
A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

author:Tranquil clear skies

In life, only food can not be disappointed. What is gastronomy? As the name suggests, it is delicious food, expensive with mountain treasures and seafood, and cheap with street food. In fact, food is not expensive, as long as it is what you like, you can call it food. Find your favorite taste, chew quietly, and gently savor it, with an extraordinary charm. Making food is like being a person, you must be real materials, but also to miscellaneous selection, do not blame your food because you do not have an appetite, careful cooking will become a delicious dish. With the improvement of living standards, people are more and more particular about eating, everyone is no longer satisfied with eating, but to eat well, so the pursuit of food color, aroma, taste has improved, and food has also been renamed as food. In your spare time, we carefully organize the delicious dishes from all over the world every day to share, so that we can eat all kinds of food from all over the world without leaving home, so that you who have been wandering away for many years can also taste the delicacies of your hometown to relieve your homesickness.

Walnut black sesame paste

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

-Ingredients - 100 g of black sesame seeds, 30 g of glutinous rice flour, 30 g of walnuts, 20 g of peanut rice, 30 g of rock sugar

-Do Method-1. Clean the black sesame seeds, place them in a clean oil-free pan and slowly roast over low heat

2. Wash the walnuts and peanuts, put them in a clean oil-free pot and slowly roast over low heat

3. Stir-fry the glutinous rice flour until the powder is a little yellow, there is a faint aroma, you can turn off the heat, be careful not to fry it

4. Pour the sautéed ingredients and rock sugar into the wall breaker and add water. Select the rice paste function

5. After the rice cereal function is over, you can enjoy the walnut sesame paste happily

Fresh mushroom rotten bamboo soup

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

-Ingredients - 200 g oyster mushrooms, 150 g curd bamboo, ginger shredded, salt, fresh vegetable powder, water starch

- Step-1, soak the bamboo with cold water 2 hours in advance;

2, soaked bamboo cut sections, oyster mushrooms to tear small pieces; ginger shredded;

3, add water to the pot to boil, boil the oyster mushrooms, tofu bamboo and then fish out for later;

4, add a little oil in the wok, put ginger shredded and stir-fry;

5: Pour in water, cook the bamboo and oyster mushrooms for about 10 minutes;

6, add salt and fresh vegetable powder to taste, with water starch to thin the mustard can be.

Walnut lily porridge

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

-Ingredients - 100 g of rice, 30 g of walnuts, 10 g of lilies, black sesame seeds, salt to taste

-Do Method-1. Lilies are washed and slightly soaked; walnuts are washed and chopped;

2. Wash the rice, put it in a pot with walnuts and lilies, add an appropriate amount of water, boil and cook over low heat for 40 minutes, stir a few times to better produce rice oil;

3. Add black sesame seeds and cook for another 20 minutes.

4. When drinking, you can add some salt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chicken curry nuggets

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 350 grams of chicken with bones, 150 grams of potatoes, 50 grams of green onions, 20 grams of curry powder, 2 cloves of garlic, 10 grams of flour, rice wine, chicken powder, salt to taste.


1. Clean up the chicken, cut into appropriate pieces, put it in a pot of water and cook slightly, remove the washed foam and set aside; peel the potatoes and cut them into appropriately sized pieces; cut the green onions into small pieces; and mince the garlic.

2. Put oil in the pan to 50% heat, fry the potatoes until the crust is yellow, remove the draining oil and set aside; the chicken nuggets are also fried in oil until the surface is slightly dry, remove the drainage oil and set aside.

3. Put about two tablespoons of oil in the wok, add curry powder, flour, garlic paste, stir-fry over low heat to make the aroma, add the green onion and simmer, add a small half cup of water to open the noodles, then add a rice bowl of water, put in the chicken powder and stir well, put in the chicken nuggets, cook the rice wine, heat it for 5 minutes over medium heat, then add the potatoes, adjust the saltiness, cook until the chicken is cooked and the juice is thick, pour sesame oil out of the pot.

