
This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

In ancient times, the status of the emperor was the highest, and the imperial power was supreme. Therefore, when the ministers visit the emperor or go to the court, they must bow down to the emperor.

But in the Qing Dynasty, there was a minister, kangxi, who ordered his crown prince to bow down to this minister on his behalf.

At the time of the minister's death, Kangxi was touring the south. When he heard the news, he immediately sent his eldest son to pay homage. Not only did he order the crown prince to bow down on his behalf, but he also held a special solemn kneeling ceremony for the minister.

So who is this minister, and why is he so valued by the emperor?

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

First, do not stand up for selfish interests

In fact, this minister was a Han Chinese, called Wang Xi.

Speaking of him,

You may have heard about it, that is because of the "Commandment of Sin"

。 The Shunzhi Emperor once issued an edict of sin against himself, and the person who wrote this edict was him. So what ability did he have, and what kind of divine power could he even write for the emperor?

When Shunzhi was four years old,

Wang Xi

Hit the jinshi,

Deeply trusted by the Emperor

After that, he was also continuously promoted, and in the fifth year of Kangxi, his position was promoted again, but at this time, sonny, Suksaha, Shubilong, and Aobai were still in charge of the government, and Kangxi did not have real power. Therefore, Kangxi had to taoguang and cultivate obscurity, waiting for the opportunity, ready to hit it with one blow.

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

When Wang Xi took office, he could be described as conscientious.

Speak up and impeach officials directly. Later, he was promoted to Shangshu and became the prince's teacher. However, because the four ministers who were in power at that time proposed to be honored, he was also implicated.

But for this involvement, he just couldn't bear it,

Wait for the opportunity. And when two of the four auxiliary ministers broke up, at this time he directly stood up and angrily rebuked Ao Bai, who he was not accustomed to, saying that he was too arrogant, had no emperor in sight, and was not a qualified courtier.

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

Because the four of them were old courtiers, and Kangxi was also younger when he ascended the throne, the government at that time was what they had been controlling.

And Wang Xi has always been unaccustomed to their practices,

So when the emperor confronted Ao bai, he

He also resolutely supported the emperor

。 He even asked Kangxi to severely punish those who bullied others, and those who bullied the people could not be forgiven.

Prior to this, Wang Xi had been hidden from the four auxiliary ministers. Even Daihatsu is a small hair, but this time,

Wang Xi once again showed dissatisfaction with Ao Bai

, and it's more direct and intense.

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray


After this, he began several counter-offensives

。 When he was in the court, he directly said that Sonny, Suksaha, Shubilon, and Ao bai were four disloyal people and could not be subjected. They have disobeyed their ancestors, and they have not properly supported and assisted the current kings to govern the world, and denounced their previous things.

Later, Kangxi also secretly became a warehouse, and in the case that two of the four auxiliary ministers were already dead, Kangxi began his own action. There is also Wang Xi's help and support, and Wang Xi brings him more spiritual support. It was with Wang Xi who was the first to stand up and let him see hope,

It was even a joy and relief, because finally someone dared to stand up and confront the four of them.

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

Second, loyalty to the king for the country, deeply valued

But because the edict was written by Wang Xi at that time, he became the target of public criticism

。 Because of this, he became a weapon for Kangxi to fight against others, and Kangxi also began a plan of his own.

After that, Wang Xi was promoted again. According to biographies, in the eighteenth year of Shunzhi, Shizu hurriedly summoned Wang Xi and asked him to hurry up to write a will, which was because Shizu was already critically ill at that time.

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

However, Wang Xi could not calm down for a long time because he saw his dying ancestor. He asked Shizu to let himself write elsewhere, and later he began to write the first article at Qianqingmen.

After he had written the whole thing, he presented the written work to Shizu, who read it and recognized it. Unfortunately, that night, Shizu died.

When Wang Xi was an official in the Hanlin Academy, he was very familiar with the situation at that time and deeply appreciated the current situation of Shunzhi. So do some things that always take shunzhi into account very well. In the fourth year of Shunzhi, he became a lecturer,

Because of his thoughtful handling, he is very holy

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

In the twelfth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Wang Xi was promoted to bingbu Shangshu again. At this time, he was transferred to the military headquarters because the emperor wanted to withdraw the domain. In the same year, because of Wu Sangui's rebellion,

Wang Xi beheaded his son

, Wu Yingxiong. It was precisely because of Wu Sangui's rebellion that the emperor decided to get rid of the troubles and cut the grass and roots.

Whether before or in the process of quelling the rebellion, Kangxi always trusted Wang Xi. And it is also more and more important to him.

Seventeen years ago, the Emperor granted him permission to attend the Council of Ministers. There are both the reuse of Wang Xi and some political factors. But no matter what kind of factor, Wang Xi was ultimately very much used by the emperor.

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

Because the emperor wanted to divide the power of the Manchurian nobility in order to better rule himself.

In fact, it is to strengthen the imperial power and let yourself have greater real power. So Wang Xi of Hanchen also began to participate in this important meeting.

And he also favored Wang Xi, and when discussing with them, he did not have to bow down to the prince.

This can be regarded as a great gift for a minister. At that time, in fact, very few people could participate in the Council of Ministers, and most of the participants in this meeting were some princes and nobles, such as princes and county kings.

Wang Xi not only had the honor to participate, but the emperor also gave him a privilege to not kneel.

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

You know,

The minister who was able to attend the meeting at that time had to kneel all the time when answering questions.

Therefore, it can be seen from this that the emperor really values Wang Xi. It also reflects the great contribution that Wang Xifeng made to the stability of the imperial court and the suppression of the rebellion by Kangxi.


Later, Wang Xi wanted to resign and return to his hometown, but the emperor did not allow it. Because the emperor felt that he was very thoughtful, if he communicated with him frequently, he felt that he benefited a lot. And

Previously, he also contributed greatly to the imperial court

Although I am getting older now, I already have my own set of methods for handling things.

Therefore, he was reluctant to let him go

, let him be by his side and continue to keep it.

This person was not very famous, but he was the first favorite of the Kangxi Dynasty, and after his death, Kangxi ordered the crown prince to kneel and pray

Then, a few years later, the Emperor granted his resignation. Then the emperor gave him a reward, gave him a plaque, and said that he missed him very much.

From this, it is not difficult to understand why the emperor gave him such a long favor when he died.

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