
In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

Author: Mingyue

On May 11, 1949, less than 5 months before the founding of New China and 16 days before the liberation of Shanghai, it was the time when dawn was approaching, but the darkness was thicker than ever.

On this day, at a execution site arranged by Jiang Jun in Shanghai, several "traitors" were escorted here to prepare for execution. Hearing that the "traitors" were to be publicly executed, almost 10,000 people around the execution site were empty, and the crowd rushed to the side of the execution site, pointing at these "traitors" and scolding them, clapping their hands and applauding.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

But on the execution ground, unlike the other prisoners who were trembling next to him, a middle-aged man's back stood tall, and he was calm in the face of the spit and even rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves of the surrounding people.

After a while, the middle-aged man's face gradually showed a smile, until the smile dispelled all the haze at the scene and became the most brilliant light in the entire execution site.

At that time, an American reporter just came to the execution site with a camera, wanting to make some records, when his eyes fell on this middle-aged man, he could no longer move away, and in shock, the subconscious "click" of his fingers pressed the shutter, recording the last scene of the life of this "big traitor" in Jiang Jun's mouth.

Sixteen days later, when Shanghai was fully liberated, the "big traitor" who laughed and died generously was posthumously recognized as a martyr by the People's Liberation Army, and his true identity and secret deeds were finally known.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

The first "rebellion": Zhu Datong "defected" from the organization and became a secret agent of the Central Unification

When he was a child, Zhu Datong's family was not particularly rich, but it was not particularly poor, which also gave him the opportunity to read and read when he was a child, and later Zhu Datong became a teacher in a rural school, and by chance, he was exposed to the idea of carrying out ideas, and joined the organization, determined to contribute to the success of the revolution through his unremitting efforts.

Zhu Datong had a solid cultural foundation and a very flexible style of doing things, so he was quickly reused by the organization and served as an inspector of the Xuzhou Special Committee and the secretary of the Xiaoxian County Party Committee.

Logically speaking, Zhu Datong's future can be said to be bright, but what no one expected was that it was not long before Zhu Datong directly "betrayed" the organization, became a powerful eagle dog under Chiang Kai-shek's commandery, and even raised a "butcher knife" to his comrades.

At that time, the Japanese army had already supported a puppet puppet in the northeast, which made Zhu Da and other hot-blooded men full of indignation, and soon Zhu Datong organized a riot in his hometown of Xiao County, and he personally served as the leader of the riot brigade.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

However, at that time, the balance of strength between our side and Chiang Kai-shek's army was too great, so this rebellion soon ended in failure, and Zhu Datong had no choice but to flee in the direction of Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, and during the three years of his escape, in the face of Chiang Kai-shek's wanton killing of our members, Zhu Datong seemed to finally be unable to bear it, and finally surrendered to the Chiang clique, and soon became absorbed into the Central Unification, and because he took the initiative to help the Central Command, he successfully arrested Guo Zihua, secretary of the Sulu Yuwan Special Committee who was fighting against Japan. As a result, it has gradually been valued by chiang group.

In order to get promoted faster, Zhu Datong returned to Xiao County, and by virtue of his familiarity with the area and his super work ability, he carried out search and suppression operations, and even used himself as an example to show up, destroying the anti-Japanese united front that our army had so hard to establish in the local area, and turning the former Red Xiao County into a base for Chiang Kai-shek's army.

Later, the retreat of the Fourth Division of the New Fourth Army was passing through Zhu Datong's defensive area, and Zhu Datong actually took the initiative to lead two battalion-sized militia regiments under him to launch an attack on the New Fourth Army, hoping to eat this New Fourth Army in one bite and ask for credit from the Chiang clique. Although the New Fourth Army had just withdrawn from the front line and was in a weak state at this time, the militia forces in Zhu Datong's hands naturally could not help but win the New Fourth Army, and this operation ultimately ended in failure.

