
good news! Huawei's Mate50 series is expected to return to 5G, and pollen has arrived

Netizens who pay attention will find that since the second half of last year, the relevant news about the Huawei Mate50 series on the Internet has continued, although it has not yet been released, and the popularity of the series even exceeds some of the new machines that have been released. In the past two days, Huawei's Mate50 series has spread good news, and pollen has finally waited for the expected news.

good news! Huawei's Mate50 series is expected to return to 5G, and pollen has arrived

According to the disclosure of the big V, Huawei's Mate50 engineering test machine currently has two versions, 4G and 5G, of which 4G is equipped with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8Gen1 4G processor specially customized for Huawei, while 5G is equipped with Kirin 9000 processor. Unexpectedly, Huawei also has the inventory of Kirin 9000. Considering that the number of Kirin 9000 inventory is not large, it is not known whether the Huawei Mate50 5G version can eventually be mass-produced, but the 5G version has been tested to indicate that the probability of mass production is still quite large.

good news! Huawei's Mate50 series is expected to return to 5G, and pollen has arrived

Referring to the real machine map exposed on the Internet some time ago, huawei Mate50 will not change much in appearance, mostly detail changes. The front is still fully equipped with curved screens, still standard version of the digging screen, high-end version of the capsule screen. At the same time, the rear camera on the back is still a "round" shape of the same size, the difference is that the Huawei Mate50 fills the circle and is solid.

good news! Huawei's Mate50 series is expected to return to 5G, and pollen has arrived

For pollen, no amount of material is better than it supports 5G, and it is expected that the Kirin 9000 version of the Huawei Mate50 will be successfully mass-produced!

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