
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!

6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!
6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!

(Side support for hip lift)

(Supine rowing)

(Squat Jump)

6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!

People over 30 years old must serve the old

Don't stay up late

Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day

Get off the subway one stop early

Go outdoors more

Not partial to food, picky eating

Meat, eggs, milk and beans should be eaten a little

Reject foods that are high in oil, sugar, and salt

Do not smoke and drink less alcohol

If you're not yet 30

Just follow this article

Start taking care of yourself

If you are already in your 30s

It is even more important to seize the time to be better for the body

By the time I was 40, it was really too late

Welcome to share this article with those around you

It doesn't matter if he is 20 years old, 30 years old, or 40 years old

Review expert: Zhao Shuqing | deputy chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the Third Hospital of Peking University and chief physician of the Physical Examination Center

6 characteristics of starting to age, both men and women should take a look!

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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