Zhu Datong's behavior was disgraceful, but it allowed him to fully demonstrate his ability and loyalty within the Chiang clique, and since then Zhu Datong's promotion road has been smooth, almost rocket-style promotion.

The second "rebellion": Zhu Datong was arrested and surrendered by the Japanese army, and was spurned as a "big traitor"

Just when Zhu Datong was most satisfied, the accident suddenly came.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

At that time, with the defeat and retreat of Jiang Jun' step by step, Xiao County had become a fallen area behind enemy lines. Once, because of the betrayal of the traitors, Zhu Datong fell into the encirclement of the Japanese army and was arrested, and soon Zhu Datong surrendered to the Japanese side, and the Japanese even put the matter of his surrender on the newspaper, which read in black and white: "Zhu Datong is willing to fight with the Japanese against the Chinese army" Confession, thus Zhu Datong completely became a "big traitor" who aroused public indignation.

The third rebellion: joined the "Sun WenIst Revolutionary League" and wanted to plot an anti-Chiang Kai-shek army to welcome the People's Liberation Army to cross the river

Later, Zhu Datong, who became a "traitor of the Great Han," took advantage of the Japanese army's laxity and escaped, and actually returned to his official post within chiang's clique, but with the surrender of Japan, Chiang's successive major defeats in the northern battlefield and the central plains battlefield, and the fate of defeat was almost doomed.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

These three betrayal experiences made Zhu Datong a "three-surnamed family slave" in the eyes of everyone, not only the generals of the Chiang Kai-shek Army gritted their teeth at him, but even the ordinary people also thought that he was "despicable and shameless" and "inflammatory", and he hated it very much.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

The counter-offensive and armed uprising launched by Zhu Datong was eventually suppressed by Chiang, which ended in failure, and Zhu Datong was arrested by Chiang Kai-shek in Wuxi and then escorted to Shanghai.

This time, Zhu Datong naturally did not turn to Jiang Jun again, and soon Jiang Jun was sentenced to death for the crimes of "traitor" and "traitor to the country and seeking glory", and decided to execute him. Zhu Datong stained the execution ground with a heroic smile, and he did not look like a traitor who had been executed for his sins, but like a martyr who had generously died for the cause of the revolution.

Is it a traitor or a red agent? The truth is gradually being uncovered

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

What everyone did not expect was that such a "big traitor" spurned by everyone was posthumously recognized as a revolutionary martyr by Shanghai in 1950. In 1981, Zhu Datong was posthumously recognized as a martyr by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He was twice posthumously recognized as a martyr, and in 1999, the 50th anniversary of his death, the Retired Cadres Department of Henan Film Studio also printed a thousand books dedicated to the martyr Zhu Datong, the title of which is "Deep Remembrance", which shows the official respect for the martyr Zhu Datong. With the official affirmation of Zhu Datong's martyrdom, the truth behind it has gradually surfaced.

It turned out that Zhu Datong had always been a staunch red agent of our side, and the so-called three betrayals were only "blindfold methods" used to cover people's ears.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

Take the matter of Zhu Datong's arrest of Guo Zihua, secretary of the Sulu Yuwan Special Committee, after zhu Datong's defection, in fact, he was not abused or even killed by Zhu Datong later, and it was precisely with Zhu Datong's secret help that Guo Zihua finally escaped and was able to escape from the clutches of Jiang Jun.

On the surface, the two sides seem to be fighting fiercely, but if you study the battle examples carefully, you will find that the two sides have basically lost nothing in the battle, and there is obviously a certain tacit understanding between the two sides, so that such a "battle" can occur until the point is reached and there are almost no casualties.

Later, in various official explanations, it was also proved once again that Zhu Datong was indeed entrusted by the organization at that time to join the Central Unification in order to break into the Chiang clique, and when the martyr Zhu Datong was inside the Chiang Kai-shek Army, he also continuously collected all kinds of intelligence, and later led the Chiang Kai-shek Army under his command to fight hard against the Japanese army, dealing a heavy blow to the rampant Japanese puppet army at that time.

