
Doctors remind: if diabetes is not controlled, it is easy to cause kidney failure, do these 3 points or can easily protect the kidneys!

Diabetes, as you must have all heard, is a lifelong metabolic disease characterized by abnormal glycemic index.

The so-called blood sugar, in fact, refers to the glucose in the human blood, under normal circumstances, the daily production and utilization of glucose consumed by the human body shows a dynamic balance relationship.

Once this balance is broken, such as the patient's islet function is seriously impaired, or insulin resistance, it will lead to glucose metabolism disorders, which will lead to diabetes.

Doctors remind: if diabetes is not controlled, it is easy to cause kidney failure, do these 3 points or can easily protect the kidneys!

The real scary thing about diabetes is never the rise in blood sugar itself, but the complications caused by the continuous rise in blood sugar. For example, diabetic nephropathy is one of them, which is one of the most important comorbidities in diabetic patients.

In recent years, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy in China has continued to rise, and nearly 10% of diabetic patients have passed away, all of which are related to kidney disease.

Doctors remind: if diabetes is not controlled, it is easy to cause kidney failure, do these 3 points or can easily protect the kidneys!

Diabetic nephropathy mainly includes two categories: infectious lesions and vascular lesions, and diabetic patients can be complicated by any kind of kidney disease. Not only that, but patients may also develop a specific lesion, which is diabetic glomerulosclerosis.

If patients do not actively treat, they may develop chronic renal failure and uremia in the future. There are even related surveys that show that it is the second largest risk factor for the emergence of end-stage kidney disease after various types of glomerulonephritis.

So the question is, what should diabetics do to prevent the emergence of kidney disease?

Doctors remind: if diabetes is not controlled, it is easy to cause kidney failure, do these 3 points or can easily protect the kidneys!

1. Control blood sugar

In fact, the basis for any complication is based on unstable blood sugar control and long-term disease. Therefore, the first thing diabetics do to avoid kidney damage is to actively control blood sugar. Regardless of type 1 or type 2 diabetes, after the diagnosis is confirmed, patients should choose drugs and insulin control according to the doctor's recommendations.

At the same time, patients also need to regularly monitor blood glucose, if there is still no downward trend in blood glucose after medication, they also need to consult a doctor in time to see if they need to change or combine drugs until the blood glucose control is stable;

Doctors remind: if diabetes is not controlled, it is easy to cause kidney failure, do these 3 points or can easily protect the kidneys!

2. Diet regulation

After the diagnosis of diabetes, it is necessary to adjust the diet reasonably, calculate the total calorie intake of food throughout the day, and reduce the intake of high-fat, high-calorie, and high-sugar foods.

At the same time, in order to avoid dieting to increase the metabolic burden of the kidneys, patients also need to maintain a light diet, avoid adding a lot of salt and condiments when cooking, and patients should also pay attention to protein intake, especially patients who have diabetic nephropathy, and need to control protein intake in the early stage of the disease;

Doctors remind: if diabetes is not controlled, it is easy to cause kidney failure, do these 3 points or can easily protect the kidneys!

3. Renal function test

There are many sugar friends who mistakenly believe that during their blood sugar control, they only need to do a good job of blood glucose monitoring. As everyone knows, the review of diabetes needs to be carried out in all aspects, after all, there are many types of complications related to diabetes.

Therefore, while regular and regular blood glucose monitoring, patients should also regularly undergo urinalysis and kidney function screening, so as to understand the health of the kidneys. Once symptoms such as hematuria, increased number of nocturia, and proteinuria occur, we should be more vigilant about whether it is a signal of the arrival of chronic kidney disease, and timely examination is necessary.

Doctors remind: if diabetes is not controlled, it is easy to cause kidney failure, do these 3 points or can easily protect the kidneys!

In general, diabetics who have always had stable blood glucose control and have good living and eating habits can effectively reduce their chances of future kidney disease, and their chances of other complications will also decrease.

Therefore, patients should do the above points in daily life, and observe abnormal changes in the body at any time, and once problems are found, they should seek medical treatment in time for examination.

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