Sweet five-treasure steamed pumpkin

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 240 grams of pumpkin meat, 5 grams of goji berries, 10 grams of cinnamon meat, red dates, lotus seeds, 5 grams of raisins, 3 grams of salt, 15 grams of sugar

Directions: 1: Slice the washed pumpkin meat; take a steaming dish, add the pumpkin slices, arrange them neatly, and sprinkle with salt

2: Add the prepared cinnamon meat, raisins, lotus seeds, dates and goji berries and add sugar

3: Prepare the electric steamer, boil the water and put it on the steaming plate, cover the lid, steam for about 15 minutes, until the ingredients are cooked thoroughly

4: Turn off the heat, remove the steaming tray, cool slightly and then eat

Crispy fish strips

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 500 grams of green fish, 100 grams of flour baking powder, 10 grams of rice wine, 2 grams of fine salt, 2 grams of minced green onion, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate 0. 5 g shallot ginger juice 15 g sesame oil 3 g pepper 0. 5 g pepper salt 1 g refined vegetable oil 750 g (actual consumption 60 g)

1. Peel and boneless the bluefish and cut it with a knife to grow 4. Marinate in 5 cm strips with sake, salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion and ginger juice, pepper and set aside for 15 minutes.

2: Mix the flour with baking powder, add about 70 grams of water to make a paste, and add 15 grams of vegetable oil after the paste is fermented.

3, the frying pan on the heat, add vegetable oil to burn to 60% heat, the fish strips are dragged one by one on the fermentation paste into the frying pan to fry and fished, when the oil temperature in the pot rises to seven ripe, the fish strips are re-fried and fished out.

4: Pour out the oil in the oil pan, add sesame oil and heat it, pour in the fish strips, sprinkle with minced green onion, pepper salt and turn the pot and plate it.

Black pepper milk fragrant apricot abalone mushroom

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 300g apricot abalone mushrooms, 5g butter, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp black pepper


1, apricot abalone mushroom wash, cut into large pieces, the thickness is not too thin, 4-5 mm can be, butter in the pot melt and heat

2: Add apricot abalone mushrooms and fry until golden brown on both sides, slightly browned edges, sprinkle with salt to taste

3: Sprinkle freshly ground black pepper and plate

Double lotus stewed pork ribs

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: lotus seeds, ribs, vinegar, ginger, green onion.

Directions: 1: Soak the lotus seeds in warm water for 2-3 hours, and pick out the green hearts in the lotus seeds.

2: Bring cold water to a boil and blanch the washed ribs.

3: Remove and put it in a container filled with warm water and wash it.

4: Pour warm water into the pressure cooker, put in the blanched ribs washed in water, drop some vinegar, put ginger slices and green onion, and heat for about 8 minutes.

5. Cut the lotus root into sections.

6: Heat the pressure cooker, remove the green onion, skim off the foam, put it into a casserole dish and pour in the lotus root.

7: Simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes.

8: After simmering for 30 minutes, pour in the soaked lotus seeds and simmer for 30 minutes.

9: Add salt to taste and bowl.

Celery mixed with peanut rice

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

   Ingredients: 250 g of peanut rice, 250 g of celery, oil and salt to taste, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 tablespoon of peppercorns, 1 clove of large ingredients,

  Directions: 1. Soak peanuts in warm water for 2 hours until the epidermis rises

  2. Remove the leaves of celery without using it, wash the celery and cut it into inches

  3. Add water to the pot, add peppercorns and large ingredients, add peanut rice, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to medium heat to cook the peanut rice

  4. Bring water to a boil in the pot, add a little salt, add celery blanched water, blanch the celery until it becomes deeper, until it is broken, fish it out, put it in cold water to cool, remove the controlled clean water and set aside

  5. Heat the pot with oil, fry the peppercorns over low heat, fry the peppercorns until slightly charred, and fish out the peppercorns

  6. Put the peanut rice and celery in a large bowl, add minced garlic, salt, drizzle with fried pepper oil, mix well with chopsticks, and put on the plate

Garlic bitter chrysanthemum

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 500g of bitter chrysanthemum, 10g of garlic cloves, 2 spoons of vegetable oil, salt to taste

1. Soak the bitter chrysanthemum in water and wash it.

2. Cut the garlic into fine pieces.

3. Stir-fry the minced garlic in a hot pan with cold oil.

4. Stir-fry the bitter chrysanthemum, add salt to taste.

Stir-fried meat with fried green onions

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Method: 1, choose with skin pig soft five flowers, process clean, sliced;

2、Cut the green onion into long pieces;

3: Heat the wok with vegetable oil to 60%, put the sliced meat and green onion into the pot and stir-fry on high heat;

4, when the meat slices are burst until the oil is just out, drizzle into the balsamic vinegar, pour in the cooking wine, and add a little sugar and ginger shredded;

5: Then pour in the clear flavor juice mixed with chicken broth, and stir-fry a few times to wrap the juice in the raw materials.

