
Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die

Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die

The so-called unpredictable heart of the monarch, from ancient times to the present there are many cases. But think about it, as the king of a country, his shoulders are no longer a person and a home, even if it is small, it also involves various interest communities, and it is necessary to balance the relationship in order to seek a long-term, and to the big, that is, the whole world, all the courtiers and people, are between his thoughts. Therefore, many times, these emperors often need to weigh a lot of things, and the twists and turns here are not enough for outsiders, even if they are founding heroes, they cannot escape the fate of being suspected by the emperor.

Take the founding team of Daming, a king has several generals and five ministers, after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, although Zhu Yuanzhang also rewarded these famous generals with various rewards, but behind the fame and real power are often hidden many hidden dangers.

No, when many heroes are still thinking about whether the emperor's reward for himself is enough and whether he trusts his own ability, only Liu Bowen, who has a "Ming Dynasty sub-room", knows that a proper low profile is actually necessary. And when Zhu Yuanzhang set up a banquet to entertain all the heroes, Liu Bowen even judged by the food on the banquet that the people attending this banquet were estimated to be doomed to death...

Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die

How powerful is Liu Bowen

Liu Bowen, whose real name is Liu Ji, the character Bowen, he has been brilliant since childhood, known as a prodigy, and when he grew up, he followed Zhu Yuanzhang in his southern conquest of the northern war, and had many strange plots, such as using the tactics of arrogant soldiers to defeat Chen Youyu, and then to settle unjust cases, to commit crimes against himself, and to win the hearts and minds of the people...

His strategy can always add help to Zhu Yuanzhang, so Zhu Yuanzhang attaches great importance to him and calls him "the house of the world".

And Liu Bowen is not only outstanding in political and military talent, but also well versed in the Astronomical Calendar of the Five Elements Bagua Qimen Qimen, and the poetry and articles are also very successful, which can be described as a hexagonal warrior, there is nothing he will not do. And the people also compare him with Zhuge Liang, feeling that he understands the great righteousness, is just and upright, and has won many people's hearts.

Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die

It is reasonable to say that such a figure should be in a high position after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, but I don't know whether Zhu Yuanzhang was jealous of Liu Bowen's talents, and when he was rewarded, the first to be sealed were those military generals who were known for their military strength and had a slightly inferior strategy.

Even when the reward was first awarded, Zhu Yuanzhang only selected six people to award the honor of duke, and he felt that the number was too small, and finally when he made up 4 to form the "Ten Dukes", he still did not take Liu Bowen into account.

It was not until three years after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty that Liu Bowen was given the title of Chengyi Bo, and Feng Lu was not even half as good as Li Shanchang, who was a courtier.

Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die

This made many people feel that Zhu Yuanzhang had neglected Liu Bowen too much, and he was not sorry for the strategies that Liu Bowen had made for him, but Liu Bowen did not think so, because as a strategist, he was well versed in the way of the monarch, and even as early as the early days of the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, when Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the courtiers, Liu Bowen had already seen from the dishes at the banquet that Zhu Yuanzhang's heart actually wanted to get rid of these heroes, just by looking at time.

A feast with ulterior motives

The background of this banquet was after Zhu Yuanzhang discussed the merits and rewards, and many ministers who had fame and fortune and status began to be a little fluttery and forgetful, eating and drinking, and even once sounded like dogs and horses. This made Zhu Yuanzhang very unhappy, so he thought of tapping it, and there was this feast mentioned above.

For this feast, many participants felt that this was a reward from the king, especially when they saw that most of the participants were founding heroes, so they all came to participate in it with joy. Unexpectedly, when he came to the scene, he looked at the dishes on the banquet, and many ministers looked embarrassed.

Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die

It turns out that this table dish is not the mountain treasure sea flavor that everyone imagines, and even a meat dish can not be seen, looking around, it is all fried greens, fried radish, shallots and tofu soup... Co-authoring this is a table of iftar?

Everyone could not guess the emperor's meaning for a moment.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was in a high position, coldly took everyone's reaction to heart, but his face did not move, and he quickly explained: These are all appetizers, and the good dishes are in the back.

Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die

After a while, only to see the palace people really bring out one delicious dish after another, the faces of all the courtiers instantly improved, but others did not understand, how could Liu Bowen, who had followed Zhu Yuanzhang for many years, not understand? When he saw the all-vegetarian banquet, he knew that Zhu Yuanzhang was warning everyone to guard against arrogance and extravagance and maintain a good style of hardship and simplicity.

It's just that everyone's reaction makes Liu Bowen understand that Zhu Yuanzhang's plan is obviously in vain, because many people have not understood it at all. And when he saw the hard dishes coming up from behind, in the face of the big pleasure of others, only Liu Bowen did not move at all, and sighed quietly: We will undoubtedly die.

This puzzled Xu Da, who was sitting next to Liu Bowen. Liu Bowen only quietly explained: Don't you smell the rabbit die and the dog cooks? For today's meal, Your Majesty has ulterior motives. As the head of the heroes, Xu Da quickly understood the meaning, and he lost his appetite for a meal in an instant, and then he hurriedly resigned.

Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die


It is reasonable to say that knowing that Zhu Yuanzhang had plans to cook rabbits and dead dogs, Liu Bowen should have resigned from the government early, after all, when Fan Li resigned from the government, he had advised Wen Zhong to resign as well, but unfortunately Wen Zhong did not listen, and as a result, the two of them had a rich party and an example of being persecuted to death. And this time the banquet confirmed Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts.

In fact, Liu Bowen also thought that in the third year of the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, he had this plan, but first of all, when the imperial court was first established, many places needed him and could not let him go, and second, Liu Bowen was too upright and made countless enemies, and every time he just planned to return to his hometown, these mortal enemies would come to the door, so that Liu Bowen could only stay in the capital to seek refuge.

But Liu Bowen was not a person who sat still, and after he was named Bo, he also successfully took advantage of Zhu Yuanzhang's jealousy of himself and returned to his hometown. However, there is still a place for Liu Bowen in the court, and it is only used to participate in the early dynasty on New Year's Day every year until his final death. And Xu Da, with Liu Bowen's reminder, was also able to die well.

Zhu Yuanzhang feasted on the heroes, and everyone was happy to go to the banquet, but when Liu Bowen saw the dish, he said: Everyone will die

But looking at the other courtiers who had attended that banquet, many people's endings were not so good, the beheading of the beheading, the distribution of the distribution, and some of them were wiped out of the whole clan... In the end, only a few of the 34 able ministers who revisited the founding of the Ming Dynasty were spared, and among those who were spared, except for Xu Da and Liu Bowen, most of them died early and had not yet had time to be liquidated. People can't help but sigh, sure enough, the companion is like a companion tiger, even if it is safe, it should be a danger.

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