As for Zhu Datong's surrender to the Japanese army, it was repeatedly discussed and questioned by many people, after all, throwing himself into the side of Chiang Kai-shek can be explained by carrying out underground activities, but how to explain being captured by the Japanese army and surrendering?

At that time, many people thought that Zhu Datong was a big traitor, and even now, there was a debate in some articles discussing Zhu Datong.

The answer lies in the book "Deep Remembrance" triggered by retired cadres of henan film studios in 1999, in which hou Xingsheng, a guard who finally rescued Zhu Datong from the Japanese Kou, recalled the incident.

The article records that at that time, because of being betrayed by traitors, Zhu Datong and an anti-Japanese detachment were surrounded by the Japanese army in a big red potato cellar, and several young students were also trapped here.

Soon, the Japanese army began to shoot into the red taro cellar, causing some casualties, in order to protect the students and members of the detachment behind him, Zhu Datong finally had to take the initiative to walk out of the red potato cellar and was captured while asking the Japanese army to ensure the safety of other people's lives.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

As we all know, the Japanese army has always been cruel and tyrannical in its treatment of prisoners, and in order to achieve the goal, it is often more frightening to become a japanese prisoner than to make direct sacrifices, so Zhu Datong chose to endure torture to protect the lives of his compatriots behind him, which is actually even greater.

Sure enough, Zhu Datong was brutally tortured by the Japanese army after being captured, and the Japanese army used various methods of torture to extract confessions, but zhu Datong, who was iron-boned, did not tell the Japanese Kou a word.

Later, the Japanese army took Zhu Datong to a place where he kept wolf dogs, and in front of him, he let the wolf dogs bite and scratch other Chinese, and once threatened to scare him, Zhu Datong was dismissive.

Various means were used against Zhu Datong, but the Japanese army was never able to make him spit out information, or surrender to his own side, so he had no choice but to send him to Xiao County and imprison him, and fabricated the "fake news" of Zhu Datong's surrender to Japan, and wanted to force Zhu Datong to "make it true" through the power of public opinion and really surrender to the Japanese army.

However, no matter what means the Japanese army used, Zhu Datong never hesitated to waver, and he knew very well that although he was now a "big traitor" in the eyes of the outside world, the outside world was full of dust, and it was impossible to make his heart dusty.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

Taking advantage of the most sluggish time of the Japanese puppet army in the Mid-Autumn Festival, under the rescue of the guards Hou Xingsheng and others, Zhu Datong finally escaped from the clutches of the Japanese army and returned to Chiang Kai-shek's army to continue to participate in the battle against the Japanese army. According to statistics, under the leadership of Zhu Datong, his troops fought with the Japanese army dozens of times, and under the circumstance that the disparity between the enemy and our forces was extremely large, they eliminated more than two hundred Japanese puppet troops, absolute anti-Japanese heroes.

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

In an English roster compiled by the Shanghai Local Chronicle, the names of many heroes and martyrs are recorded, and the names of zhu Datong martyrs are impressively among them, and the description of my "underground worker" is clearly and clearly written on the back, so it can be said that Zhu Datong's martyr status has been fully proved. Looking at the photos of the martyr's generous death now, people finally understand why he smiled calmly. Because on this day, he finally saw that the ideal he had worked for all his life was about to be realized, and the dawn was coming, even if the price he needed to pay was the disappearance of his life, he was also extremely pleased!

In 1949, Zhu Datong, a "big traitor", smiled and was killed on the execution ground, and 5 months later he posthumously recognized the martyr

Although the identity of the martyr is unquestionable, because of the particularity of Zhu Datong's work and identity, many important figures on our hidden front and the post-war layout were involved, and the official announcement was not made official, nor could it be fully announced. Therefore, to this day, the outside world still has doubts about Zhu Datong, but this reflects the greatness of the martyrs on the hidden front! Just as on the execution ground decades ago, the martyr Zhu Datong smiled and faced the crowd of accusers, so shocking.

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