
How swimming solves the problem that babies don't like to eat and don't sleep on time

The problem of children's growth is a headache for many parents, especially when they see that children do not like to eat and do not sleep on time, this kind of simple thing that seems to be taken for granted by adults, why is it so difficult to put it on children? In fact, these seemingly simple problems can be easily solved by taking the baby to swim, why do you say so?

The first thing to say is that infant swimming and bathing are different, swimming refers to the baby in the pool to make swimming related actions, such as leg kicking, paddling, etc., is a way of exercise, and exercise on people's life habits is very large, we may wish to look next.

How swimming solves the problem that babies don't like to eat and don't sleep on time

For example, the new type of nursing service for baby swimming, the principle is to let the baby do autonomous exercise in the amniotic fluid similar to the mother's body, use the gentle caress of the water waves, effectively stabilize the baby's mood, so that the baby feels comfortable and full of security, so that the baby can naturally fall asleep peacefully.

In addition, while the baby is swimming, the continuous movement of various organs of the body can consume a lot of physical strength of the baby, which is very beneficial to the baby's sleep. Insisting on regular swimming can help establish a good sleep rhythm, change the baby's sleep time, and help the baby develop good sleep habits.

How swimming solves the problem that babies don't like to eat and don't sleep on time

Of course, the continuous movement in the baby's water can promote the baby's gastrointestinal peristalsis and improve the baby's ability to digest and absorb. Therefore, it can be a good solution to the bad habits of the baby eating is not fragrant, do not love to eat, through the baby swimming can not only make the baby eat more, better absorption, but also conducive to the formation of good eating habits of the baby.

In addition, baby swimming can also improve the baby's immunity and make the baby less sick. When the baby exercises in the water, the massage and squeezing of the water can make the heart muscle be exercised, the heart contraction is more powerful, the oxygen supply of the immune organ organs is strengthened, the ventilation of the alveoli is increased, and the pectoralis major muscles and pectoralis minor muscles are exercised and enhanced due to exercise, which accelerates the establishment of autoimmune function, improves the immunity to the disease, and makes the baby less sick.

It has to be said that it is also extremely beneficial to the baby's intellectual development. The baby's continuous movement in the water can effectively stimulate the baby's skin and other organs, these good stimuli stimulate the brain through nerve reflexes, which is a good driving force for brain neurodevelopment, which can enlighten infant thinking and make the baby smarter.

How swimming solves the problem that babies don't like to eat and don't sleep on time

It can be said that the swimming exercise in the infant period, the impact on the child's development is very comprehensive, the baby's physical development, brain development, immunity improvement, athletic ability improvement, self-confidence training, good living habits, can be cultivated by swimming, this is also a good way for parents to solve the baby's development problems, do not believe, you only need to take the child to swim a few times can find obvious changes Oh ~

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