
Change leadership, change car logo, state-owned baton shares, Southeast Automobile 2022 can be expected?

On December 23, 2021, the members of the main leadership team of Southeast Automobile made a major adjustment. Yang Hongqing stepped down as general manager, and Weng Wuquan took over. In addition, the composition of the company's directors and supervisors has also been changed. On the other hand, in order to pry the attention of the market, Southeast Automobile released a new product logo in order to cater to young people, so the question is, can the new Southeast Automobile, which was unveiled at the end of 2021, be reborn in Nirvana in 2022?

Change leadership, change car logo, state-owned baton shares, Southeast Automobile 2022 can be expected?

In order to achieve nirvana in 2022, Southeast Automobile held a "wings" conference at the end of 2021. At the meeting, Southeast Auto released a newly designed product logo, which will also be used in new generation models such as the Southeast DX9. In addition to the unveiling of the A-class SUV CROSS Southeast N7 and pure electric coupe A7 two models. For Southeast Motors, only the DX9 has been confirmed to be released and listed this year, and the new model is equipped with a 1.8T turbo engine with a maximum power of up to 180 kilowatts, which has BMW technology support, which also indicates that Southeast Motors has officially cut with Mitsubishi Motors.

Change leadership, change car logo, state-owned baton shares, Southeast Automobile 2022 can be expected?

It should be known that in the past, the models launched by Southeast Automobile, such as DX3 and DX5, are still equipped with Mitsubishi engines, and with Mitsubishi Motors gradually increasing cooperation with GAC, the decline of cooperation with Southeast Automobile has become an indisputable fact. Mitsubishi's choice to leave is also related to its withdrawal from its equity investment. Mitsubishi Motors previously held a 25 percent stake in Southeast Motors, but now Mitsubishi no longer holds any stake. In addition to the departure of Mitsubishi Motors, Taiwan's Zhonghua Automobile has also transferred the shareholding of Southeast Automobile, which makes Southeast Automobile a pure state-owned brand.

According to Tianyan, after the launch of Mitsubishi and Zhonghua Automobile, the shareholding structure of Southeast Automobile today is: Fujian Automobile Industry Group holds 47.33%, Huawei holds 5.52%, Fuzhou Transportation Construction Investment Group holds 26.07%, Minhou County Construction Investment holds about 21.08%, and Fuzhou Automobile has completely controlled the leading right of Southeast Automobile.

Change leadership, change car logo, state-owned baton shares, Southeast Automobile 2022 can be expected?

For Southeast Automobile, now that it has a state-owned platform, its development path will not be as vague as before. In the past, when Mitsubishi and Zhonghua Automobile were in control, Mitsubishi had said that if it could not obtain a 50% stake, it would not actively introduce new models. From 2004 to 2019, Zhonghua Automobile has replaced six general managers in a row, from Lin Guoming to Yang Hongqing today, but its operating performance has regressed year by year.

Change leadership, change car logo, state-owned baton shares, Southeast Automobile 2022 can be expected?

Now that there is no quarrel between shareholders, Southeast Automobile will be able to pack lightly and simply in 2022. It is not too late for Southeast Automobile to lay out the new energy track that is hot nowadays. As early as 2010, Southeast Automobile's Delica rechargeable pure electric light bus has been announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for new energy vehicles. In 2011 and 2015, Southeast Automobile successively put a total of 600 V3 Lingyue electric vehicles into the market for trial operation. Since then, Southeast Motor's new energy strategy has come to an abrupt end in 2018.

Change leadership, change car logo, state-owned baton shares, Southeast Automobile 2022 can be expected?

At present, Southeast Automobile can continue its original new energy strategy, and at the same time, it also has the technical accumulation of multiplier range and pure electric models, but it is hindered by shareholder disputes and the development is intermittent. In addition, there are a large number of high-quality parts and components enterprises in Fujian, including cao dewang's Fuyao glass and Ningde times and other giants, with significant location advantages. However, the biggest problem of Southeast Automobile at present is that the popularity is not high, and how to do a good job in marketing in the new era has become the most important problem that Southeast Automobile needs to solve in 2022.

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