
A family in Jiangsu Province wanted to change its surname and take out a family tree, calling itself a descendant of Zhang Shicheng.

Just at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the forces in many places began to rise, Zhu Yuanzhang, as a victor, annexed a lot of forces, but in addition to the first love of him, there are also forces that are not just talking, for example, Zhang Shicheng is also a very powerful figure, after Zhang Shicheng's death, after more than six hundred and fifty years, in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, there is a Wu family that has emerged, saying that it is Zhang Shicheng's descendants, what is the matter? Why did his descendants become Wu? Let's talk about it below.

A family in Jiangsu Province wanted to change its surname and take out a family tree, calling itself a descendant of Zhang Shicheng.

This Wu family is still quite large, there are more than six hundred people everyone says that the old ancestor is Zhang Shicheng, and even enshrined in the temple of the spirit, for this matter they have also explained, when the war was chaotic, Zhang Shicheng expected that he could not fight, he told the child: If you die on the battlefield, the surname does not have to be changed, but if you run out, then you must change your name and surname, change to Wu, and live in peace and stability. It is also said that Zhang Shicheng sent his wife and children out first, and then he died in battle, but as for where he went later, he did not know, and Zhu Yuanzhang naturally would not let him have his family, so many relatives were all killed.

A family in Jiangsu Province wanted to change its surname and take out a family tree, calling itself a descendant of Zhang Shicheng.

Later, Zhang Shicheng had a cousin who ran out, took his son and Zhang Shixin to hide, at that time Zhang Shijun also thought about re-establishing the regime and becoming the emperor, but Zhu Yuanzhang's regime was no longer something they could trip up, so they dismissed this idea, chose to hide their name, changed their surname to Wu to continue their lives.

A family in Jiangsu Province wanted to change its surname and take out a family tree, calling itself a descendant of Zhang Shicheng.

However, it is also possible that zhang Shicheng has a wife surnamed Wu, and he is very pampered, so he changed this surname, and hundreds of years ago they knew their identity and moved here. This story seems very reasonable, but this cannot prove that they are Zhang Shicheng's descendants, so they took out the family tree and the tablets.

A family in Jiangsu Province wanted to change its surname and take out a family tree, calling itself a descendant of Zhang Shicheng.

And this tablet is also very special, engraved on it, but there is also a wooden board inside, this wooden board is written on Zhang Shicheng and what happened to them later, itself has four tablets, but then there are no three pieces, in the accident, and later when people see the last tablet, there is only a zhang character on it, and their surname is Wu, and they thought that the old ancestor was adopted, and later learned that the old ancestor had experienced so many things.

A family in Jiangsu Province wanted to change its surname and take out a family tree, calling itself a descendant of Zhang Shicheng.

Later, some people questioned this, the time has passed so long, how can this tablet still be preserved? Experts also checked this and found that this tablet was revised during the Kangxi period, kangxi disappeared in five years, and it is difficult to know the authenticity of Zhang Shicheng's ancestors, and some people say that during the Kangxi period, it should be Zhang Shicheng's ninth generation Sun Xiude tablet, because the Ming Dynasty had to perish before this secret was circulated.

A family in Jiangsu Province wanted to change its surname and take out a family tree, calling itself a descendant of Zhang Shicheng.

So many people in this village have to change back to the old ancestor to get the surname, many people have changed successfully, after all, in the heart of the Chinese, recognizing the ancestors is a big thing please, this is an honor, can last for such a long time, at that time to change the surname is also to avoid disasters, and now it is not needed, naturally want to change back, we can also understand.

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