
The construction of the Giant Panda National Park in all aspects of the city is a collective effort

author:China Mianyang News Network

Mianyang News Network News In order to promote the co-construction, co-management and sharing of the Giant Panda National Park, comprehensively improve the level of biodiversity conservation and management in Mianyang, and promote the formation of a new pattern of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, Mianyang recently held the 2021 Condominium Council of the Giant Panda National Park.

How to build a giant panda national park with high quality? At the meeting, all relevant units unanimously agreed that it is necessary to resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of ecological environmental protection, tell the story of the giant panda national park, further excavate the development of the giant panda characteristic cultural tourism industry, drive the people around the park to increase their income and become rich, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and contribute to the creation of a high-quality giant panda brand.

In recent years, Mianyang has regarded the community as an important part of the construction of the giant panda park, and has established a community co-management mechanism in close connection with local planning. In the province, it took the lead in exploring and establishing the Giant Panda National Park Community Condominium Council, established and promoted the giant panda friendly forest agricultural products and the giant panda national park forest agricultural products origin identification certification system, and expanded and strengthened the panda theme industry. Gradually improve the social participation mechanism, promote the coordinated development of the community, and integrate resources and work together to absorb a variety of social forces to participate in the construction of the Giant Panda National Park by encouraging local residents or enterprises to participate in the concession projects of the national park.

The relevant person in charge of the Mianyang Management Branch of the Giant Panda National Park said that next, it will actively promote the establishment and improvement of a long-term mechanism for the government, enterprises, social organizations and the public to participate in the protection and management of the national park, and explore a new model for social forces to participate in natural resource management and ecological protection. On the basis of realizing biodiversity conservation, the concept of promoting conservation and development synergy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and a good atmosphere of consensus and two-way force is formed in the whole society. (Li Yunxi, Mianyang Daily, rong media, intern reporter Zeng Chen)

Editor: Li Zhi

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