
Five minutes to understand the history of Chinese incense

author:Dry incense worm

Incense is the darling of all civilizations

On a world scale, incense is the darling of all civilizations

The Greeks bathed with soap, the Persians wore balm before the war, the Egyptians tirelessly stuffed the corpses with spices, and the Maya were troubled by which vanilla to use to repel mosquitoes today

In short, all sorts of magical flavors pervade human history

Today, we will speak only of the easternmost group of people in Eurasia

Five minutes to understand the history of Chinese incense

Ancient times

Five minutes to understand the history of Chinese incense

At this time, people are a little smarter than beasts, but it is this little bit that makes humans finally start to seriously think about how to survive

The great ancestors began to try in various fields, some made bows, thus obtaining more prey, some people burned the earth with fire, thus having strong houses, but there was another person, who chose to eat grass

If he hadn't been the head of a large tribe, he would have been treated as mentally ill

Fortunately, he finally ate the result, and the young man, with a good body and a good appetite, proved the function of herbs on the human body, and from then on, after the human body got sick, he did not have to wait for death

This person, who is the Yan Emperor, is also called Shennong because he eats grass, and in the near future, he will hold this fearless grass-eating spirit and start a magnificent battle with the Yellow Emperor and Xuan You, but that is another story

At this moment, it is the first meeting of the Chinese nation and incense

Xia Zhou era

Five minutes to understand the history of Chinese incense

"Huaxia" is a richly dressed Xia people, from these two words alone, we can know that from the Xia Dynasty, the people in this land began to establish a culture that is exclusive to themselves and independent of the world

All kinds of fragrant herbs were collected together, lit by a fire by the Xia people, and the huge aroma rose up and drifted towards the blue sky, and the unpredictable shape and fragrant smell made the Xia people firmly believe that they had completed a communication with the heavens, and the unspeakable existence must have heard their inner prayers. While everyone was sinking into a pious peace, one man in the crowd secretly thought, "If only I could think that all the time."

Hundreds of years later, a great poet named Qu Yuan can already show off his incense very blatantly, and the nobility of the incense is outrageous, "The river is far away from the Zhi Zhi, and the sewing Qiulan thinks that it is admired."

Before Qin Shi Huang destroyed the Six Kingdoms, incense had become a part of people's lives, which could be burned and worn, worn and eaten, boiled in ointment into wine, sacrificed to the family, and enjoyed

Our nation loves incense so much that it is eager to carve the aroma into its bones

Qin and Han Dynasties

Five minutes to understand the history of Chinese incense

The aroma soon entered the bone, and it was all-round, multi-angle, no dead end into the bone because a man named Yin Zheng subdued the Baiyue in the south

Because a man named Zhang Qian had been herding sheep in the Western Regions for ten years

Strange southern spices from south to north, a variety of western spices from west to east, the Chinese people suddenly opened up a new world of smell

This joy is so strong that inventions and creations emerge in an endless stream, from the gorgeous Boshan stove to the ingenious smoker, all kinds of incense utensils come into being, at the same time, the incense is no longer just a single product, but begins a variety of arrangements and combinations, the smell becomes complex, and the mood begins to be long

"Hexiang" entered history for the first time, with the momentum of King's Landing

Sui and Tang Dynasties

Five minutes to understand the history of Chinese incense

Hundreds of years have passed, and today's China has become the hegemon of the whole of East Asia

Young emperors sit high in the sky, brave warriors guard the frontier, loyal literati spread the concept of etiquette to all nations, and the people live a rich and civilized life

At this stage, incense gradually entered the extreme, the formula became more and more abundant, the variety was increasing, all walks of life began to give their own meaning to the incense, and new techniques such as concoction and compatibility emerged in an endless stream

And this lingering pity, condensing Chinese wisdom and aesthetics, representing the wonderful smell of the Chinese national cosmic philosophy and life perception, also with the camel bell jianma, the small boat giant ship extends in all directions with Huaxia as the center, and the fragrance drifts in all directions

The incense at this stage, LiZi's initial formation, Gu Pan, chaotic and charming

Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties

Five minutes to understand the history of Chinese incense

Incense, tends to be large

She finally walked from the temple into the city, and since the Song Dynasty, ordinary people have taken incense as a part of their lives.

The fence tiles, the high hall of the temple, the wild temple of the restaurant, everywhere is fragrant

The Qingming River Map is the best proof of all this

Song's fire-proof incense, incense sticks, fighting incense, etc. are daily pleasures

Ming's incense is the best of the temple

The Xuande furnace of the Qing Dynasty was the love of the literati

Accompanied by a thousand years, the feelings between people and incense have been stronger than gold, and people with particularly deep feelings have begun to pass on incense, compose music for incense, and summarize incense from the height of theory

It is also in this great era of great progress that top incense and incense numbers such as traditional Chinese medicinal incense and Qianheng Laohao have also come out, providing a unique footnote for the existence of incense

It was the best of times, and it was also the most fragrant

Modern and contemporary

Five minutes to understand the history of Chinese incense

As for now, everyone is a little too obsessed with the mixed taste of chemical flavors, completely disregarding the many spices that Grandpa Shennong tested by himself, but sacrificing his body in order to pursue a unique taste

Let's put it this way, but the so-called "incense" that smells strong and smokes for a long time is an artificial product with various compounds added, which is divorced from the authenticity of incense and damages the image of incense, which is the product of quick success and quick profit, and it is also the sadness of the times

But thankfully, no matter how the times change and how everyone's taste jumps, the aroma still lingers in our lives. Using its own existence itself, I marvel at the ordinary time of human beings, just like the time when they first appeared a thousand years ago

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