby's sleep problems!

Open the curtains during the day to allow plenty of light in the room, which helps the baby adapt to the new environment and let the baby feel the difference between day and night.

Daylight can help the baby establish the inner rhythm and biological clock, and has a regulatory effect on the secretion of sleep-related hormones such as melatonin, so it is recommended that the baby has the opportunity to contact the outdoor environment every day, such as basking in the sun on the balcony.

Avoid excessively prolonged continuous sleep during the day. Baby makes some noise appropriately while sleeping during the day. After a certain amount of sleep, wake up to eat milk and move, and split the long sleep into small sleep.

In the case that the baby can't wake up, you can try to pick up the baby and pat his back, scratch the itch, change the diaper, start from the angle of light, sound and other wake-up angles, the sound is gentle, do not let the baby be frightened.

Take a bath before going to bed at night, it is recommended to close the curtains, put on some soothing music, create a sleeping atmosphere, and reduce activity at night.

Set regular work and rest times to avoid confusion in daily schedules.

I wish every sleeping scum baby can become a sleeping god baby as soon as possible, and sleep until dawn!

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