
Please don't let yourself, live "too comfortable"

Please don't let yourself, live "too comfortable"

In the "Zuo Chuan Min A.D.", it is written: "The feast is poisonous, and it must not be cherished." ”

This means that coveting comfort and pleasure is as deadly as drinking poison, and one must be wary of this state.

It is true that people blindly indulge in too comfortable an environment, and may not see the harm in a short time, but by the time they wake up, they are often already plagued.

Those wise people with foresight have long known how to plan ahead, but in a smooth life, they must take the initiative to make themselves unable to live "too comfortable." ”

Please don't let yourself, live "too comfortable"

Too comfortable environment, in fact, hidden crisis

The British writer Dickens said: "The mind is the same as the body, and the slightest excessive ease will get sick." ”

In fact, physical diseases are easy to cure, and mental diseases often need to be removed through the trials and tribulations of life.

I've seen a story like this:

There were two corn seeds, which were sprinkled in the same field.

One of them thought: I want to take root quickly and try to grow, so that when the golden autumn comes, it will be full of fruitful fruits.

So it kept growing upwards and long, and finally harvested a full fruit in the autumn.

Another seed, however, has a very different idea: if I grow upwards, I may hit a hard stone; if I take root downwards, it may hurt my fragile nerves; if I produce young shoots, I may be eaten by insects; if I bear fruit, I may be uprooted by humans...

So the seed chose to stay comfortable in the warm, moist soil. Within a few days, a foraging hen scooped it out of the soil and swallowed it in one gulp.

Please don't let yourself, live "too comfortable"

The same living environment, but because of different choices, has created a completely different fate.

As the saying goes: "Horses are soft and easy to lose their hooves, and people are greedy and comfortable and easy to lose their will." ”

People who work hard to toss themselves, although they will face more challenges and difficulties, but after facing the difficulties again and again, they will eventually gain a stronger self, which is the highest reward that life gives to the brave.

Behind the seemingly comfortable is actually an uncomfortable effort

In "Round Table Pie", teacher Dou Wentao mentioned: "If you don't try to expand the comfort zone, in fact, it will become smaller and smaller, and people will degenerate into a baby state." ”

This is also why many "successful people" in the eyes of the public choose to break into unfamiliar fields and start over after they have achieved fame.

Please don't let yourself, live "too comfortable"

Known as the "father of Chinese spy novels", the Mai family's representative works include "Decryption", "Dark Calculation", "The Sound of the Wind" and so on.

His most recent work is "Life Sea sea", which depicts the story of his hometown.

In order to complete this work, the Mai family stopped writing for three years, and spent the free time on reading, thinking, and gathering with relatives, and little by little, after retrieving the feelings and memories of their hometown, they began to write.

The long story of more than 200,000 words took him 5 years to write, and the final draft alone was changed 7 times.

During the craziest period of writing, the Mai family listened to the same song every day, insisted on getting up at 5 o'clock and starting at 6 o'clock, and tirelessly and efficiently created.

When he finished writing this work and went to the physical examination, he learned from the doctor that he had no idea that he had pneumonia.

The reporter asked him in the interview why he was so desperate, and the answer of the Mai family was:

"If you keep guarding the acre and three points of land you have opened up, and repeat yourself, I think it is very boring... The attribute of a writer should be to constantly say goodbye to himself and constantly start again. ”

Sometimes, in the face of those around us who are restless and like to toss themselves, we always can't understand why they should "find guilt" for themselves.

Only when we encounter the bumps of life's storms, we suddenly understand that a comfortable life has been too long, and it will slowly destroy a person.

Those who voluntarily give up their comfort zone can win more initiative in life and firmly control their own destiny.

Please don't let yourself, live "too comfortable"

If you want to go further, you can't make yourself "too comfortable"

In "Soldier Assault", Xu Sanduo said such a sentence to ChengCai: "People can't live too comfortably, too comfortable will cause problems." ”

If you covet familiar scenery, you will miss the magnificence of the distance; you will always walk non-stop, and you will eventually reach the far place you want to go.

I was reminded of my cousin's story.

In the eyes of others, the cousin is a very happy person:

The husband is a middle-level manager of a large state-owned enterprise with a good salary;

The son is carried by grandparents, which is very worry-free;

My cousin herself is doing administrative work, nine to five every day, working easily and stress-free...

What made her suddenly feel that something was wrong was that she found herself working for ten years and still had a monthly salary of five thousand yuan.

Is it like this for a lifetime? Every day I go to work casually, go shopping, brush my phone, and then... Just go through this life.

After thinking about it for a whole week, she began to turn out her dreams from the depths of her mind and decided that she wanted to toss her life.

Please don't let yourself, live "too comfortable"

She began to teach herself on-the-job graduate courses, hoping to make up for the regret of choosing the wrong major that year;

When she leaves work, she no longer holds the mobile phone, but reads with her children, and she also reads her son's picture books with relish;

She began to take the initiative to go out and meet old classmates, make new friends, integrate into new circles, and keep an eye on new job opportunities.

In fact, the middle is not a time without collapse.

She told me that countless times when she lay down tired, she would ask herself: Why do you make yourself so uncomfortable, why do you have to toss yourself?

In fact, the answer she knew: because she didn't want to mix this life like this. In this way, all the discomfort in the metamorphosis, she gritted her teeth and survived.

When I saw her bright smile on the graduation ceremony, I couldn't help but be infected by her happiness, this vigorous vitality, is the most precious gift that life has given us.

Please don't let yourself, live "too comfortable"

Everyone wants their life to be smooth, but what is too easy to get is also very easy to lose.

There is a saying in the "Biography of Zhou Yi and The Descendants": "Peace without forgetting danger, survival without forgetting death." ”

Only those who are constantly alert to a comfortable and comfortable life can face unexpected dangers without panic or chaos.

May you and I not only enjoy the tenderness of life, but also withstand the grind of fate.

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