Stir in eggplant in hemp sauce

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 130 g eggplant, tahini, coriander, salt, apple cider vinegar, sesame oil

1. Clean the eggplant and coriander;

2、 Peel the eggplant, cut into small diamond-shaped pieces, control the water of the coriander and cut into finely minced;

3, sesame paste add salt, apple cider vinegar, sesame oil to mix into a suitable concentration of sesame juice;

4: Steam the cut eggplant in a steamer, let the steamed eggplant cool naturally, pour off the excess water, add the mixed hemp sauce and mix well.

Honey fried chicken steak

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 4 garlic, 1 chicken breast, minced black pepper, salt, honey

1: Cut the chicken breast into two pieces from the middle, sprinkle with salt and black pepper and mix well, take the appropriate amount of honey, add a spoonful of cooking oil, minced garlic, grasp well with your hands, and refrigerate for half a day;

2: Heat the oil, add the chicken breast, fry over low heat, fry until one side is golden and turned over, and both sides are golden.

Stir-fried pork liver with potatoes

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Method 1: Slice the pork liver and marinate the cooking wine for a while;

2, frozen one will be better cut;

3, hot pot hot oil, put ginger shredded and stir-fry;

4, put potato chips, stir-fry for a while ~ like to eat spicy plus a green pepper, put soy sauce;

5, open the heat to a large point, under the pork liver, high heat quickly stir-fry, careful old, add salt, out of the pot.

Chili peppers are sautéed with a thousand shreds

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 1,000 pieces, chili peppers, crushed chili peppers, cumin powder


1, the pepper washed and removed the stem, the seeds and shredded, a thousand pieces of shredded and then put the seasoning marinade for more than 1 hour, during which time to turn several times in order to taste;

2, wok hot oil in chili pepper shreds stir-fry for 30 seconds, add a thousand pieces of shredded stir-fry evenly;

3. Put the pot out of the pot and plate.

Tempeh lotus diced

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

-Food material - lotus root vegetable oil, tempeh sauce cinnamon powder, bamboo salt vegetable and fruit seasoning powder

-Do Method-1. Wash and peel the lotus root, cut into small cubes and soak in water;

2. Blanch the lotus root in boiling water until it is five minutes ripe, and then put it out and set aside;

3. Heat the oil in a wok, stir-fry the diced lotus root for 1 minute on high heat, add the whole flavor, tempeh sauce and cinnamon powder to taste;

4. Remove from the pan and plate.

Seasonal chickpea salad

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

-Ingredients - 50g chickpeas, 50g arugula, 50g lettuce, 20g salad dressing, 5 tomatoes


1. Bake chickpeas one night in advance and cook for 10 minutes the next day.

2. Wash the arugula and lettuce, wash the tomatoes and cut in half.

3. Place all ingredients on a plate and drizzle with a little salad dressing.

Stir-fried cauliflower with tomatoes

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

- Ingredients - 300 g cauliflower, 2 tomatoes, a little blending oil, a little salt, 1 spoonful of vegetarian oyster sauce


1. Wash and cut the cauliflower into small pieces, put in a pot and blanch the water.

2. Bring to a boil, remove the pine cauliflower and drain.

3. Stir-fry in a frying pan, add the small tomato cubes and stir-fry well.

4. Add the cauliflower after blanching.

5. Stir-fry well and add a pinch of salt.

6. Add a little vegetarian oyster sauce and water and mix well, bring to a boil and then plate.

Mango sticky rice

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

-Ingredients - 150g glutinous rice, 170m+30ml reduced fat coconut milk, a pinch of rock sugar, 1 tsp (5ml) salt, 1 mango

Step-1. Glutinous rice is soaked in advance

2. Add a total of 200ml of coconut milk to a pot and heat with rock sugar and salt until the sugar melts

3. Then take 170ml of coconut milk and pour it into the soaked glutinous rice, use the coconut milk to cook the glutinous rice, just like cooking rice, just discharge it in the rice cooker

4. Stir the glutinous rice into a bowl with a rice spoon and place the glutinous rice in a bowl before serving

5. Peel the large mango, cut off the pulp, and then slice it to set aside

6. Plate, put the sticky rice in a bowl, fold it upside down on the plate, then place the cut mangoes and drizzle the remaining coconut milk on top

Roast eggplant

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: Eggplant, green pepper, onion, garlic, sugar, soy sauce

1: Wash and cut the long eggplant into hob pieces, put it in a basin, add a small spoonful of salt and pickle it by hand for 3 minutes, so that the eggplant will not turn black after frying.

