
India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, all of which have been rejected

India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, all of which have been rejected

"Don't take Fubao away" has become a hot Internet meme. Koreans' broken Chinese with sincere feelings sparked discussions among netizens. "Fu Bao", a giant panda in South Korea, is very loved by the Korean people because of its cute image. Because of Fubao's return to China, the South Korean people petitioned the government to negotiate with China to pay rent, so that "Fubao" could continue to stay in South Korea.

India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, all of which have been rejected

South Korea is not the only country that loves pandas, but not every country can lease pandas. Over the past 40 years, India has made 14 requests to China to lease its pandas. However, we politely rejected all of them. Why is that?

1. Conditions for renting pandas

The panda, a unique national treasure of the mainland, is an important symbol of Chinese culture. With its unique goofy appearance and long historical background, the panda is not only an animal, but also carries the value of culture, history and scientific research. Among the many rental requirements, the rental requirements for pandas can be described as extremely challenging.

India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, all of which have been rejected

Climate and ecology are the primary considerations. Pandas prefer moist, shady environments and are sensitive to dry, hot climates. In addition, pandas are also sensitive to cold, so the right temperature range is very important.

Food availability is also a key. The main source of food for pandas is fresh bamboo, and if the leased country does not grow bamboo, fresh bamboo must be flown in from other regions to meet the pandas' needs.

Economic strength is also one of the important considerations for leasing pandas. Panda breeding, care, environmental maintenance, etc. all require certain expenses, which is not an easy task for many countries.

Facility conditions are also an integral part. Leasing countries need to provide quality cage facilities to ensure the health and safety of the pandas. Usually, the Lend-Lease Congress builds a panda pavilion specifically for pandas to ensure a comfortable and safe living environment for pandas.

India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, all of which have been rejected

Giant pandas are usually leased for scientific research or education. To this end, the leasing country needs to submit relevant plans and applications to clarify the purpose and plan of the lease. In addition, it is also necessary to comply with the mainland's animal protection laws and regulations to ensure that the pandas are adequately cared for and protected.

As for the payment of fees, the leasing country needs to pay the mainland the corresponding usage fees, including the rent, transportation costs, and breeding costs of the pandas. This is not a small amount, and it also reflects the importance of pandas in the mainland.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there are other conditions to consider, such as the duration of the lease, the health of the panda, and safety and security measures. Overall, the rental conditions of the panda are very strict, and the requirements are many and comprehensive. Only countries that truly meet all the conditions can successfully obtain the company of giant pandas.

Second, pandas can't stand India

In the face of India's application, Chinese netizens also said that our pandas can't smell "curry" and "we can't send national treasures to suffer".

The first consideration is whether the pandas can adapt to India's own climate. Giant pandas prefer to live in an environment with thin air and a humid climate. The climate of India is predominantly tropical monsoon and very hot throughout the year. In the summer, the ground temperature in India can even reach 60 degrees Celsius, which is unbearable for an ordinary person, let alone our national treasure.

India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, all of which have been rejected

India's current financial capacity is limited to provide sufficient financial support for the lease of giant pandas. The living environment and conditions of giant pandas need to be professionally raised, and a large amount of capital investment is required to ensure the quality of life and health of giant pandas.

At the same time, the annual cost of renting a giant panda is doubled, and the cost of long-term care and bamboo transportation is also expensive, which is far beyond India's financial capacity.

Health issues in India are also a topic of great concern. India's infrastructure is poor. Sanitation is poor in many places and there is a lack of clean drinking water. This has led to widespread epidemics of many infectious diseases.

Due to the large population and dense cities, the environmental sanitation conditions in many places are not very good, and the situation of garbage everywhere and sewage cross-flow is relatively common, which poses a threat to the health of pandas. Giant pandas have high requirements for the living environment and need a clean, tidy and safe environment.

India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, all of which have been rejected

In addition, the mainland is very cautious when leasing giant pandas, and there are many factors that need to be taken into account, including cultural, political and other factors. The giant panda of the mainland is a national treasure and represents the image and culture of the mainland. Therefore, only those countries that meet certain conditions in terms of culture, politics, etc., can successfully lease giant pandas.

3. World star giant panda

Pandas from the mainland are loved and sought after all over the world, and countries want to lease giant pandas, which has to pay a considerable cost.

In terms of rent, the annual rent for each panda fluctuates between 3.5 million and 7 million yuan, which is used to invest in giant panda conservation efforts in China.

The Netherlands spent 7 million euros, about 51 million yuan, to build an ultra-luxurious "panda palace" to express its sincerity in renting giant pandas. The Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark is even more wealthy, spending 24 million US dollars, equivalent to 150 million yuan, to build a "panda pavilion" specifically for our giant pandas.

India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, all of which have been rejected

South Korea's Samsung Everland mimics China's natural ecology in the process of construction, providing a familiar environment for giant pandas. They spend hundreds of millions of won a year to feed the pandas, and the cost of buying bamboo alone is high.

In addition, each cub born to a panda needs to pay China US$600,000, which must be returned to China when the red panda reaches the age of three.


Rental pandas is an act to promote international friendly exchanges and mutual benefit, which has multiple meanings such as culture, environmental protection and economy, and promotes the construction and sustainable development of global ecological civilization.

But the panda is a national treasure on the mainland, and there are many factors to consider when leasing it to other countries. Therefore, the mainland will be very cautious when leasing giant pandas, and only countries that meet certain conditions can successfully lease giant pandas.

Reference Links:

2024-05-10 "India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, but all of them have been rejected, why is this?" 》

Paper is short and deep 2024-05-10 "India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, but all of them have been rejected, why is this? 》

Jiang Qing Sun Moon Ming 2024-05-10"India wants to lease giant pandas, and has applied to China 14 times in 40 years, but all of them have been rejected, why is this? 》

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