
Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and the result was that something went wrong

Zhu Yuanzhang made an upper link, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each exchanged a lower link, and the result was that something went wrong.

It is said that in the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, the world was in chaos, uprisings in various places, and the wind and clouds were surging, and among the many rebel army ranks, Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youyu were the strongest. Later, Zhu Yuanzhang defeated Chen Youyu and, of course, destroyed the Yuan Dynasty, so a new dynasty in Chinese history was born, it was the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang was the founding prince of the Ming Dynasty, known in history as "Ming Taizu".

Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and the result was that something went wrong

As the king of a country, Zhu Yuanzhang gave birth to a total of 26 sons in his lifetime, and among these many sons, Zhu Yuanzhang's favorite is his eldest son Zhu Biao. There is no doubt that Zhu Biao was made crown prince early and waited to receive Zhu Yuanzhang's class, but Zhu Biao's life was thin and he died young at the age of 37.

It is reasonable to say that Zhu Yuanzhang should change his son to crown prince, but Zhu Yuanzhang really loved Zhu Biao too much, so he did not choose his own son, but made Zhu Biao's son, that is, his grandson Zhu Yunjiao, the emperor's grandson, in order to inherit the throne in the future.

Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and the result was that something went wrong

Zhu Yunjiao was generous and benevolent, and his talent was also good, which was very pleasing to Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Yuanzhang would have to give him some important things from time to time in order to "establish his will" for Zhu Yunjiao, and sometimes in front of many ministers, he would take a test of Zhu Yunjiao's studies.

One day, Zhu Yuanzhang, surrounded by ministers of culture and military affairs, was fortunate to drive south of the city, and after a tour, Zhu Yuanzhang set up a banquet to enjoy with the courtiers. During the banquet, Zhu Yuanzhang was once again on a whim, so he sent someone to summon the emperor's grandson Zhu Yunjiao, and asked him in public: "I heard that your studies have improved again?" Na Shuo will come out today to test you. ”

Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and the result was that something went wrong

Zhu Yunjiao hurriedly knelt down and bowed: "The Emperor's ancestors have been ordained, and the grandchildren have listened to them." Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and slowly recited a sentence of shanglian:

Wind blowing a thousand lines in a horsetail

Zhu Yunjiao listened, thought about it for a moment, and immediately came out of the next link:

Rain sprinkles wool a piece of felt

Zhu Yuanzhang saw that his imperial grandson was so agile, so he did not savor it carefully, so he raised his wine glass and drank with the courtiers, obviously, Zhu Yuanzhang was very satisfied.

Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and the result was that something went wrong

Zhu Yuanzhang finished drinking a glass of wine, and as soon as he put the wine glass on the case, he suddenly said: "Dear Qingqing, who can come back to the pair?" Although Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and appeared so sincere, the ministers were very interesting, and no one was willing to go out and meet with the Emperor's grandson.

However, although the ministers all had this in mind, Zhu Yuanzhang's fourth son, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, did not see it this way. Zhu Di got up from his seat, came to Zhu Yuanzhang's front, knelt down and prayed: "Sons and daughters are not talented, I am willing to sacrifice a pair, and please ask Your Majesty to be a holy book!" ”

Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and the result was that something went wrong

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Di and smiled, "Wu'er is right, but you can get up and answer." Therefore, Zhu Di also recited a sentence of the following link:

Rizhao Dragon Scales Ten Thousand Points Gold

After Zhu Yuanzhang listened, he couldn't help but be very happy, but in the depths of Zhu Yuanzhang's heart, he suddenly had an unspeakable taste, because Zhu Di's lower joint was obviously more neat than Zhu Yunjiao's, and more importantly, Zhu Di's lower link was not only neat, but also exuded a kind of imperial domineering!

Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and the result was that something went wrong

In this way, Zhu Yuanzhang began to have a problem with the establishment of Zhu Yunjiao, and he understood very well that the selection of the heir of Daming Jiangshan could not be based on feelings alone, although he liked Zhu Yunjiao very much, but if he thought about it carefully, the person who was more suitable for running Jiangshan should be his fourth son Zhu Di.

Since Zhu Yuanzhang had such an idea, it would certainly be slowly revealed, and this expression of emotion was bound to be felt by Zhu Di, and it was precisely because of this that it laid the groundwork for the "Battle of Jing" launched by Zhu Di against Emperor Jianwen (Zhu Yunjiao) later.

Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and the result was that something went wrong

This was the killing machine buried by the "pair incident", Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the upper league, Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Di each paired up, and as a result, something really happened later; we have to sigh: a "pair" has laid the groundwork for future court infighting, which is really a creation and trickery!

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