2: Wash and cut the green peppers into cubes, finely chop the onion and garlic, and scoop out the soup with your hands with the marinated eggplant.

3: Heat the oil at the bottom, sauté the onion until fragrant, stir-fry the eggplant.

4: Put the green pepper in, add a teaspoon that is a little sugar, 2 spoons of soy sauce instead of soy sauce, stir-fry until the eggplant and green pepper are broken.

5: Finally, put the minced garlic in and stir-fry evenly.

Stir the hemp juice with the tofu bamboo

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Method 1: Soak the bamboo in clean water for about an hour, soak the bamboo after soaking, drain the water and set aside; put the bamboo into boiling water and blanch it;

2, the hemp juice is mixed with soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, old vinegar, chicken powder and an appropriate amount of water, and mix into a thin sesame juice; red oil is poured into the sesame juice and mixed well;

3: Spread the cucumber shreds on the bottom of the bowl, add the blanched bamboo, put a little carrot shredded, drizzle with the mixed sauce, and mix well.

Braised pork stewed oyster mushrooms

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: oyster mushrooms, pork belly, green onion, ginger, garlic, small red pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, salt, chicken essence

1: Stir-fry the shallots, ginger and garlic in a frying pan, add pork belly and stir-fry, add sugar, salt, soy sauce and cooking wine and simmer for 10 minutes;

2: Add oyster mushrooms, small red peppers, boiling water and simmer for half an hour, add green onion and chicken essence out of the pot.

Hanging pulp eggplant

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Directions: 1. Wash the eggplant, peel and cut into clip blades. Wash the dates, put them in boiling water and boil them, remove the skin and core, add sugar and mix well, that is, the date paste filling.

2. Put the eggplant clip into the date paste filling, soak the surface with flour and set aside.

3. Put oil in the pot, when it is 70% hot, put the eggplant clip in, fry until golden brown, the surface is hard, and then drain the oil.

4. Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, add water and sugar to boil into syrup, and then put the fried eggplant clip in, quickly stir-fry, so that the eggplant hangs evenly syrup.

Roasted eggplant with tomatoes

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 1 eggplant, 1 tomato, 1 green pepper, 3 grams of sugar, 3 garlic cloves, 5 grams of cooking wine, 15 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of cooking wine, a small amount of chicken essence, sesame oil, salt, water starch to taste.

Directions: 1: Wash all the ingredients, cut into hob pieces, cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

2: Heat the wok, put in the oil, heat the oil, add the cut eggplant pieces and stir-fry, fry until the eggplant skin is wrinkled, soft and yellowish.

3: Stir-fry the shallots, ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add the tomatoes and stir-fry.

4: Add cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and salt and stir-fry evenly.

5: Cook in an appropriate amount of water, cook until the soup is dry and add green peppers and stir-fry evenly.

6: Drizzle in an appropriate amount of water starch, then add a little chicken essence and drizzle into sesame oil and stir-fry evenly to turn off the heat.

Curry carrots

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 600 g of carrots, 1 red dried pepper, 60 g of onion, 65 g of golden curry powder

1, prepare the ingredients, wash and cut the carrots into hob pieces, cut the onion into large pieces;

2, vegetable oil, onion, carrots, dried red pepper into the automatic pot, put in 3 cups of water, the amount of water is flush with the dish;

3. Cover the lid, turn on the power, enable the "dry pot" function, and the automatic pot starts to work;

4. After 20 minutes, open the lid and add curry powder;

5: Use a wooden spatula to keep stirring, avoid pasting the pot, about 3 minutes, cook until the soup is thick.

Fried potato fish

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: potatoes, eggs, sauce, thirteen spices, chopped carrots, green onions, flour

1, carrots washed and peeled, twisted into small pieces;

2, put the potatoes into the pressure cooker, press for 8 minutes to steam;

3, steamed potatoes, with a spoon pressed into mashed potatoes, put in eggs, thirteen spices, small fresh sauce, and then pour in the carrot crumble, green onion and an appropriate amount of flour, fully grasp and mix well;

4. Put it in the kitchen freshness bag, cut a small opening at the bottom triangle;

5, pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil into the pot, wait for the oil temperature to rise to 60% heat, squeeze into strips of mashed potatoes, use chopsticks to break into the frying pan and fry;

6: Fry until golden brown on both sides.

