
The Municipal Party Committee Governs the City Office in accordance with the law to assess the rule of law construction work in Zhangjiachuan County in 2021

author:Tianshui online

On January 12, Huo Zhenzhen, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, led the performance appraisal team of the Office of the Municipal Committee for Governing the City according to Law to conduct a performance evaluation of the deployment, institutional measures, and results achieved in Zhangjiachuan County's 2021 rule of law construction work. Gao Wen, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee, and relevant responsible comrades of the county justice bureau were evaluated together.

The evaluation team successively went to the county justice bureau, the county law enforcement bureau, the county public security bureau, the traffic safety education base and other places to learn more about the construction of the rule of law in our county through on-site inspection, listening to reports, consulting materials, discussion and exchange.

The Municipal Party Committee Governs the City Office in accordance with the law to assess the rule of law construction work in Zhangjiachuan County in 2021

The evaluation and evaluation group fully affirmed the work done and achievements made in the construction of the rule of law in our county, holding that the Zhangjiachuan County CPC Committee, the county government, and all departments at all levels attach great importance to the construction of the rule of law, conscientiously perform the main responsibility of the rule of law construction, the county committee of the county party committee governing the country according to law and the various coordination groups have fully played their role, the leaders have taken the lead in respecting the law, studying the law, using the law, and abiding by the law, the rule of law publicity is in place, and the rule of law construction work has characteristics, bright spots, and a strong atmosphere of rule of law, providing a strong rule of law guarantee for promoting the high-quality economic and social development of Zhangjiachuan County.

On the next step, the evaluation team demanded that Zhangjiachuan County should deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, earnestly shoulder the major political responsibility of rule of law construction, strengthen the party's unified leadership over the work of comprehensively governing the county according to law, and tighten the main responsibility of comprehensively governing the county according to law. It is necessary to make overall plans to promote all aspects of the work of comprehensively governing counties according to law, improve the system and mechanism for the party to lead the comprehensive management of counties according to law, implement Xi Jinping Thought on the rule of law in the whole process and all links of comprehensively governing counties according to law, focus on improving the level of rule of law construction, improve the ability of rule of law to ensure and serve economic and social development, and continuously enhance the people's sense of rule of law, happiness, and security. It is necessary to vigorously grasp the implementation of the work, earnestly rely on the main responsibility, comprehensively form a joint work force, scientifically plan next year's work, innovate work ideas and measures, and strive to create a new situation in the work of comprehensively administering the county according to law.

The Municipal Party Committee Governs the City Office in accordance with the law to assess the rule of law construction work in Zhangjiachuan County in 2021

Gao Wen said that Zhangjiachuan County will take this assessment as an opportunity to continue to promote the strict standardization of fair and civilized law enforcement, improve the social fairness and justice rule of law guarantee system, and continuously improve the ability to comprehensively govern the county according to law and govern according to law, so as to promote the high-quality economic and social development of the county and accelerate the construction of a happy and beautiful new Zhangjiachuan.

(Tianshui Online Editor: Ma Wenjie)

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