
Breathing is difficult at birth, and doctors surgically reconstruct the airway for a 59-day baby

Xuanxuan (pseudonym) of Anhua County, Hunan Province, is a child with narrow airway, who had difficulty breathing at birth, underwent tracheal intubation, got on a ventilator, and the Pediatric Respiratory Intervention Team of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital and the Department of Anesthesiology and other departments underwent surgery to reconstruct the airway during Xuanxuan's 59 days, allowing children to breathe freely.

Breathing is difficult at birth, and doctors surgically reconstruct the airway for a 59-day baby

Although Xuan Xuan was young, he had many twists and turns, had difficulty breathing and larynx at birth, and the next day he had tracheal intubation and ventilator assisted breathing, diagnosed with subglottic stenosis, and was treated in the hospital for 49 days before finally discharged. After being discharged from the hospital, her mother found that Xuan Xuan still had a throat ringing, and the color behind the violent crying was purple, and the 60ml of milk was sucked by the normal child in a few minutes, while Xuan Xuan took about 20 minutes and multiple times to complete. 55 days after his birth, Xuan Xuan once again had shortness of breath and wheezing, and his family took him to a number of hospitals in the province, and finally came to the Children's Medical Center of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital.

When Xuan Xuan was admitted to the hospital, he weighed only 3.8 kilograms, had a pronounced throat ringing, purple lips when crying, and lack of oxygen. In order to solve the problem of children's airway stenosis, Zhong Lili, director of the Children's Medical Center, and Huang Han, director of the Department of Interventional Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, decided to operate on them as soon as possible, and the preoperative bronchoscopy found that Xuanxuan's narrowing subglottic cavity could only barely pass through the smallest fibronchoscope (2.8mm), so he immediately invited the Department of Anesthesiology, Radiology, Thoracic Surgery, Interventional Medicine, etc. to conduct general consultations and formulated a detailed surgical plan for him.

Breathing is difficult at birth, and doctors surgically reconstruct the airway for a 59-day baby

With the full cooperation of the Department of Anesthesiology, the Department of Interventional Pediatric Respiratory Surgery performed a transbronchoscopic airway dilation under general anesthesia for Xuanxuan, and the surgical team used laser and balloon dilation to reconstruct the child's airway, and the operation lasted more than an hour. After the operation, Xuan Xuan's face was rosy, his crying was loud, his throat and breathing difficulties were significantly alleviated, and his airway was successfully reconstructed. After a series of treatments, On January 7, Xuan Xuan was successfully discharged from the hospital. On January 13, Xuanxuan's mother sent feedback to the Children's Medical Center that the child no longer had throat ringing and shortness of breath, and the milk volume increased to 90ml. What is even more gratifying is that as long as the airway maintenance treatment is adhered to for the next 3-6 months, Xuan Xuan can grow up as healthy as a normal child.

Director Huang Han introduced that tracheal stenosis is a rare but serious threat to the life of children with airway structural obstruction diseases, normal infant airway diameter 5-6mm, Some children with narrow airways often have a small airway diameter so that even the smallest fibronchoscope (2.8mm) is difficult to pass, with age, the airway with such a small diameter is difficult to meet the normal breathing of a child, and it is easy to induce recurrent respiratory infections, and may even lead to respiratory failure, life-threatening, and airway intervention can quickly and effectively alleviate symptoms.

Director Huang Han said that Xuan xuan is young, light weight, born because of peritonitis and intestinal obstruction to do surgical operations, coupled with surgical anesthesia is facing such a young age and airway so narrow children, the difficulty of surgery is very large, each step is a great challenge, the success of the child's surgery is inseparable from the hospital's multidisciplinary team efforts. Director Huang Han reminded that the causes of tracheal stenosis are complex and diverse, and when children have cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, they should go to the hospital in time to further clarify the cause.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post reporter Xia Sheng correspondent Mao Wenjuan Ding Xiaofang

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