Featured lion's head

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Directions: 1, wash and peel the yam, chop; 5 hard-boiled eggs peeled; minced yam added to the meat filling, add 1 raw egg, and mix well in the seasoning, stir in one direction.

2: Wrap the peeled and boiled eggs in the minced meat and make 5 large balls.

3: Heat the pan to 8-9, fry the meatballs until the surface is golden brown.

4, another pot, put large balls in the pot, add accessories, boil and change to medium-low heat, while cooking while using a soup spoon to scoop up the juice on the balls, cook for about 30 minutes, add rock sugar until dissolved, water starch hook sauce to collect the juice.

Pepper eggplant

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 1 round eggplant, 2 peppercorns, 3 green onions, 1 piece of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, 5 coriander, 10 peppercorns, 5 grams of salt, 6 grams of light soy sauce, 4 ml of rice wine

Method: 1, wash and cut the eggplant, soak in light salt water for 10 minutes;

2, green onion, ginger and garlic into minced, green pepper cut into strips, coriander stalks and leaves separated, minced garlic also separated on both sides;

3, under the cool oil of the peppercorns, fry out the aroma and fish out, add onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry;

4, add eggplant, add an appropriate amount of salt in the process of stir-frying, fry until the eggplant becomes soft, cook a small amount of rice wine, add a little boiling water, cover and simmer for a while;

5: Add shredded green pepper and coriander stalks, sauté until raw, add a little soy sauce to taste, and finally add coriander leaves and another part of minced garlic, stir-fry well.

Corn soup with pig's trotters

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: fresh corn, large ingredients, green onion, ginger slices, pig's trotters, mushroom essence, salt

1: Wash and cut two pig's trotters into small pieces, pour out the water in a pot of boiling water, and re-add water with a casserole, pig's trotters, ginger slices, green onion, and large ingredients.

2: Turn the heat to low after boiling, add fresh corn segments after cooking for one hour, continue to cook for one hour, add salt, mushroom essence, and get out of the pot.

Apricot abalone mushrooms in eggplant sauce

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 2 apricot abalone mushrooms, tomato sauce, salt, oil, green onion

1: Cut the apricot abalone mushroom into small hob pieces.

2: Put water in a pot, add salt and oil, boil the water and add apricot abalone mushrooms to blanch the water. Remove after two minutes, drizzle and set aside.

3: Put oil in a pan, heat the oil and add the green onion and stir-fry.

4: Pour in the tomato sauce and stir-fry over low heat.

5: Add blanched apricot abalone mushrooms and stir-fry evenly.

6: Add salt to taste.

Pickled pepper potato shreds

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: Potatoes, pickled peppers, peppercorns, salt, ginger, dried chili peppers

1、 Cut the dried pepper into small pieces, slice the ginger, cut the pickled pepper into strips, peel the potatoes and shave the shreds;

2, potato shredded too cold, control dry water;

3, boil the oil, lightly fry the fragrant peppercorns, and then fish out the peppercorns;

4, put the dried pepper and ginger slices to fry fragrantly, put the shredded potatoes, stir-fry for 2 minutes on high heat, put the pickled pepper and the pickled pepper water;

5: Add a little salt, continue to stir-fry on high heat for 2 minutes, out of the pan.

Eggplant balls

A selection of 32 dishes, simple and tasteful, easy to make is your favorite taste

Ingredients: 1 tomato, 300 g minced pork, 1 egg white, 1 spoonful of sugar, 1 spoonful of vinegar, light soy sauce, starch, cooking wine, salt

1: Peel and chop the tomatoes, add salt, starch, soy sauce, 1 egg white, 1 spoonful of cooking wine and mix well.

2: Knead the minced meat into small balls and set aside. Heat the oil in a hot pan and heat it to 80%. Add the meatballs and fry until golden brown.

3: Turn the meatballs over and fry them until the whole meatballs are golden brown.

4: Pour out 90% of the excess oil in the pot and leave 10%. Stir-fry the tomatoes and boil the water in the tomatoes to dry.

5: Add a spoonful of sugar and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add a spoonful of vinegar and stir-fry for 30 seconds to turn off the heat, turn off the heat, heat up and serve.

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