
Jiajun Wangbei Zi Yunqi: A Kangxi prince who had no sense of actual existence but lived past seventy years

Among the twenty-four sons of the Kangxi Emperor, except for those who died prematurely, only two survived for more than seventy years, one was the twelfth son of the Emperor, Prince Yunqi, and the other was Yun Qi, the twenty-third son of the Emperor Beizijiajun, who had no practical presence among the kangxi emperor's sons. The two of them allowed Qi to live to be seventy-eight years old, and Yun Qi lived to be seventy-three years old. They were definitely old people at that age.

Yun Qi was born on November 28, the 52nd year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1714 AD), and his mother was a Han daughter surnamed Shi. This year the Kangxi Emperor was already sixty years old.

Because Yun Qi was born to a Han daughter, and her mother's status in the palace was very low, Yun Qi and his mother had no sense of actual existence at all during the Kangxi period, and the history books did not record that the Kangxi Emperor had any special concern and love for this child, and at the same time did not mention what was outstanding about Yun Qi.

Since Yun Qi was born relatively late, he was three years younger than the son of his fourth brother Yin Chan, Hongli Shang, so he was fortunate not to be involved in the political vortex of the elder Kangxi sons "Nine Sons and Concubines".

Jiajun Wangbei Zi Yunqi: A Kangxi prince who had no sense of actual existence but lived past seventy years

After the Yongzheng Emperor succeeded to the throne, from the first year of Yongzheng (1723 AD) to the fourth year of Yongzheng (1726 AD), the emperor used the strength of the thirteenth brother Yin Xiang the Prince of Yi, his uncle Long Keduo, the Yongdi Nucai Fuyuan general Nian Qiyao and others to conduct a comprehensive liquidation of the Cheng Prince YunYu, the Lian Prince Yun Yu, the Bei Zi Yun Yu, the Dun Commandery Wang Yun'e, and the general Wang YunYu who participated in the "Nine Sons and Concubines" dispute. They should be degraded, they should be cut, and they should be persecuted to death. I believe that many readers here will be misled by The Yongzheng Emperor by Mr. February River, and will think that the "Eight Masters Party" has been fighting the Yongzheng Emperor for eight years before it is all finished. The real historical Prince Of Lian, Yun Yu, has been waiting for Yongzheng since he succeeded to the throne with only one dead end.

Because Yun Qi was still young, he was not even qualified to watch the tragedies of his own flesh and blood, so after Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he handed him over to the palace to live and study with his sons Hongli and Hongzhi.

It may be that Yun Qi's learning and riding and archery skills are not very good, and since the Yongzheng Emperor's regime was fully stable, he sealed the brothers who did not participate in the "Nine Sons and Concubines" dispute one by one. The youngest of them was all of the gushan beizi rank, and only Yun Qi was made the duke of Feng'en Town. This title was the lowest of all the Kangxi sons, which showed the low level of Yun Qi's sense of existence.

Jiajun Wangbei Zi Yunqi: A Kangxi prince who had no sense of actual existence but lived past seventy years

Yun Qi was made the Duke of Zhenguo by the Yongzheng Emperor on February 18, 1730, and his mother Shi Shi was also promoted to "Emperor Kao Guiren".

After the death of the Yongzheng Emperor, the newly succeeded Qianlong Emperor, in order to ease the tension between his family and even more to win people's hearts, the Qianlong Emperor successively rehabilitated and rewarded his uncles.

On October 24, the thirteenth year of Yongzheng (1735 AD), the Qianlong Emperor issued a decree to Yun Qi that "emperors examine all their brothers to be crowned with Grace, but Yun Qi is still a duke, and he is given the title of Belle, in order to show the intention of Beinghold Andi." Soon after Feng Yunqi was made Dorobele, the Qianlong Emperor promoted Yunqi's biological mother Shi Shi from a nobleman to a concubine, and called him "Emperor Zu Jing Concubine".

Yun Qi belonged to Wen Chengwu's generation, and the Qianlong Emperor wanted to come and go and entrust the Lama Temple to him. However, Yun Qi was indeed not angry, and he did not understand such an idle errand, for which the Qianlong Emperor once reprimanded Yun Qi and punished him.

Nine years later, the Qianlong Emperor sent Yun Qi to Shengjing to manage the affairs of the Three Tombs outside Guanwai. The three tombs are the Yongling Tomb of Hetuala (the tomb of the Qing Taizu Nurhachi Father), the Fuling Tomb of Shengjing (the Qing Taizu Nurhachi Mausoleum) and the Zhaoling Tomb (the Taiji Mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of the Qing Dynasty). Since then, Yun Qi has lived in Shengjing for forty-one years as the minister of affairs of the Sanling Emperor of Guanwai.

In the past forty-one years, due to Yunqi's dereliction of duty, he has been reprimanded and punished by the Qianlong Emperor many times, the most serious of which was in September of the nineteenth year of Qianlong (1754 AD), when Yunqi was demoted to the rank of Duke of Zhenguo for making many mistakes. It was not until twenty-eight years later that the Qianlong Emperor remembered that he was old enough to recover, and in this year Yun Qi was already seventy years old.

In the forty-ninth year of Qianlong (1784 AD), Yun Qi, who was already seventy-two, was given the title of King of Qianlong Emperor Jia County, and still ate Dorobele Fenglu.

The following year, at the age of seventy-three, Yun Qi died in the post of Prime Minister of Sanling outside the Shengjing Pass.

Jiajun Wangbei Zi Yunqi: A Kangxi prince who had no sense of actual existence but lived past seventy years

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