
120W fast charging arrangement! Redmi K50 Snapdragon 8 confirmed

Weibo big V@ Panda was very bald and exposed the detailed parameters of the Redmi K50 series, of which the K50 e-sports version is equipped with a 6.67-inch large screen, no 2K resolution, and the chip has been determined to use the Snapdragon 8 Gen1, and the 120W fast charge is also arranged to the Redmi game phone for the first time.

120W fast charging arrangement! Redmi K50 Snapdragon 8 confirmed

The processor of the K50 mobile phone uses the Snapdragon 870, and the K50 Pro uses the Tianji 9000, but it is not the first time, and has been cut off by OPPO for the global launch.

120W fast charging arrangement! Redmi K50 Snapdragon 8 confirmed

The parameters of the K50 series have been exposed to the same extent, and only the appearance and price have not been finally announced, and the specific information will have to wait for the official release next month.


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