
Wang Yangming: We must be righteous in our actions and strange in our dealings with things

Wang Yangming: We must be righteous in our actions and strange in our dealings with things

With the change of the times, when the world equates "stupid" and "kind" with synonyms, kindness seems to be covered with a subtle derogatory meaning, which has become a legitimate reason for people with warm hearts to be bullied and despised. So you begin to doubt yourself, and even envy those "smart" people who have a scheming and a city government.

But, you know what? These people can often only be proud for a while, but it is difficult to be proud for a lifetime. So what should we do if we want to live this life well? In fact, five hundred years ago, Wang Yangming gave us the answer with his legendary life: to be a person, to be a person, to be strange.

01 #

Shouzheng is surprising, and fang becomes a big thing

There is a cloud in Sun Tzu's Art of War: "Whoever fights, wins with a straight face and a miracle." "In all battles, they are engaged in frontal combat with regular soldiers, and they use strange soldiers to surprise victories."

In the fourteenth year of Ming Zhengde, King Ning launched a rebellion. At that time, Wang Yangming understood that if he wanted to save the country and the people in the midst of water and fire, he not only needed to be loyal, but also had a strategy to win by surprise.

When the march reached Fengcheng, Wang Yangming overheard that King Ning had rebelled, and when there was an extreme shortage of soldiers, horses, food, and grass in his hands, he deliberately released false news that the imperial court had sent 160,000 reinforcements and far exceeded the 100,000 troops of King Ning, and spread news everywhere that Li Shishi and Zhang Yangzheng, the two major advisers around King Ning, had secretly defected to the imperial court. This move really made King Ning suspicious and made time for Wang Yangming to gather troops.

In the end, this farce, known in history as the "Rebellion of King Ning", existed in the long river of history for only a short month, and the rebellion of King Ning for more than ten years was ended by Wang Yangming.

Be righteous, but do things strangely. To be upright, you will choose to do things that are self-interested. It is impossible to achieve the goal with a single passion, and it is also necessary to learn to adapt to changes and master the skills and methods of doing things.

02 #

The integrity is surprisingly unassailable

Kindness has a ruler, and tolerance has a degree. Wang Yangming is a good person, but he is also very shrewd and knows how to grasp the bottom line of kindness.

In the process of quelling the rebellion of the King of Ning, Wang Yangming made great achievements, as the saying goes: "The gun shoots the head bird, and the knife cuts the head snake." Soon, The Minister Jiang Bin made Wang Yangming his primary target. The powerful minister of the Yin Dynasty began to spy on Wang Yangming and wanted to put him to death. But after some effort, the result was a great disappointment to him. As an ordinary official, Wang Yangming is conscientious, honest and honest, and never accepts bribes, and his style is upright, so it is difficult to pick out what is wrong with him.

Although "the gentleman is frank and the villain is long-related", even if there is no evidence when encountering a real villain like Jiang Bin, it does not affect him to manipulate right and wrong in front of the emperor. Therefore, Jiang Bin deliberately took advantage of the rebellion of King Ning to slander Wang Yangming for colluding with King Ning, and cleverly sent his subordinate Zhang Zhong to question Wang Yangming: King Ning has been in Jiangxi for many years, and must have ten thousand family properties, right?

Wang Yangming replied unashamedly: Of course. Zhang Zhong secretly snickered, thinking that he had caught evidence of Wang Yangming's bribery, and asked meaningfully: Then why did he rob his family and dig out so little family property?

What kind of purpose is hidden behind Zhang Zhong's action, Wang Yangming naturally knows it in his heart, so he in turn said with a mysterious face: Zhang Gonggong, I just want to discuss something with you. When I first captured King Ning, I was once given an account book, which clearly remembered the whereabouts of King Ning's bribes and belongings, including the names of the officials who accepted bribes, all of which had been recorded in detail.

After listening, Zhang Zhong was suddenly frightened and scattered, because he and Jiang Bin were the main targets of bribes from King Ning, and had received a large amount of ill-gotten wealth, so he fled into the wilderness.

People walk in the right way, abandon evil thoughts, and deal with things in a bright and upright manner. Then, the person who harms you naturally has no opportunity to take advantage of it, just as the so-called "body is not afraid of shadow obliqueness." However, often walking by the river, where there are not wet shoes, there will always be some evil people who pick bones in the eggs and nitpick. Those decent ways of doing things in ordinary days are of no use to them at all. Only by being unprepared, attacking it, and showing your sharp edge can you effectively protect yourself.

03 #

Shouzheng is surprising, brilliant life

For five hundred years, Wang Yangming has been hailed as one of the two great "saints" who shoulder to shoulder with Confucius, both because of his extraordinary achievements and because of his high style and bright festival. Wang Yangming, who was born in Xiangmendi, faced with the question of what is the first class thing in life, in the era when the examination was considered to be the only standard of success, Wang Yangming bravely issued a cry of "dengdi is not a first-class thing, or a sage who reads and learns".

Although everyone did not understand what Wang Yangming had done, he did not give up. After twenty years of exploration, he finally realized the success of the Tao, pioneered the study of the mind, and became a generation of masters of mind science.

Be a person to be right, do things strangely, and the two complement each other in order to achieve a brilliant life. If Wang Yangming, like ordinary people, reads only to enter the career path, gives up his ideal of being a sage, and eventually will not become a master of mind learning.

On the road of life, your ability determines how fast you can go; and your quality will determine how far you can go. Only by being upright can we not fall into the tongue of the people and move forward steadily. Do things strangely, pay attention to methods. To deal with the wicked, only by surprise can we win; the direction of life, only mavericks can be wonderful.

May you also be like Wang Yangming, keep the integrity surprising, brilliant life!


∞ Article Source: To the ∞ of Conscience College

∞ the graphics and texts originate from the Internet, if there is infringement, inform the deletion ∞

∞ Executive Editor: Zhang Bobo Producer: Winter Sunshine ∞

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