
He blocked the road and robbed "robbed" a wife, and later the husband and wife both became heroes of Liangshan

There are several stories of "robbing wives" in "Water Margin". One was Zhou Tong, a small bully king, who took a fancy to the daughter of Liu Taigong of Taohuazhuang, and left a dowry of twenty-two gold, a brocade as a deposit, to marry her. Lu Zhi, who passed by here, was deeply upset, stirred up yellow, and did not marry.

The other is the double-gun general Dong Ping. Liangshan attacked Dongping Province, and Dong Ping directly rushed into Taishou Province, killed Cheng Taishou, and then forcibly married his daughter as a wife. Dong Ping's behavior is disgraceful.

If da fan wants to "rob his wife", his martial arts must be higher than that of the other party, but Zhang Qing mentioned here is mediocre in martial arts. He originally grew vegetables at the Guangming Temple in Mengzhou Province, but later killed the monks in the temple because of a trivial matter, and also burned the temple. Fortunately, "the lawsuit did not come to ask", but Zhang Qing did not dare to be careless, so he hid in the cross slope to cut the path and started the business of blocking the road and robbing.

One day, two people came from the cross slope, the man was an old man and the woman was a young girl. This time Zhang Qing looked away, thinking that the old man and weak woman were easy to grab. Unexpectedly, he fought with this old man for more than twenty years, and was knocked over by the old man' flat burden.

He blocked the road and robbed "robbed" a wife, and later the husband and wife both became heroes of Liangshan

Although Zhang Qing was a farmer, he wandered through the rivers and lakes, and his brain was a melon, and when he saw it, he worshipped and recognized him as a master. When the old man saw Zhang Qing's hands and feet, he not only taught him many skills, but also recruited him to be a son-in-law.

Zhang Qing robbed and "robbed" a wife, who was the famous mother Ye Fork Sun Erniang, and later one of the three female generals of Liangshan. The couple then opened a man meat steamed bun shop. Just wait for the merchants to live, covered with Menghan medicine, cut large pieces of good meat into yellow beef to sell, pieces of small meat to make stuffed steamed buns, Zhang Qing picked some every day to sell in the village.

It seems that before the human meat bun became a finished product, the main work was done by Sun Erniang. From the nickname point of view, Zhang Qing is called Vegetable Gardener, and Sun Erniang is called Mother Night Fork, which seems to be Zhang Qing's nickname to be "gentle".

The person who made Zhang Qingsun's second wife's meat steamed bun was not necessarily a generalist, and the flower monk Lu Zhishen, who ranked tenth in Liangshan, was almost made into a stuffing. Sun Erniang overthrew Lu Zhishen, carried him into the workshop, and was about to start peeling, Zhang Qing returned, saw that his Zen staff was not vulgar, and hurriedly saved Lu Zhishen with an antidote.

He blocked the road and robbed "robbed" a wife, and later the husband and wife both became heroes of Liangshan

From this point of view, Zhang Qing is still Lu Zhishen's savior. Zhang Qing then became a brother with Lu Zhishen. When Zhang Qing learned that Lu Zhishen had nowhere to live, he recommended him to go to Erlong Mountain to join Deng Long. Later, Lu Zhishen really occupied the Erlongshan Baozhu Temple, and wrote letters to each other several times, but Zhang Qing was not able to go, and the reason was not said.

And the most legendary is, of course, the worship with Wu Song. Wu Song killed Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian and was escorted by two messengers to Mengzhou, passing by Zhang Qing's shop. Wu Song sensed that Sun Erniang did not have good intentions, so he pretended to be numb, and in the blink of an eye, he fell down Sun Erniang, stepping on his left foot, holding both fists, with the intention of fighting.

At this time, Zhang Qing also happened to be carrying a chai burden back, striding in, asking Wu Song for forgiveness. When he asked the other party whether he was a tiger hero, Na Tou worshipped and asked Sun Erniang to worship him. When Wu Song and Zhang Qing parted, they married Jinlan. "On the teeth of the year, Zhang Qing has been wusong for nine years, so Zhang Qing worshipped Wusong as a brother."

Later, Wu Song took revenge and killed people in the Mandarin Duck Tower, a hard night, his body was sleepy, his rod sores were sore and sore, he rested in a temple in the forest outside Mengzhou City, was caught by the people in Zhang Qing's shop, stripped Wu Song of his clothes, tied him to the pavilion pillar, and reported zhang Qing. Fortunately, Zhang Qing said: "I will personally peel it", recognized Wu Song, and saved him in time. If he said, "Peel it off, this kind of little thing will bother me." "That would be a tragedy. Therefore, in a sense, Zhang Qing is also Wu Song's savior.

He blocked the road and robbed "robbed" a wife, and later the husband and wife both became heroes of Liangshan

A few days later, Wu Song was wanted very tightly, and Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang disguised him as Yunyou Touto and recommended him to go to Erlong Mountain to join Lu Zhishen and Yang Zhi. Implicated in Wu Song's case, Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang certainly could not stay in the cross slope, and then went up Erlong Mountain.

It is always Sun Erniang who kills people with Menghan medicine every time, and it is often Zhang Qing who saves people at key moments. Zhang Qing is sleek, there is no concept of "gold under the knees of the boy" in his mind, his wife is "kneeling", and he and the two big hero brothers are also "kneeling". When he went to Liangshan, his greatest merit was not in his battle exploits, but in saving the lives of Lu Zhishen and Wu Song, and guiding them both to the road of robbers.

Zhang Qing ranked 102nd in Liangshan, and this seat could not be lower, and the only people behind him were his wife and a few people who did not know martial arts. And this seat may still be in the face of his two brothers, which shows that Zhang Qing's martial arts are not recognized by the heroes, and perhaps some of the little minions on Liangshan may be higher than his martial arts.

Zhang Qing participated in the conquest of Fangla after being recruited, and died in the rebellion during the attack on Shezhou. Perhaps this is the most appropriate ending for Zhang Qing. His thesis can not be an official, on the martial arts can not be a general, if he returns to his hometown, he may return to his old business, and it is not known to open a man's meat steamed bun shop.

However, in the "Biography of Yue Quan", it is mentioned that Zhang Qingsun's second wife once had a son, named Zhang Guoxiang. Originally the mountain king of Qilin Mountain, when Yue Fei fought with Jin Wushu in Aihua Mountain, he threw himself under Yue Fei's tent and became a general under Yue Fei.

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